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    annexed example sentences


    1. At the end of the accounts annexed to this chapter the reader will find the particular account of those ten years separated from the rest

    2. By the second of the rules, annexed to the act of parliament, which imposed what is now called the old subsidy, every merchant, whether English or alien

    3. By the fourth of the rules annexed to the old subsidy, the drawback allowed upon the exportation of all wines amounted to a great deal more than half the duties which were at that time paid upon their importation ; and it seems at that time to have been the object of the legislature to give somewhat more than ordinary encouragement to the carrying trade in wine

    4. In the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, what is called the right of majorazzo takes place in the succession of all those great estates to which any title of honour is annexed

    5. Even Canada, who annexed many U

    6. The honours and privileges of different kinds annexed to the former, his Prussian majesty had probably imagined, would sufficiently compensate to the proprietor a small aggravation of the tax; while, at the same time, the humiliating inferiority of the latter would be in some measure alleviated, by being taxed somewhat more lightly

    7. country, and in 1845, it was annexed as a State of the United

    8. All five peoples were conquered or annexed without their consent

    9. The coalition is defeated and the kingdom of Bit Adini is annexed to Assyria and becomes a province

    10. Korea was annexed in 1910 and Japan’s influence in Manchuria grew to the point of

    11. It is annexed to the sovereignty, to be judge of what opinions and doctrines are averse, and what conducing to peace; and consequently, on what occasions, how far, and what

    12. Balkans, which had been annexed in 1940, and the Ukrainians, were repatriated

    13. Meanwhile, thirty-six footmen with the faces and wings of bats came in to hold the long cloaks of each of the priests, as they headed for the Cursed Temple—which was annexed to the headquarters of the church—

    14. annexed and Spain as we know it now was established

    15. Zingara, Argos and Ophir were annexed outright, with the western cities of Shem, which had, with their more eastern kindred, recently thrown off the yoke of Koth

    16. Nancy then gave her troops one hour to rest a bit and eat before the fleet headed towards Copenhagen, destroying the Gestapo and SD offices there before making stops in Riga, the capital of the now annexed state of Latvia, and Leningrad, in the Soviet Union

    17. He occupied the Rhineland, then annexed Austria, and Czechoslovakia; thereby expanding German territory without resorting to force

    18. In 198BC Judea was conquered by Antiochus the Great, and annexed to Syria…About 180BC the land

    19. And the fires of democracy and independence that had long been surpressed began to race through the Soviet satellite nations, those countries essentially annexed by Stalin following World War II

    20. Before Cortez, the Aztecs were sacrificing their neighbors to their sun god; before Portuguese sailors transported African slaves, the slaves were kidnapped by warring tribes; before Rome annexed Judah, the Israelites were at war with each other; and before Japan invaded China in the 20th century, Chinese had invaded Japan under Kublai Khan in the 13th century

    21. Over twelve million Germans had been thrown out of their old homes situated in German territories now annexed by Poland and had then found themselves refugees inside Germany

    22. The words of the judicious Hooker are worth remembering: "Till it be proved that some special law of Christ hath forever annexed unto the clergy alone the power to make ecclesiastical laws, we are to hold it a thing most consonant with equity and reason, that no ecclesiastical laws be made in a Christian commonwealth, without consent as well of the laity as of the clergy

    23. Known formerly as British Kaffraria in colonial times it was annexed by the British to

    24. The former territory of Zululand, annexed by the British in the first wave of colonialism one hundred and thirty five years ago, was again being targeted in 2013 by new foreigners in the second foreign wave of colonization

    25. That would have entailed unremitting jihad in umpteen battles, but probably, as the unlimited riches of the limited land they conquered would have satiated the urge of Allah’s soldiers to reach paradise, the Sultans too staid put in their grand palaces annexed with vast harems

    26. When Tibet was annexed by China with its state; his holiness Dalai Lama took

    27. He had had breakfast in Berlin, but he sat watching her with an alert interest that missed not the smallest of her movements, very reminiscent in his attitude and pleasure of a cat watching its own dear mouse, observing it with a whiskered relish, its own dear particular mouse that it has ached for for years before it ever met it, filling itself dismally meanwhile with the wrong mice who disagreed with it--its mouse that, annexed and safely incorporated, was going to do it so much good and make it twice the eat it was before; and he buttered her roll for her, and poured out her tea, and did all the things a cat would do in such a situation if it were a man, pleased that its mouse should fatten, aware that anything it ate and drank would ultimately, so to speak, remain in the family

    28. obligation annexed to the ownership of property, and arising out of a confidence in

