Use "alike" in a sentence
alike example sentences
1. Over 400,000 tons of pesticides are applied each year by American farmers with less than one-tenth of one percent actually reaching targeted pests! A main source of contamination of our soil, water, air and food, as well as being highly inefficient, this method of pest control places at risk the health of the farmer and consumer alike
2. When the courts and the assemblies failed them, when words and gestures like his own proved futile, the Barcs finally turned on friend and foe alike
3. The more they spoke, the more they saw how alike they were, which at times both found kind of spooky
4. They al1 proved to be remarkable children who could speak telepathically to dragons and humans alike
5. ’ I said ingenuously, and he has the grace to concede that he and Peter are alike in some ways
6. When something is alike it is considered to have agreeable
7. minded people, though not alike
8. The young man ignores comments from punters and comic alike, leans on the bar, and orders a pint of snakebite
9. “You are, but so was Tdeshi, in that you are alike
10. All, but those few, not only accepted the quirky little family but enjoyed their company and respected their accomplishments as peers in the common struggle with the elemental forces: time and nature, which dogged all of humanity alike
11. Mandy Hill was now a respected restauranteur with no little acclaim in the circles of gourmands and critics alike across four states
12. Any minute or two with you and there is no doubt you are alike only in surface
13. meant his guards and prisoners alike eating and laughing with loved ones
14. As Harry had become a dominant force in both, his decision to remain through the summer was welcomed heartily by instructors and practitioners alike
15. geniuses and teenage hot bodies alike
16. How far off could he have been in his initial guess of the number of floors he'd come up? Could he have been off by six? The floors were a lot alike
17. inhabitants and visitors alike had fled in terror
18. They looked nothing alike
19. Her dark gray cloak, splattered with crimson and ripped in a few places, would have to be removed before she re-entered Solitude, so as not to invite further curiosity from guards and townsfolk alike
20. Crew and conscripts alike gave the lumbering devil a wide berth as he passed
21. Rows of gleaming teeth and glowing eyes alike shone and flashed
22. Green, rolling hills…rocky cliffs…mountains…gleaming statues of Divines and mortal heroes alike dotting the countryside…
23. He describes it as a frame of mind “in which nothing definite is thought, planned, striven for, desired, or expected, which aims in no particular direction and yet knows itself capable alike of the possible and the impossible, so unswerving is its power…” [183] The author quotes his teacher as saying, “The right art is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede
24. It mattered not how much he reminded himself of the genuine praise heaped upon him by officers and fellow recruits alike for his surprising deftness with a blade - even two at once
25. is very alike existing in a state of grace
26. They are alike and are
27. It was the weakest point of the wall, and archers and Thanes alike flanked it in great numbers to reinforce the position
28. Golden Arrows and Lead Arrows alike were lining the hallways, talking animatedly in corners
29. Arrows and Guardians alike clung to each other in the storm as they watched everything burn
30. As the mother of Jesus, friends and relatives alike have asked me repeatedly to write the story of my life with Him
31. If a stranger had entered the room at that moment, they might have, on first glance, taken the two women for sisters, so alike were they
32. 'We're very alike, you and me
33. Only the insane could think me and him alike
34. there were a good number of novices, officers, and seamen alike, that had to go through the rituals, and they were all submitted to the initiatory rites
35. they were fair to all, officers and men alike
36. We were a lot alike, Boots and I
37. It lay in ruins, decimated, rubble from the ancient buildings and new office blocks mingled alike in a mile-wide scattering of stone
38. He has enlisted an army and recruited the men from many kingdoms, mercenaries and so called adventurers alike
39. Blackmail? What could she hold over both parties? Economic trouble? That would be a disaster for government and business alike, but she could hardly start a recession by willing one into existence
40. Left and right, they were sending pointed shafts of death into the ranks of pirates and mercenaries alike
41. Inherent in the selection process is a disturbing tendency common among most attorneys of ―nullifying‖ clear-minded, informed individuals in favor of unsophisticated, impressionable types who may otherwise render a ―favorable‖ verdict predicated upon individual biases and pedestrian prejudices likely to promote the arguments of prosecutors and defense attorneys alike
42. I‘m keeping my fingers crossed that Republicans and Conservatives, alike, will keep their campaign promises as outlined in their ―Contract with America‖, limiting the size and scope of government
43. Perhaps non-believers and skeptics alike, inspired by the Word, albeit unknowingly, who have followed the examples of Christ‘s Teachings in a ―non-religious‖ manner, may likely achieve eternal salvation through their own ―good‖ works‖ inspired by teachings many summarily ―reject
44. She had thought each suitor would be more and more alike as they got to the end, but to her surprise she was finding their level of malfeasance to be escalating
45. This program will be contracted by public and private interests who will assume joint ownership rights in this collaborative effort designed to (efficiently) usher commuters, travelers and shoppers alike to their appointed destinations without (much) fuss or bother
46. Indifference to customary (religious) attitudes is a cause of grave concern; especially among practicing Christians and (Orthodox) Jews alike who perceive the gradual erosion of the underlying principles and teachings of proud (religious) traditions and its demoralizing effect on society; of Christians and Jews in name only who are routinely abandoning their churches and synagogues while shedding their religious customs and beliefs in alarming numbers to worship before the alter of the ―golden calf‖
47. The aftermath of the Second World War was a period of adjustment for victor and vanquished alike
48. When principles of non-violence are either self-contained or practiced unconditionally under circumstances (otherwise) calling for a measured response, (sound) judgment and common sense appealing to the requirements of a peaceful, well-ordered society that every citizen (otherwise) owes an obligation, and whose conspicuous merits, perhaps laudable in some instances, however questionable at other times, and where (such) natural impulses are routinely rejected, even more remarkably when Property and Person and at times the Nation, are at risk by (anti-social) individuals determined to provoke harm; weighs in the balance, and where (institutional) recourse is problematical or uncertain, an (individual) is required, inasmuch as it lies within that individual‘s capacity to do so, to discourage such annoyances as they may present themselves to that individual as well as that individual‘s family and friends, however contrary to that individual‘s ―nature,‖ lest that individual‘s misplaced pacifism further encourage mischief makers and bullies alike, by providing license to habitually upset the harmony and safety of private and public concerns as it (otherwise) suits their primitive whims
49. Americans were once as much alike as they were uniquely different
50. This sporting pogrom is another transparent attempt engineered by Feminists (men and women alike) who are hoping to advance a unisexual agenda aimed at feminizing robust young boys and transforming them into