Use "amount to" in a sentence
amount to example sentences
amount to
1. If you are un certain about the amount to spray, spray less, more often
2. He wondered if all the Qbytes they copied from a brain didn't really amount to little more than a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some response databases and a few gig of life experiences? He wondered if being in silicon took something from a soul? He bore the remainder of the evening stoically
3. We have difficulty dissuading ourselves from the habit of thinking we are 'one;' so to not acknowledge our presumed 'unity' by avoiding saying 'I' is tantamount to denying our existence
4. His industry was paramount to their recent successes in the market and, he decided, if they were unwilling to part with him again so soon, he reconciled himself to beginning fresh with one of their rivals
5. held out little hope that it would amount to anything
6. The capital annually employed in the one will, in this case, amount only to one thousand pounds; whereas that employed in the other will amount to seven thousand three hundred pounds
7. This superiority, however, will seldom be found to amount to more than a reasonable interest or compensation for this superior expense
8. The tax of the duke of Cornwall upon tin is supposed to amount to more than five per cent
9. The Spanish armies, though they scarce ever exceeded five hundred men, and frequently did not amount to half that number, found almost everywhere great difficulty in procuring subsistence
10. In the manufactures of Birmingham alone, the quantity of gold and silver annually employed in gilding and plating, and thereby disqualified from ever afterwards appearing in the shape of those metals, is said to amount to more than fifty thousand pounds sterling
11. Both together amount to £ 5,746,878:4s
12. On account of what may have been smuggled, however, we may safely, he says, add to this sum an eighth more, or £ 250,000 sterling, so that the whole will amount to £ 2,250,000 sterling
13. The lands which were kept constantly well manured and in good condition seldom exceeded a third or fourth part of the whole farm, and sometimes did not amount to a fifth or a sixth part of it
14. Their decade together had been good and there was no one important in her life right now was there? She hoped Thantar might amount to something, but had to admit that relationship hadn't changed in a decade
15. In the present times, the whole circulation of Scotland cannot be estimated at less than two millions, of which that part which consists in gold and silver, most probably, does not amount to half a million
16. In times of moderate plenty, the importation of foreign corn is loaded with duties that amount to a prohibition
17. The high duties upon the importation of corn, which, in times of moderate plenty, amount to a prohibition, give a like advantage to the growers of that commodity
18. It is generally reckoned, that there are about 2000 people who keep accounts with the bank; and allowing them to have, one with another, the value of £1500 sterling lying upon their respective accounts (a very large allowance), the whole quantity of bank money, and consequently of treasure in the bank, will amount to about £3,000,000 sterling, or, at eleven guilders the pound sterling, 33,000,000 of guilders ; a great sum, and sufficient to carry on a very extensive circulation, but vastly below the extravagant ideas which some people have formed of this treasure
19. These different emoluments amount to a good deal more than what is necessary for paying the salaries of officers, and defraying the expense of management
20. What is paid for the keeping of bullion upon receipts, is alone supposed to amount to a neat annual revenue of between 150,000 and 200,000 guilders
21. The same thing may be said of the drawbacks upon the re-exportation of foreign goods imported, which, in Great Britain, generally amount to by much the largest part of the duty upon importation
22. Our country gentlemen, when they imposed the high duties upon the exportation of foreign corn, which in times of moderate plenty amount to a prohibition, and when they established the bounty, seem to have imitated the conduct of our manufacturers
23. This diminution, however, can scarce amount to any positive loss, but only to a lessening of the gain which it might otherwise make
24. It would amount to more than £2,600,000 a
25. Their annual returns frequently do not amount to more than a third, and sometimes not to so great a proportion of what they owe
26. fellow-citizens at home, Great Britain might have just reason to fear that it never would amount to that proper proportion
27. a-bushel, be added, viz 0 12 6 the bounty on each barrel would amount to £ 1 7 5¾
28. An army of shepherds, on the contrary, may sometimes amount to two or three hundred thousand
29. In every nation, the men of the military age are supposed to amount to about a fourth or a fifth part of the whole body of the people
30. “Right before one of my own Arrows was attacked! Does thousands of years of service to our combined Temples, my guidance over the Lead Arrows to maintain mortal balance amount to nothing? NOTHING?”
31. What the gross revenue of those territorial acquisitions was supposed to amount to, has already been mentioned ; and by an account brought by the Cruttenden East Indiaman in 1769, the neat revenue, clear of all deductions and military charges, was stated at two millions forty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-seven pounds
32. The magistrates of the powerful canton of Berne, in particular, have accumulated, out of the savings from this fund, a very large sum, supposed to amount to several millions; part or which is deposited in a public treasure, and part is placed at interest in what are called the public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe; chiefly in those of France and Great Britain
33. monarchies of Europe, the rent of all the lands in the country, managed as they probably would be, if they all belonged to one proprietor, would scarce, perhaps, amount to the ordinary revenue which they levy upon the people even in peaceable times
34. When a certain portion of the produce is to be paid away for a tax, the farmer computes as well as he can, what the value of this portion is, one year with another, likely to amount to, and he makes a proportionable abatement in the rent which he agrees to pay to the landlord
35. There is no farmer who does not compute beforehand what the church tythe, which is a land tax of this kind, is, one year with another, likely to amount to
36. In some few districts only, which were originally rated high, and in which the rents of houses have fallen considerably, the land tax of three or four shillings in the pound is said to amount to an equal proportion of the real rent of houses
37. upon the whole value of the house must, in most cases, amount to more than a third of the building-rent, perhaps of the whole rent
38. Leather and soap are in Great Britain taxed at three halfpence a-pound; candles at a penny; taxes which, upon the original price of leather, may amount to about eight or ten per cent
39. The high duties upon the importation of foreign corn, which, in years of moderate plenty, amount to a prohibition; and the absolute prohibition of the importation, either of live cattle, or of salt provisions, which takes place in the ordinary state of the law, and which, on account of the scarcity, is at present suspended for a limited time with regard to Ireland and the British plantations, have all had the bad effects of taxes upon the necessaries of life, and produce no revenue to government
40. In the price of threepence halfpenny, which is at present paid for a pot of porter, the different taxes upon malt, hops, and beer, together with the extraordinary profit which the brewer charges for having advanced than, may perhaps amount to about three halfpence
41. The different taxes upon malt amount to six shillings a-quarter ; those upon strong ale and beer to eight shillings a-barrel
42. In the porter brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, amount to between twenty-six and thirty shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt
43. The different taxes upon small beer amount to one shilling and fourpence a-barrel
44. In the country brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, seldom amount to less than twenty-three shillings and fourpence, frequently to twenty-six shillings, upon the produce of a quarter of malt
45. century, that would amount to about four thousand dollars, but it was the smallest share provided to a crewmember
46. 6d per gallon, these, added to the duties upon the low wines, from which they are distilled, amount to 3s 10 2/3d
47. The neat revenue of the customs does not amount to two millions and a-half, which is levied at an expense of more than ten per cent
48. incidents, therefore, amount to more than ten per cent
49. In 1765 and 1766, the whole revenue paid into the treasury of France, according to the best, though, I acknowledge, very imperfect accounts which I could get of it, usually run between 308 and 325 millions of livres ; that is, it did not amount to fifteen millions sterling; not the half of what might have been expected, had the people contributed in the same proportion to their numbers as the people of Great Britain
50. The revenue of the States-General and of the different cities, however, is said to amount to more than five millions two hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling ; and as the inhabitants of the United Provinces cannot well be supposed to amount to more than a third part of those of Great Britain, they must, in proportion to their number, be much more heavily taxed