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    Use "actuality" in a sentence

    actuality example sentences


    1. The Church not only endorses this, but in all actuality prefers this

    2. We will think that we are actually protecting God’s name, but in actuality we are bringing an offense because we are out of sync with His character

    3. Who God is in actuality is what the kingdom of God will be

    4. Or “in what location?" It is important to know the truth, actuality verses

    5. Conviction or proof? Irony of the repressed actuality of the

    6. In actuality, he faced the broken wall of a hovel

    7. The actuality is that a

    8. into an actuality by the energetic output of the

    9. actuality, eventuality and realness of the manifestation of

    10. For even if your biological rate of entropy in actuality was reduced by a factor of a thousand, inside TIAR it could well progress at the perceptibly normal rate for a human; someone who had lived to be the equivalent of elderly in chronological years, biologically may have aged less than a year

    11. He couldn’t at first tell whether of not she was actuality pleased to see him, but she said, ‘Oh, it’s you

    12. In actuality it was an elevated chair housing a multifarious array of interface equipment

    13. The moon was officially unoccupied since the war; in actuality the Nine still had their subterranean base on the dark side; undoubtedly the Darangi were also present, which begged the question: why had they not prevented the creation of this time machine? The drones her allies used had scanners which penetrated the lunar rock; essentially there was nowhere to hide

    14. It looked as if she floated on nothing in the middle of the sky, but in actuality she was standing on the deck of an invisible airship

    15. There is a livingness about it, an actuality; it

    16. actuality — here lies the danger as well as the way out

    17. per hour (the difference between the two), but in actuality, light from the perspective of the

    18. actuality of the present state gives the experience of change

    19. In actuality, an honest chance to do anything you want


    21. Truth --- Conformity with fact or reality; verity --- the truth of a statement; a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like, such as mathematical truths; and actuality or actual existence

    22. of illusion, an actuality that represents the objective violation of our preconceptions but whose

    23. out how acceptable it in actuality is

    24. But it is odd to argue against the actuality of the theory, for the theory tends

    25. Words that seemed to be in sound, sweet to her natural ear and comforting, but in all actuality were sealing her doom

    26. familiars--were, in actuality, the Devil or at least a demon and that

    27. in actuality, most males were whorehounds

    28. when, in actuality, most saves are made at the shore line, where it

    29. exist only potentially, but not yet in actuality, and there are those who wish to

    30. On the other hand, a ‘strong measurement’ attempts to be highly accurate in each observation — immediately collapsing the wavefunction to this or that actuality

    31. In actuality, no time is required, because both „distanced" objects are really part of

    32. However, in actuality, there is one force that can hold

    33. all actuality, this can also be considered the number one rule in business in general

    34. But in actuality it is the Matrix that keeps us slaves to our mentality

    35. actuality was not as bad as he had thought it would be

    36. 8 There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality

    37. Kim ho-Taung, the Assistant Trade Attache at the Chinese Embassy (in actuality, the representative of the Chinese Intelligence Service in Africa) was relating this information to the Ambassador…

    38. but the actuality of how and what makes them tick are grounded in

    39. The peace of Jesus' mind was founded on an absolute human faith in the actuality of the divine Father's wise and sympathetic overcare

    40. What I am proposing is that in actuality the reverse of that simple phrase is true: believing is seeing

    41. In actuality, the Earth is about halfway between two civilizations soon to be at war

    42. easily confuse a poem with a simple game, when, in actuality, the

    43. They are run just so the average person thinks they are participating in their own lives, when in actuality the entire process is meaningless

    44. You may later discover your dad was, in actuality really dead

    45. In actuality, the Japanese is Chinese in origin

    46. there was an opening in the middle which was in actuality a

    47. I’m sure you’ve seen numerous examples of technological processes that seemed to be working when in actuality nothing was happening

    48. In actuality, we never achieve what we want in life; we only strive to bring what we want closer to existence

    49. Although in actuality the creation story of Adam and Eve is probably

    50. actuality mount a woman 3-on-1 style and that they finished

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    Synonyms for "actuality"

    actuality presence life reality being animation

    "actuality" definitions

    the state of actually existing objectively