Use "acquiring" in a sentence
acquiring example sentences
1. “After you two bungled acquiring the Super Chip, I put my superior intellect into action trying to pinpoint its new location
2. Knowing that physical life is temporary, behaviours are more focused towards acquiring valid knowledge to move to spiritual maturity
3. While the gentlemen were engaged in acquiring rail tickets, Harry and the Spelman ladies enjoyed a light brunch
4. yet been compromised; we lost several good agents acquiring this information
5. In this state of things, the whole produce of labour belongs to the labourer; and the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, is the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity of labour which it ought commonly to purchase, command, or exchange
6. Neither is the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity which it ought commonly to purchase, command or exchange for
7. the time, labour, and expense of acquiring the talents, but for the discredit which attends the
8. thousand occasions of acquiring honour and distinction which never occur
9. If, notwithstanding a great rise in the price, it still continues to prevail through a considerable part of the country, it is owing in many places, no doubt, to ignorance and attachment to old customs, but, in most places, to the unavoidable obstructions which the natural course of things opposes to the immediate or speedy establishment of a better system : first, to the poverty of the tenants, to their not having yet had time to acquire a stock of cattle sufficient to cultivate their lands more completely, the same rise of price, which would render it advantageous for them to maintain a greater stock, rendering it more difficult for them to acquire it; and, secondly, to their not having yet had time to put their lands in condition to maintain this greater stock properly, supposing they were capable of acquiring it
10. Mother’s older sister was a hetaera -- they’d decided that Geneia showed great promise of acquiring the sacred calling, too
11. Most businesses spend the bulk of their time, effort or money on acquiring
12. They were not, however, capable of acquiring property
13. Such tenants, being freemen, are capable of acquiring property; and having a certain proportion of the produce of the land, they have a plain interest that the whole produce should be as great as possible, in order that their own proportion may be so
14. But a young man, who, instead of applying to trade or to some profession, should employ a capital of two or three thousand pounds in the purchase and cultivation of a small piece of land, might indeed expect to live very happily and very independently, but must bid adieu for ever to all hope of either great fortune or great illustration, which, by a different employment of his stock, he might have had the same chance of acquiring with other people
15. You are never happy with what you have and are always trying to acquiring more material things
16. If you receive a package, then it indicates that you are acknowledging certain feelings or acquiring new resources
17. “All thrusters reverse and acquiring exit buoy guidance signals
18. The Huntress really only had to track one member of his disparate fleet---Ustra's ship, the Gammadil---Husim wouldn't let his only lead toward his prize out of his grasp after finally acquiring it
19. Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation; and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, they are always contrary to the private interest of the governing part of it, who would thereby be deprived of the disposal of many places of trust and profit, of many opportunities of acquiring wealth and distinction, which the possession of the most turbulent, and, to the great body of the people, the most unprofitable province, seldom fails to afford
20. and in compensation admitted to the same freedom of trade with its fellow-subjects at home; the number of its representatives to be augmented as the proportion of its contribution might afterwards augment ; a new method of acquiring importance, a new and more dazzling object of ambition, would be presented to the leading men of each colony
21. Others, without acquiring the property, obtained leases for terms of years, of the lands which they occupied under their lord, and thus became less dependent upon him
22. blasphemed cavern with your corpse as well as theirs, seeking my answers elsewhere and acquiring
23. Raven’s mind boggled at where she could have gotten cream from, but she seemed capable of acquiring so many things inside the prison he didn’t even ask
24. He would pass any intel to the team on his return, Central Council acquiring it without need for a request
25. They were acquiring a computer-like efficiency at the expense of the more artistic traits: a true fuzzy logic
26. pending his acquiring an attorney
27. So when they were caught it caused a notable uproar, and their earnest explanations of their miraculously acquiring an ability to swim swimming capability fell on deaf ears, and they suffered accordingly for being “f horrible nasty longhaired liberals with f communists viewpoints having f dared to lie to their PT Sergeant, but not to worry, such f behaviour will be cured by him, PT Sergeant Whomever by the grace of general Coetzee blah blah blah
28. “We’re both earning a nice profit and we’re actually acquiring quite a reputation in Kentucky
29. acquiring all the unfortunate "ear-marks” of the
30. The biblical account seems to imply that it indicates behavior antithetical to the instructions that they had already received or were in the process of acquiring
31. Understanding the lesson that we need to learn from a challenging experience, as well as acquiring specific knowledge sooner than planned, will shorten the experience and avoid new similar ones
32. On the surface it meant “extending authority by acquiring territory or by the establishment of power and influence over other nations
33. They’d been doing some heavy acquiring over the past few years
34. They had just started acquiring clothes for the following spring, and she had seen Manda’s photos and said they were interested in getting some pieces for her
35. They had just started acquiring clothes for the following spring, and she had seen Manda’s photos and said they were interested in getting some pieces from her
36. acquiring it and then itself withers away
37. Enough if you stop acquiring
38. where one company is thinking of acquiring or merging with another
39. An everyday understanding of information suggests that acquiring in-
40. em suddenly ‘makes sense,’ but that is not the same thing as acquiring
41. Other than acquiring detailed knowledge of the dynamics of the industry—how TV and radio work—Roy cared about the details of station operation about as much as he sought to understand how his mechanic kept his cars running
42. ”19 Pops’ strategy after acquiring a newspaper with cash, if not on hand then readily borrowed from a bank, was to let the local management run it
43. Despite a senior secretary’s statement to Mundell in the Ithaca Journal article published July 8, 1991, that one of Roy’s mottos was “We never sell anything,” he undertook personal negotiations in secret and dumped the Scranton plant at a discount price to thwart and hopefully discourage his son from acquiring and operating the balance of his outdoor empire
44. "And they who returned their branches two-thirds withered and one-third green are those that were faithful indeed; but after acquiring wealth and becoming distinguished amongst the heathen they clothed themselves with great pride and became lofty-minded and deserted the truth and did not cleave to the righteous but lived with the heathen and this way of life became more agreeable to them
45. “Even when your business is all about acquiring information?”
46. One of the girls’ favourite methods of acquiring new pets was to buy them and then
47. I have a process for acquiring a customer
48. When the announcement was made about Comcast acquiring Plaxo, the blog spin turned negative and the conversations took over
49. However, let us just consider the recent Comcast announcement about acquiring Plaxo
50. Additionally, the council could be under an NDA and shortly before acquiring Plaxo the council could be used as a “catchball” of feedback