Use "annoyed" in a sentence
annoyed example sentences
1. Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control
2. ’ I said defensively, annoyed that he should think this of me
3. ’ I said, annoyed as I struggle with the pickled onion jar
4. ‘And what did you say?’ I asked, annoyed that he should have done that
5. ‘Oh Emma …’ I muttered, touched by her obvious care for me but all the same annoyed that Dan should think me such a pathetic creature to be pining for him
6. Annoyed with myself, I repeat it, enunciating carefully
7. ‘Will you stop doing this!’ I said thoroughly annoyed
8. Stephen is silent for a moment as though annoyed about this
9. It was only because she was an Angel and could keep herself on listen-only that Herndon didn't get annoyed at Glenelle's table-slapping braying while this conversation was going on
10. ’ I protested annoyed that they are making fun of me
11. Maggie calls everyone to order and, after the usual timelag for conversations to finish, during which time she stands looking annoyed, she goes into her spiel
12. The shit hits the fan one morning when I answer my doorbell to find Betty standing there, half annoyed and half gloating, as she sees me with a piece of toast in my hand
13. It sounds like she's annoyed, "You know, you're only making this worse
14. On the contrary, he looks angry and annoyed, as if he were jealous! Although he is only seven, he often shows such malice and arrogance which is rare even in adults
15. Shoddy workmanship always annoyed Kara
16. ‘What are you annoyed about, Karal?’ Angie asked when she got back to the café
17. Wasting little time, she strode along the pavement and turned into the side street where the Association was based, arriving at the door slightly breathless and consequently more than a little annoyed that it should be so
18. ’ I muttered, frowning at my weakness, annoyed that I should have woken Gilla
19. ’ I muttered, annoyed with myself for giving the game away
20. ‘What about Caderl?’ I asked, ignoring Wiesse’s annoyed look as I mention the man’s name
21. pensive, annoyed that daily life butts into
22. What annoyed him the most was how little interest the Kassikan seemed to be taking
23. ’ I said annoyed with myself
24. ’ The man said with an annoyed look, though the smile is still in evidence
25. She pretended to be annoyed and I asked her what he'd said but by then he was drowning our conversation and already out of control
26. "Should I tell that to the captain?" Thom asked, annoyed that she would not come out of that role
27. More often than not he just got annoyed with these younger conquests because after sex, and even before it on some occasions, there was nothing that he wanted to say to them
28. He’s visibly worried and plainly annoyed that he cannot help me
29. Ah! Katie’s put the phone down at last! The kitchen door swings open and Katie storms in, she’s clearly annoyed about something
30. ‘No, love, she’s just annoyed because she can’t see him at the weekend
31. “There is a real planet there, one Alfred annoyed me about for the first four years of our climb out of there
32. You’ll find him in the flower house, he’s busy cross-pollinating, experimenting again,” Rytal offered, a bit annoyed
33. ’ Graham said in an annoyed tone of voice a while later
34. ‘What are you doing with yourself these days?’ I asked, annoyed that my feelings on the subject are so very clear and deliberately ignoring her comment
35. More often than not he just got annoyed with these
36. away, confused and not a little annoyed, they heard the familiar
37. Annoyed with himself, he paused
38. For once, he wasn’t annoyed by his
39. 'He says he was more flattered than annoyed, and
40. Alan reported his encounter with this native while Delos got bored, then annoyed
41. ‘No, I haven’t,’ said Jean, annoyed with the ridiculous
42. Elmore was annoyed that Alan was so late calling in
43. The hosteller looked annoyed at being
44. annoyed at his son’s lack of discretion
45. We understand that the annoyed neighbor represents God, but is God an annoyed neighbor? Jesus makes a powerful point here
46. If this principle works for an annoyed neighbor, how much more will it work with a loving Father
47. annoyed at Jean’s naivety
48. It took him awhile to understand that a few chips spent on some food and drink was so insignificant to her that it annoyed her to have to waste words on it
49. This annoyed Jacques, but Jean and
50. those who were in the streets, so many are annoyed at the