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    Use "anticlimax" in a sentence

    anticlimax example sentences


    1. and something of an anticlimax

    2. Now that he knew this, the actual finding of Alan was an anticlimax, a major new basin hadn't been discovered in what, ten centuries? No true Energy Age holdovers had been discovered since the fall of the Black Tower

    3. After this a lost basin would be sort of an anticlimax

    4. His having had many girls before might be an anticlimax to him

    5. His last visual impression was of the bottle rolling down the hill out of the weeds, then stopping on the mossy hillside in anticlimax

    6. In a kind of anticlimax, he came upon a two-legged being as it came around the corner of a side aisle

    7. It was a bit of an anticlimax really and not much of an obituary for Mrs

    8. They really enjoyed it all the way through, and not being present during the time of quiet visitation about the temple, they escaped much of the anticlimax of the popular upheaval

    9. While the dramatic cleansing of the temple during the early morning had aroused their hopes of seeing the Master assert himself and manifest his mighty powers, the events of the entire afternoon only operated as an anticlimax in that they all pointed to the certain rejection of Jesus' teaching by the Jewish authorities

    10. The rest of the evening was anticlimax

    11. Nothing seemed to be happening at all, and to a generation which remembered, without much difficulty, the horrors and excesses of World War One, as it now had to be numbered, it seemed almost like anticlimax

    12. She almost felt an anticlimax with the hype of the last few weeks gone and now without doubt it was game over

    13. Police poured into the rooms and the arrests were almost an anticlimax with no resistance

    14. You will know how sometimes when you finish a substantial job eg it might have been decorating a room or for the more ambitious installing a new bathroom, that finishing can often seem like an anticlimax

    15. However, as the anticlimax of a swift Saddam surrender became a shocking reality to the Musalmans the world over, the umma was crestfallen once again, and began to sulk all the more

    16. through in the last couple of years, was certainly an anticlimax

    17. His first day in the job, however, became a bit of an anticlimax He had been looking forward so much to starting this new phase of his career, but after detectives coming out of the woodwork and all the recent events he found the routine mind numbingly boring; in fact, induction took up most of the day

    18. Then the sacred act of sex: meant only for reproduction; meant only for the best of each species to propagate and in doing so improve the health and strength of the species as a whole; which is supposed to happen only at the pinnacle of virility and maturity by the best of the species, at the best time, for the best reasons… when this biological-genetic law is violated and dirtied: everything as far as gratification and intensity of experience is concerned: everything after the act of sex is down: is an anticlimax; is worse and less

    19. loss, a trifle disappointed as at an unexpected anticlimax

    20. Dinner with Nana and the children wasn’t an anticlimax

    21. Anne felt that life partook of the nature of an anticlimax during the first few weeks after her return to Green Gables

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    Synonyms for "anticlimax"

    anticlimax bathos

    "anticlimax" definitions

    a disappointing decline after a previous rise

    a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one