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    1. She had grown used to it those few days in his android, she knew how to call it up now and animate it like it was herself

    2. This element dominates over the two previous ones and it is the human innate inclination to do the biggest possible evil to animate beings or inanimate things

    3. She has the power to animate a cherub, and it is one of Alan’s, he has thousands of stored settings packages, and as you know, he built that Desa cherub with very little help from me, so he’s an expert at cherub design

    4. They could see the memories in there with a helmet, but the victim wouldn’t animate

    5. It was like Tdeshi’s corpse was still hooked up to ropes to animate it, just more advanced technology

    6. "I no longer have the option to come to your world as a biological human," Ava told him, "but I can animate a machine that is fabricated to look exactly like a human being

    7. If masters would always listen to the dictates of reason and humanity, they have frequently occasion rather to moderate, than to animate the application of many of their workmen

    8. I animate this male android now in case we need its strength, but I am female

    9. And why should you feel like such a mother to me, when all you did was animate the android trying to raise a randomly chosen zygote?"

    10. Planting and tillage frequently regulate more than they animate the active fertility of Nature; and after all their labour, a great part of the work always remains to be done by her

    11. Were the officers of the army to oppose, with the same zeal and unanimity, any reduction in the number of forces, with which master manufacturers set themselves against every law that is likely to increase the number of their rivals in the home market ; were the former to animate their soldiers

    12. The tribunes, when they had a mind to animate the people against the rich and the great, put them in mind of the ancient divisions of lands, and represented that law which restricted this sort of private property as the fundamental law of the republic

    13. The greatness of the objects which are to be acquired by success in some particular professions may, no doubt, sometimes animate the exertions of a few men of extraordinary spirit and ambition

    14. By a union with Great Britain, the greater part of people of all ranks in Ireland would gain an equally complete deliverance from a much more oppressive aristocracy ; an aristocracy not founded, like that of Scotland, in the natural and respectable distinctions of birth and fortune, but in the most odious of all distinctions, those of religious and political prejudices; distinctions which, more than any other, animate both the insolence of the oppressors, and the hatred and indignation of the oppressed, and which commonly render the inhabitants of the same country more hostile to one another than those of different countries ever are

    15. But there is a still mysterious component within that matrix that allows automatic recombination, the self-replication that leads to animate life

    16. They could even animate the dead to continue to fight

    17. The attacks on the individual and the concept of human exceptionalism in the world of animate creatures are aimed at the heart of Western civilization

    18. He created the living and the nonliving, the animate and the inanimate

    19. Plants, trees, and animals take their place, but these organic objects are animate,

    20. Perhaps after he dies, it will animate his corpse, so that his dead body can keep raping her, and perhaps when she dies, it will do the same to her

    21. Absorbed in his own conjectures, he tended to treat his assistants like animate plants

    22. That which the mystic glimpses is not just his or her unconscious, but the unconsciousness of God, an unconscious at its deepest level shared by every animate being, he says

    23. How something works (animate or inanimate) can be covered with either a description or

    24. What else could animate this derelict and worn out advertisement for

    25. never animate a horse or a cat, but will continue to manifest through the same

    26. Yet she distinctly felt the glare of hidden eyes, and felt that something animate and sentient was aware of her presence and her hiding-place

    27. He became a blasphemy against all nature, for he caused to live and think and act a basic substance that before had never known the pulse and stir of animate being

    28. She was a quivering atom of sentiency driven through a black, roaring, icy void by a thundering wind that threatened to extinguish her feeble flicker of animate life like a candle blown out in a storm

    29. It dragged at him as with tangible, animate, slimy hands, but he buffeted the rushing surge with the strength of desperation and drew closer and closer inshore, fighting furiously for every inch

    30. The darkness pressed in on the guardsmen's torches like a sentient, animate thing

    31. All animate and inanimate things have a vibrational rate which can be handled by mediums that are sensitive to such vibrations, and information can be brought forth concerning the objects past history associated with the said item

