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    Use "angrier" in a sentence

    angrier example sentences


    1. She was loathe to admit that the thrill of leaping over blue water in the clutches of a Latin Lothario was part of the reason she wasn't angrier about this

    2. ’ I said, disconcerted and angrier than ever as a result

    3. She got angrier as time went by

    4. ‘I’ve never seen an angrier man

    5. The Boulder Dwarf looked angrier than ever at his words, while the blind, old man simply looked defeated

    6. an alehouse,’ she said in a voice angrier than she had

    7. The hellhounds looked on in horror, but Death’s laughter only made Willow angrier

    8. Which made Zeus even angrier

    9. Helez stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned towards him, even angrier now

    10. If anything, it only seemed angrier

    11. Then Tragus resumed his shouting, angrier than ever

    12. But in those moments, as official after official and officer after officer came up to pay their respects to the family and to praise the Redguard soldier’s life and achievements, she could not help but to grow angrier

    13. Lunarey waited in silence until he calmed down again, feeling angrier and more agitated than ever

    14. “What?! But why? What is the meaning of this?!” As she struggled to move her hands while speaking, she grew angrier

    15. became more relaxed as his wife got angrier

    16. angrier than before when Junya seemed to change his mind about leaving

    17. - Were you hiding from me? she said and got even angrier

    18. It made her even angrier

    19. The more I learned, the angrier I got

    20. It was cold, and I was getting angrier by the minute

    21. “Bring the water up,” he repeated, his voice getting angrier

    22. growing angrier by the second

    23. Then he was angry with himself and angrier still with Carl

    24. The angrier they got, the more she taunted them

    25. A flustered Trevor became a little angrier at the shroud of

    26. Teachout warned early on that if such forces appeared to be in temporary retreat “they’ll be back, angrier than ever, as soon as the smoke clears

    27. It seemed the angrier her mother became the more

    28. want to, or that he was drunk, or that the angrier he got at me for

    29. like that, and instead become angrier and angrier

    30. got angrier, she was less likely to sit still and behave as

    31. Tell me if you just found out some guy tried to rape Lilly what would you do? Ha!” I said to try and make him understand the angrier that was rushing through me

    32. This was not Pharaoh protecting us, it was the hand of God that protected us! Pharaoh became angrier each time that we went before him

    33. Now, the Egyptians seemed ready to burst upon the scene of the ambush as they drew closer, growing angrier with each new discovery

    34. You would have been angrier than I

    35. became angrier each time that we went before him

    36. growing angrier with each new discovery

    37. angrier they became; and obviously, every bit of anger they had

    38. The Major didn't sound angry, or rather, not angrier than usual, but there was a kind of alertness in his voice

    39. Grandmudda seemed angrier than ever

    40. Joey started cursing and swearing in a way that made everyone crackup, which only made him angrier

    41. Nothing gets me angrier than being accused of something I didn’t do

    42. But seeing her floating there al shiny and queenly made me angrier than ever

    43. And every time she killed a robot it made her even angrier and she wanted to kill another

    44. Jamyra turned it into ice water, and the children floated through, laughing at the wizards, and that made them even angrier

    45. I was angry, angrier than I’ve been in a long, long time

    46. This made her even angrier than she was

    47. Tafferel was angrier now than he had ever been in his life

    48. The more she thought about the gap between what was possible for these students and their teachers, and what they got, the angrier Jean became

    49. As she read them each seemed angrier than the one before and she knew she was in for a row as soon as she next saw Darren, something she could well do without

    50. ” warns an angrier police woman Davenport

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