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    Use "all things" in a sentence

    all things example sentences

    all things

    1. you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things,

    2. There are lots of small things one can deliberately do to maintain a positive atmosphere even when under difficult situation

    3. Intuitions can be small things

    4. Holy Spirit is here to us to teach us all things

    5. This will lead to the below steps, then proceed on to the organic disease higher stress levels in all things associated with this soil

    6. It’s weird but I feel like I should remember more about my dad but it’s only some small things that stay vivid in my head while the rest kind of fades away

    7. This home is as much yours as mine in all things but to sell, as I hoped you understood by now

    8. Once you become aware of your truth, you will come to know that all things are possible

    9. This is the same stream of energy that that created the universe, and all things in it

    10. This unified field of energy, that runs through all things

    11. Remember, we are all co-creators with this unified field of energy that created this world and all things in it

    12. As your knowledge about yourself grows deeper, so is your connection to the higher power and your union with all things

    13. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

    14. not to be affected by people’s reactions; call things that are not as though

    15. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was

    16. and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have

    17. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over

    18. all things to the church,

    19. But as with all things the time of man will end

    20. that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a

    21. time by contemplating the vagueness at the heart of all things

    22. can gradually change the real situation, when you do not call things by

    23. fauna of this long forgotten refrain at the edge of all things, found contentment in the

    24. Zedikiah is known as the king who had no spine meaning that he wanted to be all things to

    25. I didn't contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday's excursion was one of Alexander's tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn't allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don't demand anything

    26. “What in the name of all things holy do you want with me, you sons of whores?”

    27. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to

    28. The “Top Spot” is reserved for Jesus! “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18)

    29. If it is our utmost desire to please the Lord in all things (and what is the point of calling ourselves Christians if we do not submit to the headship of Christ in all matters?), we will go to the Word of God to learn the Lord's will on this matter

    30. The confusion that I felt about all things seemed now to be the natural state of affairs

    31. All things considered, it was much nicer than I thought; the asram has been improved a lot since 1992: A spacious cottage has been built to the west, and another one is under construction nearby

    32. all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3)

    33. All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

    34. above all things, have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the

    35. “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which they possessed was his own; but they had all things common” (Acts 4:32)

    36. When He chose to eat, God had at that point placed in effect the cosmic redemption of all things

    37. This man who suffered more than anyone else that I know – save Christ – was able to then stand upon Mars Hill and tell them about the God who gives all things

    38. All things considered it was an appropriate ending … they buried him at sea

    39. It is a commonly held belief that where there is light there must be darkness, that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a balanced equation of equals and opposites

    40. The Father wants nothing more than to bring honor to His Son and set Him up to benefit in all things; the Son wants nothing more than to glorify His Father by repeating that which He sees His Father do and say

    41. The song was Good and Smith, even though he heard none of the individual songs sung by the flora and fauna of this long forgotten refrain at the edge of all things, found contentment in the straightforward knowledge that the song continued, a fulfilment sufficient for Him to think the work of creation a noble thing

    42. However, when we pair this with Ephesians 1, we find that Paul does have the thinking that all things are interconnected

    43. He has a very specific order in the way that He made all things

    44. Though this statement is true that He does seek to save mankind, His goal was to restore all things

    45. Peter has even said in Acts 3:21 that Jesus is contained in the heavens until the restoration of all things as spoken of in the prophets

    46. In Matthew 19, Jesus says that he will return at the “renewal of all things…” Interesting

    47. Everyone shared all things

    48. We only follow His instructions in all things

    49. But on that day, when that veil that deceives and blinds them is taken away, they shall see all things as they in fact are

    50. “The Queen is all knowing, every wise and a carer of all things

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