    32. Great mechanical monsters were born, things without soul but made animate by man's ingenuity

    33. Moonlit and mystic, with animate power,

    34. For that fish is God's will made animate, and God knows every man to his innermost cranny

    35. The divine is not just in you, it is in All: animate and inanimate; on Earth and in this entire Universe; emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual; anything,

    36. The house was telling me, in much greater detail than was necessary, that humans and most other animate objects have a very strong bias against the inanimate

    37. A bias that stops them from understanding that consciousness rubs off, that was about as scientific as the house could phrase it, when the animate and inanimate spend enough time in close proximity

    38. I say according to what I see when youthful and animate lovely is your appearance it caught the attention of the inconsiderate and upon the

    39. If that had any effect at all, it was only to animate them further

    40. The pooch was the closest living animate object Bob had in his life and he talked about it like it was a Scandinavian model he bedded

    41. Deanna had never seen Tammas so animate with emotions

    42. Let this kind of hope animate our souls when we are bearing the labour and heat of the day

    43. It is the sustenance of harmony hosting countless species of animate

    44. this very reason all the creatures are known as Prani - animate beings

    45. Even the creator of this world and his world created by Him – animate and inanimate, the issues

    46. the whole animate and inanimate world is offered as a sacrifice

    47. world of the animate and the inanimate , and the world revolves like a

    48. forms) shapes the animate and inanimate world

    49. him brings forth the world of the animate and the inanimate

    50. Such procreation, by both animate

    1. having an animated conversation with someone only she can see

    2. Slow close up on the elderly woman having an animated

    3. The men seemed bored as the therapist chatters away in an animated way

    4. Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net

    5. The severed head’s animated smile faded slowly as the pipes, leads and motors

    6. With his skills as a technician he removed that feature and would not even allow even these animated drawings of women to endure more than a slap on the ass

    7. As the android swam in space toward it, he saw the ship because the video that its android's eyes provided to the Angel who animated it, could also be projected to the crystal ball on his desk down here in the chaparral below Gengee City

    8. The severed head’s animated smile faded slowly as the pipes, leads and motors ceased their moment of work, but the eyes remained fixed on Danton

    9. ” She was very animated about it, gesturing with her hands,

    10. He was open and animated, a natural Master of Ceremonies who asked lots of questions about Britain and the Irish, the Welsh, the Scots and couldn't quite understand why everyone with the same language was not English

    11. Backbenchers on all sides of the house became more and more animated, while the press pack in the gallery repeated the words of the otherwise unknown political representative to their editors by means of their mobile phones

    12. She’s quite animated and clearly keen to continue with her music

    13. animated conversation before he returned to us

    14. “But we know that cherub was animated thru Thom’s apparatus,” Kelvin remembered

    15. house became more and more animated, while the press pack in the

    16. I had never seen Bunty so animated, she chattered away to him in Italian and, as he told me later, was extremely knowledgeable about the city and life there

    17. From the living room she can half hear snatches of an animated conversation

    18. James Middlesex was sitting at the table, mobile phone pressed to his ear, holding am animated conversation with someone when Jarvis walked into the room

    19. He couldn’t bear to think that the body he was making love to was animated by some electricity from a silicon crystal carrying the ghost of someone long dead at a far off star

    20. Could you pop over to my place and check for me, please?’ I asked, he looks up, suddenly animated,

    21. locals, visitors and farmers mingled in an animated

    22. animated without being too crowded

    23. We use the word 'android' for any machine that looks human these days and is animated by a human soul, it doesn't have to have any more human parts in it than the mind

    24. The conversation was an animated one, and full of

    25. " Sooeen was animated now

    26. He had to go all the way thru Origin of humans – imported theory, from? And wouldn't it be likely that not all humans would have been moved to Kassidor? She told him what YingolNeerie was like and what those machines animated by ghosts really were

    27. Arriving at the gaol, he found the Rene in animated

    28. The market square was animated

    29. Coming back to the question of harnessing your thoughts – your intelligence has developed like that little cloud that was animated with the desire to go way beyond its current state

    30. In the public deliberations, therefore, his voice is little heard, and less regarded; except upon particular occasions, when his clamour is animated, set on, and supported by his employers, not for his, but their own particular purposes