    29. Ecuador were forcibly annexed to the first Colombiaby Bolivar

    30. An attempt has been made to affix the lighter meaning of excommunication to this penalty in some instances; but it is unlikely, as Ewalda urges, that a clearly annexed penalty would signify some light punishment in one case, and capital punishment in others

    31. It is the spiritual renewal of God's holy image, and with it the concurrent bestowment of that literal eternal life in body and soul which was annexed to the right to the Tree of Life in Paradise, and which was forfeited by sin

    32. The offer of forty pounds a year, and to quit a workhouse, was not to be despised, though the condition of shutting my eyes and hardening my heart was annexed to it

    33. the pleasures I conceived were annexed to it; and now the growing

    34. He bought a new second-hand pair of black trousers at a cast-off clothing shop in honour of the occasion, and discarded his own low-crowned silk hat - which was getting rather shabby - in favour of Hunter's tall one, which he found in the office and annexed without hesitation or scruple

    35. I was scarce twelve years old, before that part which she wanted so much to keep out of harm's way, made me feel its impatience to be taken notice of, and come into play; already had it put forth the signs of forwardness in the sprout of a soft down over it, which had often fluttered, and I might also say, grown under my constant touch and visitation, so pleased was I with what I took to be a kind of title to womanhood, that state I pined to be entered of, for the pleasures I conceived were annexed to it; and now the growing importance of that part to me, and the new sensations in it, demolished at once all my girlish play-things and amusements

    36. Who would feed you two? Who would do your laundry?” But Regan had already annexed William’s cause to her own

    37. But annexed to it and preserved with it, probably m a

    38. Wake Island, 1898: America annexed this uninhabited Pacific island just in case it came in useful

    39. Alsace and Lorraine were annexed to Germany, the whole of northern and southwestern France, including Paris and the whole of the Channel and Atlantic coastline, was occupied by the Germans, and the centre and south of France was a supposedly ‘independent’ state with its own government based at the spa town of Vichy and led by Marshal Pétain

    40. In 1895, the Japanese annexed the Chinese island of Taiwan (also known as Formosa) and they held onto it until 1945

    41. Its critics, including the UN, point out that the wall seems to have annexed some 40 per cent of Palestine’s territory as well

    42. Anglaterra was still called Pirate Island, in commemoration of the national pastime that had gotten it conquered and annexed by the Imperio in the first place

    43. Their attention and wit were drawn off to his more fortunate rival; and the raillery which the other had incurred before any partiality arose, was removed when his feelings began really to call for the ridicule so justly annexed to sensibility

    44. A clever nation would have conquered a very stupid one and annexed it

    45. That the statement annexed to the report made to the Senate on the 2d day of March, 1809, contained all the dividends made by the Bank of the United States, from its establishment to the date of the report, as stated to the Treasury by the bank

    46. That the annexed table, (A,) being a transcript of the above-mentioned statement, with the addition of the dividends made on the 1st day of July, 1809, and on the first day of January last, embraces not only the semi-annual dividends of 4 per cent

    47. The author says: "If he who has a commission to treat has kept within the bounds of the power annexed to his office, though he acts contrary to his private instructions, the sovereign is to abide by what he has done; otherwise, we could never depend on engagements contracted by proxy

    48. "By a special act, done at Fontainebleau, November 3, 1762, of my own will and mere motion, having ceded to my very dear and best beloved cousin the King of Spain, and to his successors, in full property, purely and simply, and without any exceptions, the whole country known by the name of Louisiana, together with New Orleans, and the island in which the said city is situated; and by another act done at the Escurial, November 13, in the same year, His Catholic Majesty having accepted the cession of the said country of Louisiana, and the city and island of New Orleans, agreeably to the copies of the said acts, which you will find hereunto annexed; I write you this letter to inform you, that my intention is, that on the receipt of these presents, whether they come to your hands by the officers of His Catholic Majesty or directly by such French vessels as may be charged with the same, you are to deliver up to the governor, or officer appointed for that purpose by the King of Spain, the said country and colony of Louisiana, and the posts thereon depending, likewise the city and island of New Orleans, in such state and condition as they shall be found to be in on the day of the said cession, willing that in all time to come they shall belong to His Catholic Majesty, to be governed and administered by his governors and officers, and as possessed by him in full property, without any exceptions

    49. Instead of these new States being annexed to us, we shall be annexed to them, lose our independence, and become altogether subject to their control

    50. Again, sir, I never will consent that the bay of Mobile shall be annexed to any State which includes New Orleans and the mouth of the Mississippi, unless, indeed, they are both included in the same State with the whole country north, up to the Tennessee line

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