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    Use "aerobics" in a sentence

    aerobics example sentences


    1. I also like another guy: It is Themis, the aerobics instructor

    2. I flirt him openly during the aerobics session, just like all women in class do; especially the married ones surround him ostentatiously during the lesson, preventing any single woman from approach him! Themis smiles and dallies with all women, giving them hope for something more

    3. New hopes: Themis, the aerobics instructor, has invited the whole class to a restaurant tomorrow night! Needless to say, I will join the party and I already wonder what I could do to catch his attention

    4. Pretty soon all the married women in our aerobics class will be his regular clients and one of them -a swarthy forty-year-old widow with two children will go steady with him

    5. This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn't hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security

    6. why aerobics aren’t the best kinds of exercises for losing fat

    7. Aerobics or cardio is another form of exercise that, far from being useless, is not

    8. You'll see that even after years and years of aerobics – they are stil

    9. There is one very popular “curly haired” proponent of aerobics that has been on

    10. He has lost weight but even after years and years of aerobics, he

    11. “So you able to hit the early aerobics class or what?” he asked me

    12. ‘Can you tell me why my mother isn't going to water aerobics anymore?’ She smoothed down her already straight suit jacket and stared directly into my eyes

    13. Aerobics & cardio training are grossly over-rated and over abused

    14. Aerobics is tough work, but when you’re lean and slender, and guys are drooling

    15. and deal with the symptoms of stress by exercising (jogging, running, aerobics, etc

    16. As we did aerobics my mind was stil wondering over the things that happened last night

    17. In Sweden in particular, there are researchers who discovered that walking through a game of golf equals to about forty to seventy percent of intense workout in an aerobics class

    18. The Training section of the game is broken down into four sections: Yoga, Balance Games, Strength Training and Aerobics, all of which can be done without spending the $89

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    Synonyms for "aerobics"

    aerobic exercise aerobics tumbling acrobatics exercices

    "aerobics" definitions

    exercise that increases the need for oxygen