    31. that the streets are as animated as unsafe

    32. Over the years my Shadowman has morphed to become positive and more animated but it still retains its alien vibe and this pushes me right up to the edge of my comfort zone where deep healing can occur

    33. This highly animated thought form is a shape shifter and can even appear to the observer as something physical and also during the daylight

    34. His friend, Mr Pinscher, was more animated as he remarked upon the nerve of their visitor

    35. The first adventurers of all the other nations of Europe who attempted to make settlements in America, were animated by the like chimerical views; but they were not equally successful

    36. If upon some occasions, therefore, it has animated them to actions of magnanimity which could not well have been expected from them, we should not wonder if, upon others, it has prompted them to exploits of somewhat a different nature

    37. Fifty-two mini fusion thrusters fired up, sending him surging forward like some children’s animated superhero

    38. The distortion effects continued: trees twisting to become malformed grotesqueries, as if animated in a child’s cartoon nightmare, before they vanished along with the flowers

    39. an animated arm into view and obscenely

    40. But Doc was animated and nervous in anticipation of his favourite band taking the stage

    41. Rosemary listened to their animated and impassioned discussion, which they directed towards her, so as not to leave her out of the company, explaining plans and events, and at the same time showing her that country life was not all only farming and cattle

    42. He relished those moments when she became animated and passionate

    43. The prisoners were stimulated by something, talking amongst themselves in an animated fashion

    44. After an animated discussion as to where they might have left the car they eventually left for Alf’s, Esther was driving and and it was not unusual for her to forgot where she parked

    45. Pleased to see his wards again, the Madra guide was animated in his welcome

    46. Pain, for reminding me that we are just an animated piece of flesh, not

    47. Remember that little animated progress bar you see when you boot up Windows? A pretty useless thing if you ask me

    48. The animated matchstick looked crest-fallen and this time stared at a point down between my feet, but at least this was an improvement on him staring over my shoulder

    49. Between bouts of laughter, she added animated embellishments of her encounters with the cops, in days when she’d been ready and willing to sacrifice herself on the protest line in the name of racial equality

    50. He noticed then that their highly animated conversation was beginning to attract attention

    1. A plentiful subsistence increases the bodily strength of the labourer, and the comfortable hope of bettering his condition, and of ending his days, perhaps, in ease and plenty, animates him to exert that strength to the utmost

    2. They were propagated with all that enthusiastic zeal which commonly animates the spirit of party, when it attacks established authority

    3. animates creation and gives creation a unified purpose

    4. That animates the brain

    5. The energy that circulates within animates the group’s level of vitality,

    6. What is it that animates these little clumps of clay? We don’t really

    7. One cannot help sensing, at some level, that this is what animates

    8. ‘in spirit’ – a point where your feelings and thoughts are aligned with the universal consciousness, that which animates the physical world, otherwise known as spirit

    9. The law of reciprocal action supports and animates continued

    10. animates all things and beings, and which enables them to real-

    11. Men who know Krishn also know the Supreme Spirit that animates all

    12. He wants the reader to understand, or at least to wonder about, the profound meaning of these woes that animates the deeper theme found in his poem

    13. Her arm is covered in blood, but the magick that animates her is already repairing the wound

    14. Justice animates, it fires up

    15. Soul–This speaks of the sum of your awareness and inspirations that lives forever and animates a

    16. It's not the symbol which animates that which is less animate - it is the clear mind of the mage, funneled through and reflected around the external symbol placed on the golem

    17. The Spirit – this is the breath and it animates every part of the world - every soul

    18. All goes to show that the soul in man is not an organ, but animates and exercises all the organs; is not a function, like the power of memory, of calculation, of comparison, -but uses these as hands and feet; is not a faculty, but a light; is not the intellect or the will, but the master of the intellect and the will; - is the vast background of our being, in which they lie,-an immensity not possessed and that cannot be possessed

    19. There one may learn, for instance, what, out of regard to your nervous susceptibility, I will inform you of in the drawing-room, namely, that the credit of a banker is his physical and moral life; that credit sustains him as breath animates the body; and M

