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    abating example sentences


    1. That is to say, that her sacred royal majesty of Great Britain shall, in her own name, and that of her successors, be obliged, for ever hereafter, to admit the wines of the growth of Portugal into Britain; so that at no time, whether there shall be peace or war between the kingdoms of Britain and France, any thing more shall be demanded for these wines by the name of custom or duty, or by whatsoever other title, directly or indirectly, whether they shall be imported into Great Britain in pipes or hogsheads, or other casks, than what shall be demanded for the like quantity or measure of French wine, deducting or abating a third part of the custom or duty

    2. As we approached California waters on the third morning, (I had to check my diary to believe it; yes, only the third morning) the storm showed signs of abating

    3. said twice that, fortunately, the symptoms seemed to be abating after a few weeks

    4. The groping problem in Japan does not appear to be abating

    5. Returning to the compound of Quetzalcoatl, the Pyramid of the Moon resembled a volcano, flames were gushing from the temple situated on the summit, I learnt later that Coatl had taken the last of the hellfire into the pyramid and that it had been burning for two hours with no sign of it abating, the fire was obviously feeding off some other fuel or flammable goods that had been stockpiled inside the pyramid, I placed all the Tolteca on alert expecting some sort of backlash for the destruction of one of Teotihuacan’s major religions, but a strange thing happened

    6. don‘t have a crystal ball, I just don‘t see this abating anytime

    7. On the average High Street or strip mall however, in the supermarkets and clothing stores, there is a price war waging which shows no sign of abating

    8. There is an aspect to Summer that hurts from whence all pleasure is measured and beyond the sense of one the other and the electric revelry of transient blisses spread thin like the breeze suddenly abating

    9. 1680, the poetattempts to indicate the gathering and abating fury of the ghostly revelby the successive lengthening and shortening of

    10. his head was abating and he could think more clearly

    11. Cleo probed through her 3-D map for Zetor, but her heartbeats began abating one by one, as she couldn’t find him anywhere

    12. She was enchanted, but fell the gravity beneath her feet abating and the temperatures mounting

    13. Their self-confidence began abating

    14. cigar smoke while the abating rain drummed on the roof

    15. But as this sudden seizure showed no sign of abating, he

    16. for me; at which, feigning to be somewhat softened, and abating of the

    17. The hunter, like the savage whose place he filled, seemed to select among the blind signs of their wild route, with a species of instinct, seldom abating his speed, and never pausing to deliberate

    18. Fired, however, now beyond all bearance of delay, he remounts, and begged of me to have patience, stroking and soothing me to it by all the tenderest endearments and protestations of what he would moreover do for me; at which, feigning to be somewhat softened, and abating of the anger that I had shewn at his hurting me so prodigiously, I suffered him to lay my thighs aside, and make way for a new trial; but I watched the directions and management of his point so well, that no sooner was the orifice in the least open to it, but I gave such a timely jerk as seemed to proceed not from the evasion of his entry, but from the pain his efforts at it put me to: a circumstance too that I did not fail to accompany with proper gestures, sighs and cries of complaint, of which, "that he had hurt me

    19. Candlesticks, however, show that the trend is abating because of the gap in real bodies by the Doji Star

    20. Already the sudden storm is passing, and its fierceness is abating

    21. For the purity of her intentions she could answer; and she was willing to hope, secondly, that her uncle’s displeasure was abating, and would abate farther as he considered the matter with more impartiality, and felt, as a good man must feel, how wretched, and how unpardonable, how hopeless, and how wicked it was to marry without affection

    22. For the purity of her intentions she could answer; and she was willing to hope, secondly, that her uncle's displeasure was abating, and would abate farther as he considered the matter with more impartiality, and felt, as a good man must feel, how wretched, and how unpardonable, how hopeless, and how wicked it was to marry without affection

    23. But still driving on in the wake of the whales, at length they seemed abating their speed; gradually the ship neared them; and the wind now dying away, word was passed to spring to the boats

    24. The fire was abating; the wind was followed by a sudden calm, and then a fine drizzling rain fell

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