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    Use "absolutely not" in a sentence

    absolutely not example sentences

    absolutely not

    1. His response was, "ABSOLUTELY NOT" but the priest said he would like to meet privately

    2. There is absolutely nothing wrong in giving nature a helping hand

    3. A kranjan fears absolutely nothing and makes no effort to cover it's tracks

    4. Matt was so very happy to find somewhere he could just lie back and do absolutely nothing

    5. 4 What is this passage even doing here? It has absolutely nothing to do with the ‘Trouble Valley’ story whatsoever


    7. were absolutely not here a year ago

    8. He found absolutely nothing

    9. My education has provided me with another perspective on my life by showing me that much of what I experienced was environmental and had absolutely nothing to do with me

    10. And of course there was her „It Takes a Village," a sophomoric tome that did absolutely nothing to encourage intelligent discourse in America

    11. The clause means what it says, which is that Congress, and by extension the other branches of the National Government, shall do absolutely nothing either pro or con a religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise of religion

    12. Or how about Darwin, whose theory of evolution , involving random mutations leading to a process of natural selection to the survival of the fittest may tell us a few things about minor changes in birds and moths, but tells us absolutely nothing about the origin and descent of man

    13. Political power has absolutely nothing to do with it

    14. I readily admit to having been one and further, the past seventy years have done absolutely nothing to better the situation

    15. Having absolutely nothing to do with women

    16. Think about it: if the Apartheid laws had never existed and SAP had all those years only focused on crime, do you think they would be thought of today as an “instrument of oppression?” Absolutely not! Would the Security Branch have existed in the form it took on in later years? No

    17. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by attacking residential areas

    18. And I was acutely aware that I was wearing absolutely nothing under the coat he had given me

    19. What I do or don’t do about it is my decision, not yours, and my reasons for not calling the police have absolutely nothing to do with protecting your friend! I simply don’t want to talk about it with anyone, especially anyone in a corrupt police department where Mike Henderson has friends and influence, and I have no proof

    20. Sylvia knew absolutely nothing about horses, but commercial advertising in equestrian magazines for similar animals convinced her of the enormous potential for profit

    21. Absolutely nothing can go wrong

    22. Steve looked at me and replied in a very strange way which I didn’t expect or liked at all because it involved doing absolutely nothing:

    23. “Oh no, you’re not! Absolutely not! That’s enough of you sticking your neck out!” He twisted the key in the ignition and pulled out into traffic

    24. How could he? He knew nothing, absolutely nothing, about her

    25. As far as copying is concerned there is absolutely nothing we or anyone else can do if someone wants to copy

    26. For the first time for ages I did absolutely nothing that I care to commit to paper

    27. It had absolutely not appreciated the large amount of wine followed by a run the next morning

    28. absolutely nothing! You need to stop bitching about the little that you got and

    29. I have absolutely nothing to do with Uncle Steve after that

    30. How did you use those seconds? If you wasted them?, Can you still use them? Absolutely not! Reality will just give you two more seconds, and now the real question becomes?: "How will you use what nature has given you? Will you let it waste or will you create? If you choose to create, what will it be? A picture from the mind of someone else?, or will it be an original picture only to be seen from the graces of a miracle of nature: your individual conscious choice to create

    31. Again we say: We don’t practice any form of idolatry, we have absolutely nothing to do with it! If you reason like this, a rude awakening awaits you

    32. You see dear reader, in my 25 years plus of Bible study (which means absolutely nothing anyway) I have witnessed time and time again, the golden truth of the following Words of Jesus:

    33. Sometime you have to decide if you are a follower of God and His Word (instructions), or the word of the church and her false teachers whom teaches that there is absolutely nothing wrong with cremation

    34. You achieve absolutely nothing when you take that which is wrong and try and force it to be correct, because the majority says it is

    35. I am not trying to say we all have to start burying this way, but for them that have no other means financially – why not? There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, even from a biblical perspective

    36. commanders to exchange niceties and tell them absolutely nothing

    37. “It’s good for absolutely nothing

    38. “Absolutely not! He used to pray every day for his brother, so that he would never have to be Khan

    39. “Absolutely not,” he barked into the phone

    40. And what have you done about it? Have you brought Koflanovich in for questioning? Have you searched Cerise for guns or stolen property? I don’t like that Cory went to the press, but I can certainly understand it considering that the police have done absolutely nothing to stop them

    41. “Absolutely not,” I replied, “unless you bring an Irish girl as a date

    42. contribute absolutely nothing to the car, some continue to argue that it does

    43. Of course, on all Mongol ships the crew knows absolutely nothing about their destination, so I looked on with amusement

    44. “Absolutely nothing,” Huss answered

    45. The problem is, Harry, that there is absolutely nothing I can do about the way I feel

    46. [Note: if the topic has absolutely nothing to do

    47. The weighty silence lasted several seconds before the Pastor said, “There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more important for us to do right now than take time to reflect on our relationship with our creator

    48. $241 million, Mobil paid absolutely nothing in taxes

    49. FREE exchanges it costs absolutely nothing to join

    50. How many negotiators have failed at the negotiating table because of their vices – things that have absolutely nothing to do with their businesses? It is at the negotiating table that we realize life and business are synonymous – they cannot be separated

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