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    Use "antimony" in a sentence

    antimony example sentences


    1. Xiphias waxed gibbous above them, sending silvery shadows through the cables, sheets and shrouds, antimony sprites that seemed to man the rigging with quicksilver limbs

    2. Nestorius when they ousted him from their ranks, but they lost their antimony toward his later followers when they were seen as a common link to the great army of the Khan

    3. Bureau of Mines estimated the Chinese had at least a 100-year supply of antimony from its stibnite mines

    4. " I have room only to mention, among the minerals of Indiana, many varieties of clay, ochres, gypsum, alabaster, muriat of soda, (very common,) iron ore, and antimony

    5. Some of it was obtained on the charcoal in metallic globules; it was a brittle metal, white, with a tinge of red, and foliated, but not so distinctly as bismuth and antimony

    6. —, —, with antimony, the action of muriatic and nitric acids on, xlix, 206

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    Synonyms for "antimony"

    antimony atomic number 51 sb

    "antimony" definitions

    a metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite