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    Use "adaptor" in a sentence

    adaptor example sentences


    1. Step4: After battery is connected, test the circuit with some appliance like an adaptor

    2. to copper or to lead adaptor onto the waste

    3. olive and the male thread of the brass adaptor

    4. Wind in the alkathene adaptor fitting a couple

    5. where the downpipe crosses the drain adaptor

    6. positions where the adaptor goes into the drain

    7. and where the downpipe goes into the adaptor

    8. car seat adaptor that hooks onto the rolling luggage people

    9. Bacon began to sell his Tote Tot—the car seat adaptor

    10. he might not have discovered this useful adaptor for not just

    11. “If you use the micro SD in an SD adaptor, you can have large capacity storage

    12. joined Carter who was choosing the proper adaptor to connect the APU to the Horizons main engine consoles

    13. In their rucksack they will have an adaptor that can function using any electrical system in the world

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    Synonyms for "adaptor"

    adapter adaptor

    "adaptor" definitions

    device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible