Use "argue against" in a sentence
argue against example sentences
argue against
1. I would argue against that position, but recognize nevertheless that such a case could be made
2. Once these unwholesome attitudes are carried to an extreme, who‘s to argue against a ―final solution‖ to questions regarding race, color or creed or national origin or income, for that matter, or an individual‘s sexual orientation, eccentricity, or the elderly or others feeble in mind or body or other
3. While I believe that the president‘s tax-cuts have produced a healthy effect on the economy, (who‘s to argue against 4
4. He couldn’t argue against that noble endeavor, but how hard was it to catch con artists on the phone?
5. Between her legs, she felt a thirst for his body she could no longer argue against
6. You could say one thing one day, and he would argue against it
7. Because these evidences are not complete does not argue against an existence and chronology for those long-gone entities
8. Hesitant in her step as if she wanted to argue against
9. I would not argue against religion for any reason I can imagine
10. The propositions that we argue against—they live and breed within us
11. Although we argue against theories that
12. But it is odd to argue against the actuality of the theory, for the theory tends
13. I argue against this if the latter is more difficult to understand than the use of the
14. “Usually I’m against children carrying weapons, but I guess circumstances now can argue against that
15. futile to argue against – not even crystal clear logic could bend it a fraction
16. groups will always argue against science and truth because their delusion inhibits
17. She had a hard fight in the United States to argue against the objections of General Curtiss LeMay, the commander of the Strategic Air Command, who wanted all the B-50s to go exclusively to his command
18. can we really say that we are? It’s one thing to argue against a myth
19. computer, it's no wonder that we begin to argue against the “ghost in
20. “I would have to argue against that statement,” Data began, prepared to list his observations
21. Garcia couldn’t help but see Picard as royalty, though Picard would probably argue against that comparison
22. he couldn’t argue against her point
23. She had not however had the time to argue against that decision during the last busy days
24. He laughs at the ideas first then argue against it
25. Can we argue against the premise that we humans are essentially invisible and intangible spirits, with an intellect to learn with, logic and reason to understand with, free will to exercise choice with, and emotions to feel with?
26. Those who argue against God's revelations, without any proof having come to them-a heinous sin in the sight of God, and of those who believe
27. “I know, but you would actually argue against the aesthetic improvements offered by two beautiful birds?”
28. California law states that carrying weapons openly in public is legal, and the Panthers were in Sacramento to argue against impending legislation that would revoke this right
29. And now I began to wonder at myself for being in the coach, and to doubt whether I had sufficient reason for being there, and to consider whether I should get out presently and go back, and to argue against ever heeding an anonymous communication, and, in short, to pass through all those phases of contradiction and indecision to which I suppose very few hurried people are strangers
30. He closed the book and said: “My question, to myself and my brethren, is this: Have we slipped below the standards of Prior Philip in the matter of separation between monks and females?” He had learned, in student debates, to put his argument in the form of a question whenever he could, giving his opponent as little as possible to argue against
31. ” While we sympathize with the historians and semanticists who argue against it, we see no harm in conforming to what has become the accepted usage
32. This makes it sound like I argue against Ms
33. They reach and even surpass that value at times; but this occurs in the upper reaches of bull markets, when the lessons of practical experience would argue against the soundness of paying the prevailing prices for common stocks
34. Thus the main objective of our attack on warrants as a financial mechanism is not to condemn their use in connection with moderate-size bond issues, but to argue against the wanton creation of huge “paper-money” monstrosities of this genre
35. are two lines of evidence that argue against the notion that incentive sensitization
36. And yet, it is difficult to argue against mathematics and the laws of gravity
37. Over the years, Marilyn’s biographers and industry insiders have maintained that her true calling was comedy, and when one reassesses the Monroe filmography, it is hard to argue against that point
38. It is a visionary mode of reasoning to argue against the possession of power from the abuse of it