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    Use "advisability" in a sentence

    advisability example sentences


    1. Having had second thoughts about the advisability of working as a community organizer in Buttermilk Bottom for the Atlanta Legal Aid Society following graduation from UCLS, I was receptive in April 1968 to Nick Fee’s suggestion that I interview for a job opening that had just come in

    2. Another thankless task was re-doing Maria’s research of all 50 states’ statutes regarding the necessity, or at least advisability, of filing so-called “pre liens” on ALL jobs that EI undertook

    3. Asaph in Psalm 73 had the same questions and wondered the advisability of doing things the biblical way, whether in the circumstances it would not be better to follow the way of the world:

    4. He thought out the advisability of inaugurating the spiritual kingdom with a brilliant and dazzling display of power -- and such a course would have been permissible and wholly within the jurisdiction of Michael -- but he fully decided against such a plan

    5. He contemplated the advisability of driving his sword through his companion's back without further hesitation

    6. ‘There was a minor row,’ explained Roopa, ‘raked up in the local press about the advisability of spending millions on them, bringing the schemes for the poor to a grinding halt

    7. NB there is dispute over the advisability of

    8. hands for the purpose of considering the advisability of holding the usual Beano later on in the summer

    9. At last the crowd could stand it no longer, and began to shout `Hear, hear' and to bang bits of wood and hammers on the floor and the benches; and then, after a final repetition of the statement, that the object of the meeting was to consider the advisability of holding an outing, or beanfeast, the chairman collapsed on to a carpenter's stool and wiped the sweat from his forehead

    10. the advisability of sending Pork abroad on the horse with some greenbacks to try to buy food

    11. We were not far outside Taunton and we had been speaking amongst ourselves of Inns where we might pass the next Night, and of the advisability of stealing Horses if we could not buy ’em—when we came upon the most piteous Sight the Eyes may behold: that of a furious Man beating an Animal within an Inch of its Life

    12. But we must recognize that in favoring the lower yielding first-mortgage issue, the bond buyer is in fact expressing a lack of confidence in his own judgment as to the soundness of the business—which, if carried far enough, would call into question the advisability of his making an investment in any of the bonds of the particular enterprise

    13. Nevertheless, if we take into account not only the effort required to make a proper selection but also the greater efforts entailed by the subsequent repeated check-ups, and if we then add thereto the still inescapable risk of depreciation or definite loss, it must be confessed that a rather plausible argument can be constructed against the advisability of fixed-value investments in general

    14. Throughout this book I’ve written about the advisability of trading within your comfort zone

    15. Lebeziatnikov, solely in order to discuss with you the hopeless and destitute position of your relative, Katerina Ivanovna (whose dinner I was unable to attend), and the advisability of getting up something of the nature of a subscription, lottery or the like, for her benefit

    16. The fundamental idea of the congress is the necessity (1) of diffusing among all people by all means the conviction of the disadvantages of war and the great blessing of peace, and (2) of rousing governments to the sense of the superiority of international arbitration over war and of the consequent advisability and necessity of disarmament

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    "advisability" definitions

    the quality of being advisable