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    Use "alongside of" in a sentence

    alongside of example sentences

    alongside of

    1. We are given a place of government to rule alongside of Christ

    2. The Shenandoah was anchored in eighteen fathoms as the Laurel came to and was lashed alongside of her

    3. Mathews, a boy works alongside of the

    4. I untied the leather belt from his trousers and tied it around the stump of his leg with the aid of a branch that I found alongside of me

    5. I asked him, “How are you going to break with that contraption alongside of you and all of those tubes coming out of you?”

    6. There appeared alongside of me in the aisle a gigantic warrior

    7. said, Lord, how is he the guardian of the Earth? Teach me; And the angel said to me, this bird flies alongside of the sun, and

    8. 1 And he took me and led me where the sun goes out; 2 and he showed me a chariot and four under which burnt a fire and in the chariot was sitting a man wearing a crown of fire and the chariot was drawn by forty angels; And note a bird circling before the sun about nine 3 cubits away; And I said to the angel what is this bird? And he said to me This is the 4 5 guardian of the Earth; And I said Lord how is he the guardian of the Earth? Teach me; And the angel said to me this bird flies alongside of the sun and expanding his wings receives its fiery 6 rays

    9. alongside of the church

    10. It was a few months later that an older vet came up alongside of me in the dinner line and said, “You have no idea, do you?”

    11. Further down the road was the carriage, lilting to one side with a wheel lying alongside of it

    12. He walked up alongside of the car and shone the light straight through the driver's side-window

    13. “The old tale is that a woman in an isolated village is walking alongside of a stone wall

    14. The driver brought the vehicle up alongside of the aircraft on the left side

    15. They lay alongside of each other in an embrace with their legs intertwined and their arms around each other

    16. She came and lay alongside of me

    17. Reaching the forward point of the caravan I came alongside of Falarin

    18. Coming up alongside of me, he had put his big hand on my shoulder, a gesture which offered me reassurance that everything was okay

    19. I could have ridden by my father’s side, but I felt that would have been somehow presumptuous of me and looked down upon by the men I was to fight alongside of

    20. I was about to turn to fetch the others, when they came up alongside of us in the dark

    21. His face flushed with pride at my flowery words and he bowed again and indicated that we should proceed before them to their craft pulled up alongside of our ship

    22. My skills of stealth in the forest had always been good, but my time spent fighting alongside of the Attorgrons had honed my skills even further

    23. The old leader had come up alongside of me

    24. Abby came up alongside of her with a look of concern and asked, “What was that about? You looked……

    25. Suddenly the figure of a man materialized out of the darkness from the direction of the house to come up alongside of Flint

    26. I pulled the prop over and came up alongside of the man

    27. Flynn corrected to a course that would bring him up alongside of the remaining two whalers, which were putting on sail in an effort to escape port

    28. "Great thanks," said Sancho, "but I may tell your worship that provided I have enough to eat, I can eat it as well, or better, standing, and by myself, than seated alongside of an emperor

    29. To reinforce her vision she had taken to visiting the British Museum, where, keeping her eyes downcast until she was alongside of the battered Ulysses, she opened them and got a fresh shock of Jacob's presence, enough to last her half a day

    30. Then who can deny that the story of Pierres and the fair Magalona is true, when even to this day may be seen in the king's armoury the pin with which the valiant Pierres guided the wooden horse he rode through the air, and it is a trifle bigger than the pole of a cart? And alongside of the pin is Babieca's saddle, and at Roncesvalles there is Roland's horn, as large as a large beam; whence we may infer that there were Twelve Peers, and a Pierres, and a Cid, and other knights like them, of the sort people commonly call adventurers

    31. ' Sometimes he would paint a cock in such a fashion, and so unlike, that he had to write alongside of it in Gothic letters, 'This is a cock; and so it will be with my history, which will require a commentary to make it intelligible

    32. But when the plank for the cows was taken up, she had to go by the walls alongside of the river; the bank was slippery; in order not to fall she caught hold of the tufts of faded wallflowers

    33. Yes, by heaven! he said; and 'tis as good as a play to hear them talking about their condensed notes, as they call them; they put their ears close alongside of the strings like persons catching a sound from their neighbour's wall--one set of them declaring that they distinguish an intermediate note and have found the least interval which should be the unit of measurement; the others insisting that the two sounds have passed into the same--

    34. But his anger was diverted by the sight of a baleen whale that the Nautilus had pulled alongside of just then

    35. '—'Woman!'—'The road takes a turn—he is obliged to follow it—while alongside of the canal there is a shorter road

    36. As our charge was wrapped in his cloak, I purposely passed within a boat or two's length of the floating Custom House, and so out to catch the stream, alongside of two emigrant ships, and under the bows of a large transport with troops on the forecastle looking down at us

    37. When it began to grow dark, the Rat, with an air of excitement and mystery, summoned them back into the parlour, stood each of them up alongside of his little heap, and proceeded to dress them up for the coming expedition

    38. At the very moment when Vronsky thought that now was the time to overtake Mahotin, Frou-Frou herself, understanding his thoughts, without any incitement on his part, gained ground considerably, and began getting alongside of Mahotin on the most favorable side, close to the inner cord

    39. Alongside of these two indiscriminate uses of the term “investment” has always been a third and more limited connotation—that of investment as opposed to speculation

    40. The history of industrial companies was a hodge-podge of violent changes, in which the benefits of prosperity were so unequally and so impermanently distributed as to bring about the most unexpected failures alongside of the most dazzling successes

    41. When the sermon was finished, Judge Thatcher's wife dropped alongside of Mrs

    42. Starbuck; he's coming off to make us our coffee, is the Yarman; don't you see that big tin can there alongside of him?—that's his boiling water

    43. So intolerable indeed is it regarded by some, that no cupidity could persuade them to moor alongside of it

    44. In less than a minute, without quitting his little craft, he and his crew were dropped to the water, and were soon alongside of the stranger

    45. With back to the stranger ship, and face set like a flint to his own, Ahab stood upright till alongside of the Pequod

    46. Alongside of the strong, handsome Phillip, whom he looked upon as a model, he imagined Kolosoff, naked, his abdomen like a water-melon, bald-headed, and his arms hanging like two cords

    47. I entered that divine current which flows there alongside of us always and to which we can always give ourselves when things are bad

    48. You understand how horrible it is to think that some ragamuffin may kill me, a man who has thoughts and feelings, and that it would make no difference if alongside of me some Antonof were killed,—a being not different from an animal—and that it might easily happen that I and not this Antonof were killed, which is always UNE FATALITE for every lofty and good man

    49. The compact limestone is, probably, with reason, considered as the lowest of the secondary formation, and always under the coal formation, but it appears to me that the secondary is deposited in basins alongside of one another, and that each basin has a different order of superposition, according to the nature of the agents employed in the deposition; that it is a partial, and by no means a general deposition

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