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    Use "anachronism" in a sentence

    anachronism example sentences


    1. Even those who thought her type was an anachronism in these modern times were forced to agree that she was very unassuming and brave

    2. thought her type was an anachronism in these modern times were

    3. (What seems to me an anachronism is that the idea of

    4. How could it be that time is an anachronism? How could things function? We need a model to use as a crutch

    5. It knew that evil was an anachronism when profit was about

    6. So it almost seems out of place, an anachronism even, to have this happy island nation ruled over by a despot such as Fishmael

    7. Colonel Walker was a walking-talking anachronism of the past

    8. It is one of the many ironies of Islam that its believers should sink into a collective anachronism trying to avoid individual anarchism

    9. It contains historical anachronism, errors, scientific mistakes, grammatical errors, and contradictions

    10. He regarded the outside stairs as an anachronism, a primitive hangover from the past

    11. [11] In the play there is a trifling anachronism according towhich we are to believe that in 1643 Quevedo had not yet received thishonor

    12. Sorry, but this is some scientific anachronism, to put it mildly! Everything, absolutely everything is alive and has Self-Consciousness! Yes, its perception and principles of existence are absolutely different, as compared with ours, but this fact by no means deprives it of the vested right to be in spite of anyone’s conceptions to the contrary! Indeed, we don’t try to negate or prohibit the possibility of existence near us of sea and terrestrial animals, birds and insects only because they have different structures and think not the way we do!

    13. where the child lay? And what an anachronism it is to run

    14. While Ken wasn't repentant (everything should have been on disk anyway, the huge component of regularly-used programs on tape was an anachronism) the ban should stay in place until other steps were taken

    15. this are created by a weird combination of a militant utopian community, and the Society for Creative Anachronism

    16. Her face was falling loose, but her eyes were calm, and there was something strong in her that made it seem she was not old; merely her wrinkles and loose cheeks were an anachronism

    17. Bloom assented covertly to Stephen's rectification of the anachronism involved in assigning the date of the conversion of the Irish nation to christianity from druidism by Patrick son of Calpornus, son of Potitus, son of Odyssus, sent by pope Celestine I in the year 432 in the reign of Leary to the year 260 or thereabouts in the reign of Cormac MacArt (died 266 A

    18. In another decade, this focus on overnight gaps is likely to seem like a quaint anachronism, but, for now, the open of our U

    19. " Only fancy, this was two years after his insult to me, and my challenge would have been a ridiculous anachronism, in spite of all the ingenuity of my letter in disguising and explaining away the anachronism

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    Synonyms for "anachronism"

    anachronism misdating mistiming incongruity misdate

    "anachronism" definitions

    something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred

    an artifact that belongs to another time

    a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age