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    almost all example sentences

    almost all

    1. Remember almost all of us are emotionally immature to some extent

    2. “I oversaw almost all aspects of its creation and construction

    3. "I have been flesh ninety five years," she said, "almost all of them here

    4. For all the Troll might of arms, the telling factor over time had been the tiny babies produced by Elven woman so that almost all mothers survived, instead of the average Troll woman's chance in those days, dying in her fourth or fifth childbirth

    5. "We've used up almost all the firewood for quite a distance around

    6. elder, but in almost all congregations he is looked to as a spiritual leader

    7. "I have a bit of Nordic, but being almost all Elf, it's hard to really bulk up

    8. almost all the books the library had except a few

    9. She was all the more embarrassed because almost all the others had such full and shapely boobs

    10. He called on everyone to give him their military assessment of the situation at Sol, it was all bleak, almost all known simulated humans above Earth’s atmosphere were hit, more objects were on the way

    11. It’s almost all new staff since then, I’m one of the few who stayed

    12. Hasting, nearly word for word, to spread through the village into the ears of every citizen and almost all the visitors

    13. “Yeah, we did a few cups that evening but I still remember almost all of it

    14. “Almost all of their machine guns jammed or misfired after a few

    15. Almost all the water inside the Kassikan’s walls was indoor and most of it was on two levels, that of Second Canal’s third small, and that of Third Canal

    16. time when it was becoming clear to almost all observers that some

    17. Almost all the governors have turned up and are sitting with ‘their’ classes – looks like all the nagging by the head has have paid off

    18. He saw that while almost all the natives were in the fifteen to thirty year old range, there were a few exceptions

    19. Yeah, she’d taught elementary reading a dozen times in Yoonbarla, but almost all of her student hours of teaching were at university level and most were specialized in the history of the yandrille

    20. There are also many flesh humans at YingolNeerie, almost all on the one planet Earth which is much smaller than Kassidor and largely covered with water

    21. Though in settling them some regard is had commonly, not only to his labour and skill, but to the trust which is reposed in him, yet they never bear any regular proportion to the capital of which he oversees the management ; and the owner of this capital, though he is thus discharged of almost all labour, still expects that his profit should bear a regular proportion to his capital

    22. As soon as land becomes private property, the landlord demands a share of almost all the produce which the labourer can either raise or collect from it

    23. The produce of almost all other labour is liable to the like deduction of profit

    24. In some places, one half the children die before they are four years of age, in many places before they are seven, and in almost all places before they are nine or ten

    25. and, in almost all cases, must be clothed by them

    26. in ancient times, almost all rents were paid in kind; in a certain quantity of corn, cattle, poultry, etc

    27. The corn which was brought to market last year will be all, or almost all, consumed, long before the end of this year

    28. Their cattle are allowed to wander through the woods and other uncultivated grounds, where they are half-starved; having long ago extirpated almost all the annual grasses, by cropping them too early in the spring, before they had time to form their flowers, or to shed their seeds

    29. Almost all that he gets is pure gain, and their price can scarce be so low as to discourage him from feeding this number

    30. If it is very low indeed, he will be likely to manage his dairy in a very slovenly and dirty manner, and will scarce, perhaps, think it worth while to have a particular room or building on purpose for it, but will suffer the business to be carried on amidst the smoke, filth, and nastiness of his own kitchen, as was the case of almost all the farmers' dairies in Scotland thirty or forty years ago, and as is the case of many of them still

    31. Almost all pre-Christianity religions and the present

    32. It is the natural effect of improvement, however, to diminish gradually the real price of almost all manufactures

    33. almost all inhabitants did not know that the old

    34. All merchants, therefore, and almost all men of business, find it convenient to keep such cash accounts with them, and are thereby interested to promote the trade of those companies, by readily receiving their notes in all payments, and by encouraging all those with whom they have any influence to do the same

    35. The Scotch banks, no doubt, paid all of them very dearly for their own imprudence and inattention : but the Bank of England paid very dearly, not only for its own imprudence, but for the much greater imprudence of almost all the Scotch banks

    36. The returns of the fixed capital are, in almost all cases, much slower than those of the circulating capital : and such expenses, even when laid out with the greatest prudence and judgment, very seldom return to the undertaker till after a period of many years, a period by far too distant to suit the conveniency of a bank

    37. Almost all of the top ten affiliates in any launch competition are product

    38. Where it extends itself to a considerable part of the circulation between dealers and consumers, as in Scotland, and still more in North America, it banishes gold and silver almost entirely from the country ; almost all the ordinary transactions of its interior commerce being thus carried on by paper

    39. Rouen is necessarily the entrepot of almost all the goods which are brought either from foreign countries, or from the maritime provinces of France, for the consumption of the great city of Paris

    40. Though the principle of expense, therefore, prevails in almost all men upon some occasions, and in some men upon almost all occasions ; yet in the greater part of men, taking the whole course of their life at an average, the principle of frugality seems not only to predominate, but to predominate very greatly

    41. But we shall find this to have been the case of almost all nations, in all tolerably quiet and peaceable times, even of those who have not enjoyed the most prudent and parsimonious governments

    42. It is this effort, protected by law, and allowed by liberty to exert itself in the manner that is most advantageous, which has maintained the progress of England towards opulence and improvement in almost all former times, and which, it is to be hoped, will do so in all future times

    43. almost all colours, the most of them in shades of

    44. Almost all the time, on the streets

    45. Almost all loans at interest are made in money, either of paper, or of gold and silver ; but what the borrower really wants, and what the lender readily supplies him with, is not the money, but the money's worth, or the goods which it can purchase

    46. Almost all balconies have

    47. Almost all nations that have had any considerable share of the carrying trade have, in fact, carried it on in this manner

    48. They were all, or almost all, slaves, but their slavery was of a milder kind than that known among the ancient Greeks and Romans, or even in our West Indian colonies

    49. The commodities of Europe were almost all new to America, and many of those of America were new to Europe

    50. Secondly, restraints upon the importation of goods of almost all kinds, from those particular countries with which the balance of trade was supposed to be disadvantageous

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