Use "alternator" in a sentence
alternator example sentences
1. With a good battery, water cooled alternator and bazooka size capacitors, a
2. Forty-five minutes later I had deduced that Lizzie needed a new alternator
3. Motor parts, such as the alternator and the
4. alternator that would fit my car
5. In order to even restore some of its depleted energy, you need to waste gallons of gas to power the alternator
6. Though it had been performing like a champ recently, today the engine coughed and coughed, finally sputtering reluctantly to life, meaning that the problem was neither the ignition switch nor the alternator
7. I’ve changed out the ignition switch and the alternator
8. Needs a new starter motor, alternator, a little this and a little that
9. My power steering and brakes were gone, the alternator was dead, the engine was heating up, and I was skidding around in the middle of the roadway