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    Use "arrived" in a sentence

    arrived example sentences


    1. When He arrived there, God appeared unto him

    2. However, when He arrived where

    3. Next, two elderly gentleman arrived – one appeared to be the others

    4. I arrived here about 55,35,30

    5. When this woman arrived where Jesus sat, she poured

    6. It’s standard procedure and one can never be too careful with a child that arrived a month premature

    7. " Athnu had been giving him the usual 'how do we know you?' interrogation until she arrived

    8. to form the dish arrived with two forks, watermelon and grapes

    9. property when you arrived at this

    10. Bronner arrived in the States in 1929, and bounced between soap consulting jobs for various companies

    11. They arrived at Taktor's gate

    12. Either the mystery man had been well secured before being murdered, or he was long dead before he arrived in Sunnyvale

    13. I arrived a few years later by which time Dad had got himself a reputation as a reliable maths teacher and, when I was seven, we moved down to Plymouth

    14. ’ I told my son when he arrived at the house just after five fifteen, complaining bitterly about a hold up on the motorway which had kept him stationary for over half an hour

    15. She squeezed her eyes shut together and wished, but no data at all arrived

    16. A very short hour later my wife and daughter arrived home

    17. millennium or two of orbital time Smith arrived at a conclusion

    18. There was radio contact between Earth and Kassidor for almost a generation, but it stopped about the time they would have arrived home

    19. "And there was never enough time to search it all by hand before security arrived

    20. I made an educated guess for the number of blocks missing because of the door itself and so arrived at a number

    21. A little later, Zisis arrived home

    22. " Horcheese had arrived

    23. When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

    24. Ignoring persistently a strong heartbeat and an inner voice crying “Don't go!”, I arrived at St

    25. Surprisingly, the next time I call at Betty’s house, she’s not only in (a rarity as she’s usually got the early bus somewhere) but she invites me in for a cup of tea – the first time since Brenda and I called when I first arrived here

    26. As soon as I arrived at the gym this afternoon, I noticed a white card on the reception desk saying “Massage from Themis

    27. They would continue to decelerate and by the time they arrived, the asteroid would have already impacted

    28. As I was informed by an advertisement posted up all over the city of Athens, a famous lama has just arrived in Greece

    29. The next morning my guards arrived mob-handed

    30. Then the next spring arrived and word came that she was applying for the teaching position at the school

    31. We arrived in Athens at 8:30 in the evening

    32. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at our hotel at Kryoneri: I sighed in disappointment as soon as I found out how small, noisy, isolated and miserable it is - nothing to do with the hotel we had seen on the leaflet

    33. The second note, which arrived a few days later, read:

    34. With every move the record of our days started all over again, and we could never be quite sure, once we arrived at a new place of incarceration, that we could remember the previous count at all accurately

    35. Before the guards arrived for morning ablutions he outlined his approach to me

    36. They arrived to find Ernesto abed with a brain infection

    37. Once the physician arrived, they didn't stay

    38. He was a little queasy about these computer programs claiming to be people for they had not existed outside Asia till he arrived at 61 Cygni, even though they were of Earth

    39. "They now call electronics 'Yingolian crystals' and its widespread use began when our ship arrived," Herndon told her, "though it really had more to do with your friend's sister

    40. Since they arrived, a very thin coating of fine dust had settled on the ship

    41. When he arrived in the city, he was pleased to find something positive

    42. Their meal arrived, berry pancakes and bacon strips was what he called it, here the slang translated literally to 'patters and toast

    43. Kara closed her eyes … she’d been in London … Doris fussing about taxis … then she’d got on the train at Paddington and arrived some hours later exhilarated by her journey, head stuffed with images of this England so different from her own … Taunton, she’d gone to Taunton

    44. The policeman who’d been here when she arrived had implied that it was more attempted murder than a mugging … seemed to think that she’d been deliberately left on the railway line

    45. Zareide was quite as welcoming as she had been earlier; she even tried to send Kara away before the kaht arrived

    46. When Son arrived in the Land of Mortality the oracle told him what had

    47. ’ She said fervently, as the waitress arrived with their food order

    48. ‘I’ve just arrived in Bristol and wanted to catch you before you went out anywhere

    49. The sun had appeared by the time Kara and Iain arrived in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare

    50. A letter arrived at my mother’s full of blame and resignation

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