    20. He doubts not that your honorable person will grant succor to preserve an existence exteremely painful for a military man of education and honor full of wounds, counts in advance on the humanity which animates you and on the interest which Madame la Marquise bears to a nation so unfortunate

    21. animates the man of our century, that is to say, the fashion,

    22. To-day we are amused with a conversation at the foreign office, which animates with a lively hope—to-morrow hope is swallowed up in despair—and the third day announces some new injury

    23. Let it be demonstrated, beyond a possibility of doubt, that there exists not in the great body of the people of this country any love of gain comparable to the love of real national independence and freedom; that this love of national independence and freedom animates the true American soul far beyond any other sentiment, and that, in support of it, the greatest sacrifices of interest are cheerfully acquiesced in

    24. Sir, the demon Avarice, which benumbs every warm emotion of the soul, has not yet gained the ascendency in the South: the love of country animates every breast, and burns with inextinguishable ardor

    25. They seem not to have admitted the term into their vocabulary; they treat it as a new language; they remind me of the character of Goldfinch in one of Holcroft's plays, who, when he hears the Romans mentioned, exclaims, "Romans! Romans! who are they?" So the gentlemen, "national honor! what's that? what's that?" Yet, sir, strange as it may seem to the honorable gentlemen over the way, the maintenance of the principle of national honor, by which I mean that principle which animates and sustains an elevated fitness of character and conduct, is the only justifiable cause of war; and, if necessary, the principle ought to be maintained by all the sacrifices of war in its worst shape

    1. "Something is animating them in the intricate dance that makes up the trillions of interactions that are civilization

    2. Then there’s whatever this is in the dark matter, it could be hacking in and animating the Yellelle cherub

    3. My mother was your lover, you never saw anything in me but a naive soul you could train to make the body she abandoned, act like she was still animating it

    4. They had enjoyed animating the androids

    5. His mage-fire encompassed the weapon, animating it, forcing it to circle clockwise in the air, its razor edge leading the way

    6. The magical power coursed through him, animating him with a joy like he had never experienced

    7. the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in man, animating the body or mediating between body and soul

    8. animating each word with an exaggerated jolt of the arms

    9. It was clear her soul, her animating essence, was no longer there, just as her physical body had long since dissolved into the elements of the earth

    10. And gradually you will feed your life-energy, that which the gods send us for better or for worse, animating your newly made self and no longer that gesticulating puppet you once thought was you

    11. qualities? In truth, the animating principle of the heart’s sphere is a

    12. It is thus the animating

    13. § He revived the sacred prophetic Sunnah after the books of the ancient had effaced it, when he drove away the incurable diseases by animating the Sunnah of cupping

    14. He revived the sacred Prophetic Sun’na after the books of the ancients had effaced it, when he drove away incurable diseases by animating the Sun’na of cupping

    15. He revived the sacred prophetic Sunna after the books of the ancient had effaced it, when he drove away the incurable diseases by animating the Sunna of cupping

    16. He revived the sacred prophetic Sunnah after the books of the ancient had effaced it, when he drove away the incurable diseases by animating the Sunnah of cupping

    17. interpenetrates every part of nature, is the eternal animating force behind the universe, and

    18. turned by the collective desires, thoughts, deeds, and results of those inhabiting and animating our

    19. and perceive in the four dimensions of the so-called physical universe by inhabiting and animating

    20. Thus from Spirit, or Cosmic Ideation, comes our consciousness; from Cosmic Substance the several vehicles in which that consciousness is individualized and attains to self — or reflective — consciousness; while Fohat, in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom into life

    21. The reawakened Energies – are the smaller branches of One Ray – smaller rays, each of which is Fohat or Serpent, animating its Soul

    22. runs through al material world objects animating them and infl uencing

    23. material world, animating and aff ecting them — is referred to as the

    24. And he didn't go away from his honourable kind to do that thing to somebody on shore; he stole right there on the spot, in proximity to his shipmates, on board his own ship, with complete disregard for old Brown, our night watchman (whose fame for trustworthiness was utterly blasted for the rest of the voyage) and in such a way as to bring the profoundest possible trouble to all the blameless souls animating that ship

