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    Use "a time" in a sentence

    a time example sentences

    a time

    1. the afternoon, and twenty seconds in the evening to do ten push-ups at a time? One minute out of the twenty four hours you have in your day to do ten thousand nine hundred and fifty push-ups this year? Come on now,

    2. You commit a time to work on that

    3. They were quiet for a time, Jorma worked on his forth cup of this ale, knowing he was going to feel it tomorrow

    4. There had been a time in his life when he wanted Tdeshi, when he wanted the nonstop party, the headlong rush

    5. • It eliminates more than one at a time

    6. He could do it at a time when the presentation was getting loud, and everyone had their attention diverted

    7. It was almost like a time capsule, a time capsule from when pathogens were imperfectly controlled

    8. So we have a situation where a person has to bear the additional responsibilities of his children and parents at a time when he is due to retire

    9. Johnny bounced down the stairs of his house two at a time, landing on the main floor with a loud thump that took him into a slide toward the kitchen

    10. They can be set in place to water as long as necessary, and are especially effective if placed on a timer

    11. "Herndon; I've had a geosynchronous out there since 2267, its still operational," Ava in heaven said, "I have all the probes that can pick up its signature in close orbit, no point on the surface will be out of sight for much more than an hour at a time

    12. There eventually came a time when the pirates refused to take Tiny Robot Archimedes into colder waters, mostly due to it being winter and their having an unwillingness to die

    13. To achieve this, you can focus your mind into an object at a time

    14. "Well, sometimes it's nothing at all but sometimes we're talking tens of thousands at a time

    15. This was a time of speculation

    16. They were unloading those pallets with all due haste, but due to the fact they were doing it by hand, even the big guy could only carry four of the figurines at a time to where they were re-stacking them in a space down one of the smaller aisles

    17. A little at a time he had revealed to her the painful memories

    18. "Add to this a punitive weekly interest of 100% over a time period of exactly four weeks and your debt with us comes to a total of 36 grand

    19. He believed at a time when the physical nature of things was in direct

    20. swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless

    21. Pretty steady for a while as well, but then there was no activity for a long stretch and in the last 3 months she, or someone, has been withdrawing a couple of thousand at a time

    22. Whatever it was, it soured her on playing with cherubs for the evening, and for quite a time thereafter

    23. without the mark of human death, a time when lone wolves would appear as out of the

    24. Everything seemed so vivid to her and she had so much to think about it was hard to remember a time when she didn't like to think at all, like the day before yesterday, and every day before that for years and years and years

    25. "I have all the probes out that can pick up its trace, no point on the surface will be out of sight for much more than an hour at a time

    26. She had experienced the bind and had rejected it after a time

    27. Man in love ---> (shouting) Kill me a time, you expect!

    28. “To pretend to please everyone is mad, but to pretend to please everyone in a time of

    29. The discoveries reported by Brazil agreed with data the Christial's had reported for a time early during their stay

    30. For a time I asked myself inane and stupid questions

    31. Now if you assumed that they allowed twelve millivolt logic over there, you could get enough logic to run one soul at a time, serially

    32. He said, "I’m flipping the switches one set of systems at a time so you can

    33. Because he had four, there were never more than four on the platform in front of them at a time

    34. There was just enough circuitry to run four different cherubs, one on duty at a time, to simulate the technician's portal to that universe

    35. It was unlikely that anyone would be trying to make a new friend at a time like this without an ulterior motive

    36. All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

    37. Do you really think there’ll be a time when you’ll take back the world? Is that what the Americans tell you? Is that what they say in your chapels?”

    38. He wondered what would happen then? He would never know it had happened would he? There would just be a time slice he never received

    39. Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess

    40. ‘Yes, she came across when she was seventeen to work for a time at an archeological dig in the Bristol area … we don’t know the details but she became pregnant

    41. She saw a time to come when the world would be at peace and left without the mark of human death, a time when lone wolves would appear as out of the air to reclaim their eternal place in the heart

    42. “To pretend to please everyone is mad, but to pretend to please everyone in a time of revolution is treason

    43. When he was complimenting her on her liveliness, she thought this would be as good a time as any to have the talk they needed to have

    44. History shows us that if the first forsake the community, for a time, to advance himself

    45. There is still a time coming when darkness is cast out and we remember our tears no more

    46. A time of roses,

    47. He busied himself loosening her boots, lifting one foot at a time to draw them off, all the time casting glances at her face as if measuring and assessing her state of mind

    48. Her first rendition of how it worked was 5, attn#, 5, 4 digit session id, 5, 4 digit address modifier or subsession id, 5, 1 digit random data, in groups of 2 or 3 at a time, every 1000 – 5000 packets, 5, 0 to about 1 million digits of data

    49. There is a time in any hack when you cry 'we're in' and the data lies open to your perusal

    50. In a way this was such a time, or at least close to it

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