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    Use "abused" in a sentence

    abused example sentences


    1. Some of his work is very upsetting – children being abused … wives being beaten … I’ve never worked out if it is worse for him having to defend the aggressors or to prosecute them … either way, he has to delve far too deeply into people’s lives

    2. Most of the passengers were herded onto an old bus whereas my bit of the queue, and by that I mean myself and an older man carrying a huge cabbage, was cramped inside the rear of a much abused and dented van which was to be our very own shuttle up the mountain to Sophia

    3. Whether one is overtaken by the lies of whatever religion in which they are immersed, or if they have a valid mental illness, or if someone was abused by their father as a child -- it all comes down to the same thing

    4. a stressful world all chemicals are not used but abused

    5. “I think I should never have abused her

    6. Have you ever been abused or beaten in your lifetime?”

    7. After that I was abused and isolated and I never considered it again

    8. ‘It seems likely that she was abused as a child

    9. ‘I feel you ought to know that Chrissie has been ill treated, abused in the last few weeks

    10. Children who have been abused may display:

    11. Let me start with my “feelings” about being abused

    12. abused, the sheer terror of just surviving till the next day?

    13. You abused me emotionally and physically

    14. As an abused child, others placed me in this box

    15. It is natural for those who are abused to become abusers, but Jesus wisely advised us to turn the other cheek

    16. Of two or three hundred weight of provisions, which may sometimes be served up at a great festival, one half, perhaps, is thrown to the dunghill, and there is always a great deal wasted and abused

    17. Eventually, the abused girl managed to run through a gap between two of the girls, crying profusely as she was escaping

    18. From being raped and abused by Kleon's sleazy men, to being rescued by a rough soldier looking for his wife, to extracting information from a drug dealer

    19. "She took her own life because of all of you! The school wouldn’t help her when she turned to someone for help!" she turned back to the crowd, now noticing the four girls who abused Rosabell, grouped together at the right side of the crowd

    20. In its own nature it is just as advantageous as any other, though, perhaps, somewhat more liable to be abused

    21. It is advantageous to the great body of workmen, notwithstanding, that all these trades should be free, though this freedom may be abused in all of them, and is more likely to be so, perhaps, in some than in others

    22. That bounties upon exportation have been abused, to many fraudulent purposes, is very well known

    23. The Elf continued; “We must discover only the verity of three things---besides the nagging discordant changes in their command structures---from this particular collection of vermin: Do they pester only select systems; if so which ones? Are their conscripts abetting them willingly or are they truly abused into service? And most importantly: How many more gangs like this are there out there? I realize that last bit of data may be the most slippery to determine

    24. Senta made it up through the most wretched of the lower decks and stumbled up into what had to be the less abused conscripts' 'dormitories

    25. Poor child, you were abused

    26. But I abused others because I was abused

    27. Fear of releasing one’s guard is especially common among victims of trauma, such as abused women and children, and veterans with PTSD

    28. had the air of a dishevelled and mildly abused

    29. Animals who have been abandoned, especially those who’ve been abused, as we suspect Autumn had been, are often the sweetest, so relieved to have found steady love that they give theirs freely

    30. The same does not hold for humans, which is why the excuse that an abusive adult was abused as a young child will not do

    31. I came round and tried to move but I cried out in pain the whole of my body felt abused I tried feeling down myself to check for injuries but apart from feeling as though a mule had kicked the shit out of me I didn’t seem to have any serious injuries

    32. Nixon abused the power of the IRS no more than did JFK or LBJ

    33. This much abused word should be understood as rational self-interest, not as absolutely neglecting the rights of others

    34. Africans support a winner and a hand wringing fool who is easily parted with his money for decades is really not seen as a winner but an idiot to be abused

    35. This is one argument you cannot win for if you know or suspect you aid money is stolen or let us be nice and say abused then why do you not rectify the situation as any honourable man will do? Your lack of action in this regard means two things to us

    36. What is the worst what can happen when you get this aspect of abused aid under control? When you say "right guys, from now on no money unless

    37. It is in the nature of criminals to complain to their longhaired liberal lawyers that they have been abused by the police

    38. It was really difficult for us to communicate properly and sometimes the criminals abused our lack of language skills

    39. Many a genuine couple were abused in this way

    40. As long as the Queen is happy the Englishman was pretty fair in his worldview, which is often abused these days, but that’s another whole topic

    41. Therefore I made sure to look away when we were injected and abused

    42. One cadet abused this rule by deliberately fooling around until the PT Instructor stepped in to sort him out

    43. ) And if you shot someone at too close a range it would leave powder marks on his clothing and/or body, leading to the courtroom scenario: “Please explain to the court why you executed the poor serial killer whose human rights you have cruelly abused in doing so

    44. It is always amazing to me to see how the volunteer workers are abused into miserable conditions whilst the fat cats sit in their luxury offices at home

    45. There is of course a big element of truth in this statement and it is indeed abused sometimes

    46. We lived for car chases but it was not something to be abused

    47. The Van Rooyens did not look like paedophiles but then what do paedophiles look like? It is a fact by the way that most abused children are abused by a family member or friend

    48. This gave us a lot of power which we used (note, not abused) to great effect

    49. Unrecognised and much abused everywhere, and Apartheid described as “a crime against humanity” which indeed it was

    50. This was seriously abused by the Liberation Movements and let me explain this statement

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    Synonyms for "abused"

    abused ill-treated maltreated mistreated

    "abused" definitions

    used improperly or excessively especially drugs

    subjected to cruel treatment