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    Use "archenemy" in a sentence

    archenemy example sentences


    1. The devious ones, the forces of the archenemy had plans of their own and would likely oppose him when they saw fit

    2. It was as if the spirits of the land and sky were not in his dreams; as if they did not safekeep him from the malevolence of the archenemy

    3. The archenemy had struck him down in a single fiery flash

    4. If God willed it so, he would be ready to dispense his wrath to the minions of the archenemy

    5. The archenemy collapsed on his feet, his eyes rolling backwards with only the white of his eyes visible

    6. The Pilgrim had never thought he would be chosen to kill the archenemy, if that was what had happened

    7. He just was; the archenemy simply existed to oppose God

    8. He saw the archenemy before him, and killed him with one swift blow

    9. It is possible that Nobel Committee did not want to annoy the British by recognizing their archenemy

    10. It is possible that the committee did not want to upset the British by recognizing their archenemy

    11. Politicians should be the archenemy of every privileged elite in society

    12. He was always the archenemy and Carrie was invariably his evil assistant

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