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    as soon as possible example sentences

    as soon as possible

    1. Dogs peeing on the lawn: Hose with water as soon as possible

    2. ‘Someone had a go at my car yesterday, Emma, the police think it best if I move out as soon as possible

    3. ‘Just that there’s been an accident and she’s to go to the A&E department as soon as possible

    4. We arranged to meet at his office in Janus as soon as possible, that is tomorrow; I am starting lessons on Friday

    5. I would suggest that you bring Iain back with you as soon as possible

    6. ‘Come on, I want to get us off this road as soon as possible

    7. ‘So it’s not as urgent that the fourth one is retrieved as soon as possible

    8. In the morning we were off as soon as possible

    9. Please take this seriously, as it is necessary to remove the imposters as soon as possible

    10. Anyway James asked me to tell you that he will be back as soon as possible

    11. The thrashing she had received when her mother found out about her uncle’s activities had been the last – she had left home as soon as possible after that

    12. That was allowed because you needed to reach water as soon as possible, and it was closer that way

    13. He didn’t get sucked into it now because he wanted to get started on the way to the clearing as soon as possible

    14. My nieces and nephews were very happy and all want to meet you as soon as possible

    15. Then decided that was going to be too long after the accident for Mike to be pleased, and decided that she’d better find a phone as soon as possible

    16. The only thing he could do was get over to Alan's as soon as possible and hope there was some chance he wasn't too late

    17. to Jaca as soon as possible

    18. for returning as soon as possible into that universal

    19. But as soon as possible, Chloe excused herself, saying that she must lie down

    20. For his own interest and safety, therefore, he might find it necessary, in this very perilous situation, to go on for some time, endeavouring, however, to withdraw gradually, and, upon that account, making every day greater and greater difficulties about discounting, in order to force these projectors by degrees to have recourse, either to other bankers, or to other methods of raising money : so as that he himself might, as soon as possible, get out of the circle

    21. She’d leave this place as soon as possible

    22. He needed to tell her what was going on and get her there as soon as possible

    23. Whether the stock which really carried on the business of a corn merchant belonged to the person who was called a farmer, or to the person who was called a corn merchant, an equal profit was in both cases requisite, in order to indemnify its owner for employing it in this manner, in order to put his business on a level with other trades, and in order to hinder him from having an interest to change it as soon as possible for some other

    24. He promises to be here as soon as possible, but he’s had some business to see to near Ivarstead

    25. He reminded himself that after speaking with Tullius, whether successful in information-gathering or not, he had to get back to Riften as soon as possible

    26. get started as soon as possible

    27. I will send a request to her office immediately that you would like a meeting as soon as possible

    28. Those two sorts of expenses are two capitals which the farmer employs in cultivation; and unless they are regularly restored to him, together with a reasonable profit, he cannot carry on his employment upon a level with other employments; but, from a regard to his own interest, must desert it as soon as possible, and seek some other

    29. She informed him that the Hesperian was already in the midst of making preparations for a course change and would be there as soon as possible

    30. Other valleys led off to cut between smaller peaks but the party kept bearing left so that they would be heading north as soon as possible

    31. A standard, ‘safe’ defrost took upwards of sixteen hours but she wanted the extra crew members to be ready as soon as possible

    32. He wasn't in the habit of calling on her so early like this but he wanted to clear the air as soon as possible

    33. The subscribers to a new loan, who mean generally to sell their subscription as soon as possible, prefer greatly a perpetual annuity, redeemable by parliament, to an irredeemable annuity, for a long term of years, of only equal amount

    34. prepared to board the Florida as soon as possible, as there was not much time to spare

    35. They had to get the vessel in shipshape condition as soon as possible, but Waddell wanted to leave the rendezvous

    36. As they ate, Staron suggested making a move as soon as possible

    37. As soon as possible they were taken down in stages to the coast, and placed on the “Coromandel,” out of the malarious zone

    38. The only thing he wanted me to do was to get the steer off the road as soon as possible

    39. “We have to get this out to the authorities as soon as possible

    40. When winter finally broke its hold on Brockenhurst Forest, the Preceptor cautioned patience when Cherva had suggested that they launch an attack on Badachro Sett as soon as possible

    41. Can you come here as soon as possible? I think your presence here will be a good thing

    42. “I need you and Kate to come to the library as soon as possible

    43. Best to sort it out as soon as possible and it is standard practise for your intelligence people to become interested in you when you travel in places where they need information

    44. Whatever the circumstances dictate – start the process as soon as possible and get the professionals involved

    45. Get medical help as soon as possible

    46. Resolving to move to a more affordable, commercial hotel as soon as possible, I dropped into the bath

    47. He had to get to a credmach as soon as possible and empty the account

    48. �Latest story we have is the District Attorney wants an indictment as soon as possible

    49. When Steve arrived back at his desk in the Squad Room, he had a telephone message to call Agent Anders as soon as possible

    50. �I'll see the Captain and set up arrangements for us to leave this Sunday and be able to advance our investigation as soon as possible

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