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    Use "and also" in a sentence

    and also example sentences

    and also

    1. "Ah," she said and also stood up

    2. If you are having tests or surgical procedures performed, you can safeguard against testing errors and also help ensure the best results with your surgery by following these steps:

    3. This has forced them to curtail on such expenses and also reduce/do away with the assured returns on the pension schemes

    4. As grandparent we can participate in their development and also keep ourselves occupied

    5. Cut your wants and better prepare your cash flow chart of money supply and finally develop the habit of spending a little for the less fortunate people of the community and also practice practical spirituality to enjoy the bliss of life

    6. The three-year project is sponsored by the European Union, and also works in rural areas of Hunan and Sichuan

    7. Day 4: Turn contents of bin #1 into bin #2 (you should have three bins for this purpose), turning over well and adding a sprinkling of the formula as you go and also spraying with the liquid seaweed

    8. out of the hands of men and also the devil and place yourself into

    9. Rose has expressed a wish to watch the film which is on TV this afternoon – The Sound of Music - and as it would never cross her menfolk’s minds to suggest otherwise and also as the weather has degenerated into an unpleasant blustery rain, we decide it would be rather nice to curl up in the warm and do just that

    10. My spectral friend unfolded his legs and also rose up from the floor

    11. Torbold had maintained a close watch on the cottage, reporting after dark when it was safe, and also taking advantage of the opportunity to use the bathroom facilities

    12. The bathroom had a sunken tub, and also a shower stall with a seat built into it…

    13. Inside he could smell the coffee, and also something else

    14. It is now a training ground for agents going across, giving them somewhere to stay while they experience migraine effects and also allowing them to negotiate their way across country by train and bus

    15. He had given him a dream so he would know I was safe and also where to find me

    16. As it says in Isaiah 66:8, and also mentioned by Zechariah in his 13th chapter that in a single day will Israel be born

    17. But once we were certain you were fully well, you were taken to a special centre so that we could train you for your task … and also so that we could protect you

    18. Daniel was in heaven, he was holding on to Kate, and also to the ridge on Jakes neck

    19. He had gone to Daniel for advice on how to approach her and also, after much hemming and hawing about, how to go about making love for the first time

    20. My aunt and uncle began chatting about the crazy obsession the surfers share for beach life and I knew it wouldn't be long before he'd start hinting that it was about time I learned to swim, even though we had long ago agreed that I would only go with them to a beach as long as I didn't have to go in the sea, which I never did because I hated the water, the salt and the cold, and also I hated being so thin

    21. All you hurried business people take note! The Yoga Complete Breath while performed when the body is in the Fish Posture helps to remove the spasm from the bronchial tubes and also helps to relieve asthma

    22. It also helps to build cells, particularly of the lungs and nerves, and also helps to form albumin in the blood

    23. This tones the deep and the superficial muscles of the back, and also relieves backache, helping to keep the spine young and supple

    24. Alan taking the responsibility for his own tasks and also being considerate of others, Nuran shirking her own tasks, taking others for granted and pleading with others to shirk theirs for her own selfish reasons

    25. Sarah’s eyes darted in all directions keeping tabs on her squad members and also searching for Jackson and Lady Isabol

    26. He could see the damage that the beasts had done, and also the areas that were untouched

    27. ” Kate came forward and extended her hand also

    28. “Doc, what if I told you that there is someone here who can answer all your questions, and also tell you things you haven’t thought of yet

    29. A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past

    30. execute and also selecting the view to render

    31. Duncan was wrapped in a series of bandages and also mildly sedated

    32. Rayne continued excitedly, “this way it explains to the young ones where you came from and also eludes to Divine Intervention

    33. Rayne agreed saying she would be honored, and also asked if she could stop by their shop with more designs

    34. Duncan sent word of his own to Queen Naria explaining the situation; and also a ‘private’

    35. There is a landing pad, and also a communications center

    36. It would also explain both why she left the letter unfinished and also why she kept it

    37. Now what film shall I watch? I have several video tapes which I have bought or recorded over the years and also some DVDs – Kevin talked me into buying a DVD player last year

    38. She is officially on our staff, acting as receptionist to all of us, and also doing a bit of photocopying and coffee making for any visitors, her services being included in the rent for the offices as far as the other businesses are concerned

    39. and also offering his hand

    40. She was struck by a sudden sense of how far away this tiny world was from the so-called civilised society she was used to, far both literally in that it was some miles from the nearest town and also mystically with its silent brooding landscape

    41. got too out of hand, and also the big winner that night couldn’t buy the pot by out-

    42. The other fellow is a marketeer of goods here in the City and also respected for his quality merchandises

    43. I think this will be a suitable place to stand – I can see Alastair and also hear myself over the organ

    44. He’s taken her out for dinner and also to the cinema

    45. This left Jameson's life virtually unchanged, less the obvious catastrophic loss; he was able to continue in the kitchens of Mandy Hill's Restaurant and Tea Room and also keep up his own chores at the stable

    46. They dictated the text of a public notice to be circulated, and also to be posted at the public gathering places in the village

    47. “I am most taken with Hipolyta's handwriting and number formation, always so precise; she would provide an excellent model of instruction for the younger one's as they attempt proper letter construction and also as they move from block letters to cursive---always such a challenge for the finer muscles of the hand and wrist

    48. the decorations and also the headstrong girl who made it happen

    49. Gymnastics was both a required activity and also the center of an orbit of students who were highly proficient in the more strenuous disciplines of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics

    50. Because really his administration is not a very democratic government and also many people doesn't receive a good salary

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