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    Use "ankle" in a sentence

    ankle example sentences


    1. But the man grabbed his ankle and he tripped

    2. Scar charged and Silence jumped to the side, kicking out at his ankle as she went

    3. pricking at his left ankle

    4. He’s alive, but his ankle is badly broken, a sharp edge of bone protrudes from the joint

    5. profusely, his broken ankle crudely bound and obviously causing him pain

    6. The interrogator puts his foot on Khalid’s broken ankle, his attention fixed on John

    7. I am the cloud, the dullness of depressions that slip ankle and bind neck

    8. Sit down on the floor, tailor fashion, with the heel of one foot touching the perineum and the heel of the other underneath the opposite ankle

    9. At the communal village oven in the open air, another local lady in her ankle length skirts and headscarf was busily shovelling out pastries from the oven with a long-handled hoe onto a wide wooden tray on a table standing freely in the road

    10. They stand erect, responsible and confident with hands on hips in ankle length skirts and boots of leather, amused by the fashions of the visitors on the quayside

    11. No, this was not a good place to twist an ankle or to find yourself trapped

    12. In particular she asked each fair maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond pattern ankle socks

    13. jabbed the trishul into Ali's ankle

    14. and short at the ankle for Alistair

    15. The water was only ankle deep and he was amazed at how calm he was

    16. He opened the eye wider and saw a small ankle that disappeared into the folds of a brown skirt

    17. He grasped Jack’s distorted leg by the ankle with

    18. I’m a bit too old to be a Jackaroo, but I can still keep up with the ankle biters

    19. He put his other hand out and caressed her ankle and shin

    20. Besides the standard long sword and bow strapped to his back, he had two daggers, one at his left wrist, and one at his ankle

    21. The sore left about her ankle was cruel to behold, but

    22. Then, after a deft kick to his ankle, the ‘god’ was tripping over his own feet

    23. It was when she fetched the tar bucket with which she salved the lame ewe’s ankle

    24. She bent it more and more, rotated her ankle, pivoted her hip

    25. “Hold it!” The Elf had her hand on his ankle

    26. “Guess we"d better be grownups again?” She straightened her robe, then bent to hit an insect on her ankle

    27. He felt a knock at the back of his ankle

    28. "Oi!" Danny turned to remonstrate with another SA that hit his ankle

    29. behind him next time he was tapped on the ankle, but the sorcerer himself, Dan as a bipedal robot with eyes that moved and a jaw that opened, huge shoulders and shiny metal pectorals

    30. Another tapped him on the ankle

    31. Or, if a golfer sprained a knee or ankle, which is highly possible, then the one iron could be used as a cane, allowing the golfer to limp back to the clubhouse or the 19th hole for a little refreshment

    32. The kitten nudged his ankle with her head

    33. Though not as devastating as they could have been, Papa’s injuries were extensive, a concussion and five broken bones in his right leg, foot, and ankle

    34. As I listened to these songs in memory"s eye, I could see those staggering columns of the First World War, bending on soggy packs on many a weary march, from dawn to dusk to drizzling rain, to slogging ankle through mire of shell-pocked roads, to form grimly for the attack, blue-lipped, covered with sludge and mud, chilled by the wind and rain, driving home to their objective, and for many, to the judgment seat of God

    35. She screamed as pain shot through her ankle and up her leg

    36. Was the ankle broken? She tried to stand, but the pain was excruciating

    37. It did nothing to sate his anger, but the pain that shot through his ankle felt good

    38. McKee scratched at his ankle

    39. Noble settled down in the captain’s chair, scratching at his ankle as he started the engines

    40. In the confused tangle, Amaranthe grabbed someone’s crossbow even as a hand latched onto her ankle

    41. With his mouth he firmly wrapped the long stems around Stelze�s ankle, above the spot where she was bitten

    42. We would have tied the rope on his ankle and drove off for 120 feet, and thus towed him up

    43. "What's up?" he asked, rubbing his ankle in indignation

    44. Information provided by other sources said the foot ‘appeared to be severed cleanly at the ankle

    45. The youth gave a high-pitched scream, grabbing his injured ankle as he writhed on the ground

    46. The last thing he needed right now was a twisted ankle, or to lose an eye to a wayward branch

    47. “All except my ankle, but I’m sure that will heal in a few weeks

    48. Thorne lounged in a high-backed armchair with one ankle hooked over his knee, balancing a thin laptop on his leg

    49. He simply raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement, hooking an ankle around the nearest chair and pulling it under him as he sat in one easy motion

    50. A brutal kick to her ankle restored breath as the door slammed and the tires squealed the car’s hasty retreat

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    Synonyms for "ankle"

    ankle ankle joint articulatio talocruralis mortise joint

    "ankle" definitions

    a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus