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    Use "all-purpose" in a sentence

    all-purpose example sentences


    1. For the all-purpose red rub:

    2. You can substitute whole wheat flour for up to one-half of all-purpose flour without changing the taste

    3. The Spinone is an all-round, all-purpose hunting dog in

    4. Thankfully, I had an all-purpose set of keys with me

    5. I’m sure the restaurant had a single all-purpose menu, rather than a separate one for dinner

    6. And the greatest piece of all-purpose kit you can put together is a well-thought-out survival kit

    7. The all-purpose weapon consisted of a pole with two vicious spikes and a hook at the business end

    8. The neural biofeedback system of our ancestors changed when they became able to touch their fingers against each other… which ultimately produced the all-purpose opposing thumb that could touch all opposing fingers easily

    9. Their tools did not have to be general, all-purpose tools

    10. When most of the seeds have sprouted, remove the cover, and water the sprouts with diluted all-purpose fertilizer

    11. While our proposed 50–50 division is undoubtedly the simplest “all-purpose program” devisable, it may not turn out to be the best in terms of results achieved

    12. Managers should forthrightly admit their failures and take responsibility for them, rather than blaming all-purpose scapegoats like “the economy,” “uncertainty,” or “weak demand

    13. Now it was an all-purpose sort of place—one large, dingy room with tables and chairs that started to fill up as the sun went down

    14. ✔ The best all-purpose value measure is price-to-sales

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