    25. Jennings, and beginning a journey to London under her protection, and as her guest, without wondering at her own situation, so short had their acquaintance with that lady been, so wholly unsuited were they in age and disposition, and so many had been her objections against such a measure only a few days before! But these objections had all, with that happy ardour of youth which Marianne and her mother equally shared, been overcome or overlooked; and Elinor, in spite of every occasional doubt of Willoughby's constancy, could not witness the rapture of delightful expectation which filled the whole soul and beamed in the eyes of Marianne, without feeling how blank was her own prospect, how cheerless her own state of mind in the comparison, and how gladly she would engage in the solicitude of Marianne's situation to have the same animating object in view, the same possibility of hope

    26. Animating his followers by his voice, and his own example, Hawkeye then gave the word to bear down upon their foes

    27. Hawkeye was in front, brandishing his terrible rifle and animating his followers by his example

    28. The sounds of crackling and the din of falling walls and ceilings, the whistle and hiss of the flames, the excited shouts of the people, and the sight of the swaying smoke, now gathering into thick black clouds and now soaring up with glittering sparks, with here and there dense sheaves of flame (now red and now like golden fish scales creeping along the walls), and the heat and smoke and rapidity of motion, produced on Pierre the usual animating effects of a conflagration

    29. The want of his animating influence appeared to be peculiarly felt one day that he had been summoned to Millcote on business, and was not likely to return till late

    30. Besides, there is that peculiar voice of hers, so animating and piquant, as well as soft: it cheers my withered heart; it puts life into it

    31. They gaily ascended the downs, rejoicing in their own penetration at every glimpse of blue sky; and when they caught in their faces the animating gales of a high south-westerly wind, they pitied the fears which had prevented their mother and Elinor from sharing such delightful sensations

    32. Jennings, and beginning a journey to London under her protection, and as her guest, without wondering at her own situation, so short had their acquaintance with that lady been, so wholly unsuited were they in age and disposition, and so many had been her objections against such a measure only a few days before! But these objections had all, with that happy ardour of youth which Marianne and her mother equally shared, been overcome or overlooked; and Elinor, in spite of every occasional doubt of Willoughby’s constancy, could not witness the rapture of delightful expectation which filled the whole soul and beamed in the eyes of Marianne, without feeling how blank was her own prospect, how cheerless her own state of mind in the comparison, and how gladly she would engage in the solicitude of Marianne’s situation to have the same animating object in view, the same possibility of hope

    33. Maria, wanting Henry Crawford's animating support, thought the subject better avoided

    34. Stripped to our shirts and drawers, we sprang to the white-ash, and after several hours' pulling were almost disposed to renounce the chase, when a general pausing commotion among the whales gave animating token that they were now at last under the influence of that strange perplexity of inert irresolution, which, when the fishermen perceive it in the whale, they say he is gallied

    35. We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history

    36. Perhaps among those who read the present sketches some will be found who, prompted by the impulses animating the author, may desire to render some material help towards the practical realisation of the projected undertaking

    37. The situation of our country, fellow-citizens, is not without its difficulties; though it abounds in animating considerations, of which the view here presented of our pecuniary resources is an example

    38. Lieutenant Biddle's active conduct contributed much to our success, by the exact attention paid to every department during the engagement, and the animating example he afforded the crew by his intrepidity

    39. Amidst the momentous subjects of deliberation which undoubtedly distinguish the 12th Congress as the most memorable in the annals of America, it has been a source of animating consolation to me, that I have never failed to experience the liberal support of gentlemen in all quarters of the House

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    Synonyms for "animate"

    animate quicken reanimate recreate renovate repair revive revivify vivify enliven invigorate liven liven up animise animize exalt inspire sentient activate energise energize vitalise vitalize vital living breathing cheer hearten inspirit wake up fortify waken buoy stimulate arouse exhilarate elevate rouse

    "animate" definitions

    heighten or intensify

    give lifelike qualities to

    make lively

    give new life or energy to

    belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings

    endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life

    endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness