Use "apostolic" in a sentence
apostolic example sentences
1. This is the apostolic perception
2. How many times has it been that someone will start a church with the heart to truly live and teach others to live the apostolic lifestyle, but after a certain point in growth and after gaining a certain amount of property, they suddenly change
3. Joshua’s authority could be equated to the apostolic today
4. evaluated by eye witnesses to the epistles’ apostolic
5. numerous occasions with apostolic authority he
6. the danger of not following apostolic teaching on the
7. I believe that you and I generally agree on apostolic points of reference whose teachings are ―clearly‖ outlined in The Gospels
8. The Christian Community has been very fortunate, however, that it was/is able to draw upon a large body of Apostolic Testimonies passed along to the ancient fathers who promulgated the spiritual ―essence‖ of His teachings
9. Elsewhere in this booklet, I have been critical of those who, at various times throughout the history of the church, have tried to return to the perceived simplicity of the apostolic age
10. So we have two outstanding apostolic men each of whom had a life-changing vision
11. Survivors slipped through in some manner and those Apostolic Christians marched forward into the second century of John’s future in all their imperfection
12. Until the beginning of the fourth century (AD 312) the apostolic church had been periodically persecuted, but it had grown amazingly
13. The Eastern Christian entity of the seventh century (AD 600) was far removed from its apostolic origins
14. And in the years that elapsed in apostolic history, things hadn’t seemed to have changed that much
15. From the “mark of the beast which is 666,” if it is seen as historical, to 999, the end of the first millennium is 333 years, approximately equal to the historical chronology of the apostolic persecuted church if we mark the beginning of the age as the birth of Christ, which has been variously ascribed from 4 to 6 BC
16. As elaborated on in chapter 17, the struggle of the martyred saints (the Apostolic Church) from approximately AD 30 to Constantine’s sanctioning of the Christian sect in AD 325 brought the nearly three-hundred-year struggle to a victorious conclusion
17. Rome, on the other hand, the traditional one that the apostolic church had gravitated toward was slowly but surely bypassed
18. The Apostolic Church had fought Gnosticism in one form or another since its beginning
19. Why this should be so is unclear, but Arianism, the anti-Marian, dual nature of Christ belief, also had been much stronger in the eastern provinces as the apostolic age came to an end before the AD 325 watershed event took place
20. Thus is seen the consequence of the continued drifting away from their First Love, during the reign of the successors to the Apostolic church of Christ in the millennium-and-a-half of their suzerainty
21. The contest for the hearts and minds of all of the populations that flowed into the Christian belief system like a mighty river during those first three hundred years surged and ebbed for and against the apostolic version of the Word
22. The Apostolic church fought to maintain the purity of its message against its slightly older twin whose wildly imaginative nature made it the “hunter-gatherer” of the theological thinking of their day
23. Also, during the first three hundred years of the Christian Era, this version competed rather seriously with the apostolic renderings, having been able to lead church teaching for a short interval before the Council of Nicaea overthrew their versions
24. So where do we stand today? Is it true that Christian theology has been contaminated with the imaginings of those Gnostic thinkers, in the area of angeology at least? And if so, how early in the beginning of the apostolic age did it come in?
25. Doctor Isak Burger is the president of the Apostolic Faith Mission in South Africa
26. "A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal
27. entrance of the Apostolic Palace, The Courtyard
28. (And regardless of all these continual persecutions and horrible punishments of Apostles the Church increased daily deeply rooted in the doctrine of the Apostles and of men apostolic and so was watered plentously with the blood of saints)
29. so did the first apostolic martyr cheerfully and resolutely receive that cup which he had told our Savior he was ready to drink
30. And yet regardless of all these continual persecutions and horrible punishments the Church daily increased deeply rooted in the doctrine of the Apostles and of men apostolic and watered plentously with the blood of saints
31. I have read that its other justification is the doctrine of apostolic succession: Christ gave divine authority to his Disciples, who passed it to the Apostles, who gave it to the first Priests, who passed it on to Bishops; and you happen to be a Bishop
32. supposed to be “the Holy and Catholic and Apostolic Church,” functions like a giant machine
33. “The same men who call their priests eunuchs in the holy catholic and apostolic Church did not
34. for nigh two thousand years, and constitutes what is called the Apostolic
35. rejecting Christ, since it is taught in the Gospel and by the Apostolic tradition
36. But Jesus planned to have no close relatives as members of this corps of apostolic directors of the kingdom
37. 3 That night at a simple supper at the Alpheus home, the twin brothers were received into the apostolic family
38. 1 After disposing of the fish catches of two weeks, Judas Iscariot, the one chosen to act as treasurer of the twelve, divided the apostolic funds into six equal portions, funds for the care of dependent families having been already provided
39. Most of the apostles were married, some had several children, but they had made such arrangements for the support of their home folks that, with some little assistance from the apostolic funds, they could devote their entire energies to the Master's work without having to worry about the financial welfare of their families
40. 1 Andrew, chairman of the apostolic corps of the kingdom, was born in Capernaum
41. He was one of the inner circle of four apostles, but his appointment by Jesus as the head of the apostolic group made it necessary for him to remain on duty with his brethren while the other three enjoyed very close communion with the Master
42. To the very end Andrew remained dean of the apostolic corps
43. Along with Andrew, he was one of the more level-headed of the apostolic group
44. He was the youngest member of his father's family and the youngest of the apostolic group
45. 8 The apostolic steward was not a good public speaker, but he was a very persuasive and successful personal worker
46. He was often absent from the apostolic councils, for when he heard that sickness or anything out of the ordinary had happened to one of his charges, he lost no time in getting to that home
47. He was a man of moderate wealth, the only one of any means belonging to the apostolic corps
48. Matthew hesitated openly to contribute to the apostolic funds for fear that Jesus and his associates might regard his money as being tainted; so he gave much in the names of other believers
49. He was lost to the knowledge of his former apostolic associates, but on he went, preaching and baptizing, through Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace
50. Thomas had the one truly analytical mind of the twelve; he was the real scientist of the apostolic group