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    Synonyms and Definitions

    Use "as well as" in a sentence

    as well as example sentences

    as well as

    1. sacrifices was sprinkled on the people as well as on the

    2. · A tremendous increase in the consumption of medical drugs, with and without doctor’s advice, to treat common as well as chronic problems

    3. Additionally, because of lifestyle changes and a lower metabolism, it is important to consider how we eat as well as what we eat

    4. · Appealing to the eye as well as the palate

    5. This cover will also take care of pre as well as post-hospitalisation expenses like money spent on buying medicines and conducting medical tests

    6. Honey Bees: Honey Bees are very valuable in their role as pollinators as well as a source of food

    7. It was developed to help reduce inflammation, promote healthy circulation and healing, and alleviate pain and because of its strong odors will repel most insects as well as keep them from eating your plants

    8. Castile works very well against many types of funguses such as black sooty mold as well as for controlling ants outside

    9. Deer Off works great on rabbits as well as most chewing animals and insects

    10. This is a very strong combination and will kill and control many other insects as well as fleas

    11. In counseling the close relatives and friends; one is usually spontaneous in giving as well as accepting the advice and to some extent can be insisted upon

    12. Just remember that if you have pets that it can kill them as well as kill animals including humans if ingested or if it enters our blood

    13. DRAX works well on roaches as well as ants

    14. I am responsible for you as well as my other children

    15. One must know the quantum of return required as well as the amount of risk one is willing to take to achieve that return

    16. Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress

    17. Classes will usually have their good points as well as their bad

    18. Organic matter and rock powders form the basis of organic fertilizers, and benefit the soil as well as the plant

    19. This practice will also benefit the microbes as well as the beneficial insects

    20. But the best top dressings are made from well made compost because it provides a complete and varied food source as well as varied bacterial sources

    21. He looked at her, she could read him as well as she could sixty Earth years ago when they had parted

    22. · Dharma includes all external deeds, as well as thoughts and other mental practices that tend to elevate the character of a man

    23. It was dim, there was a setting for how transparent each lens was to the outside world, as well as its optical magnification

    24. The first thing you have to do is address the nutritional needs of your property as well as that of the plants

    25. It is a terrible effort to keep a job and return to a small tenement and cope with growing children as well as the usually ailing parents

    26. The children have company of other children as well as the elders

    27. He had calculated various sized puddles, as well as the movement of streams and lakes

    28. This is primarily due to its high calcium levels as well as high iron, and its large selection of trace minerals, which are made immediately available to the soil and plants

    29. Changing the behavior of the ants is a very important factor in controlling many pests in the home and garden as well as controlling the ants themselves

    30. Remember that it can affect the soil health as well as the plants health if over used

    31. The real strength was waiting patiently for her return wasn't it? As well as letting her know that he would be fine until then, and letting her know that her position with him was secure, though it was filled by a temp till then

    32. The ocean is very rich in trace minerals, enzymes, and bacteria as well as small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

    33. This is very bad for your health as well as being bad for the garden (it kills the soil)

    34. We compost all of our kitchen wastes and recycled paper wastes as well as the wood from the matches we use, etc

    35. Over 400,000 tons of pesticides are applied each year by American farmers with less than one-tenth of one percent actually reaching targeted pests! A main source of contamination of our soil, water, air and food, as well as being highly inefficient, this method of pest control places at risk the health of the farmer and consumer alike

    36. "This is fragile cargo as well as secure

    37. What trouble could Peter have been in? But he was half smiling, his head turned a little to one side, looking at me sideways, as though willing me gently to come clean, to myself as well as to him

    38. Maybe I wasn't the bravest in the world, hell, not even the bravest in Darklow, but one thing I can honestly say about myself, then as well as today, is that I'm determined and when it comes to family I will do, give and take whatever is needed

    39. It had been so long that he didn't think of it at first, but this matched his memories of the news from back then, as well as his memory worked over that distance of time

    40. the law of fear works in the physical world as well as in spiritual

    41. He remembered the old girl’s warning, as well as

    42. Glenelle found that she could still run the android as well as she had when she helped raise Alan, the only one of their seed zygotes Gordon's Lamp ever thawed and raised

    43. healing in strong faith, as well as salvation and deliverance of your chil-

    44. The first time Glenelle really became personally uncomfortable about it was when Ava told her sister on the ground that Glenelle was with her now and they all realized that Ava on the ground knew her almost as well as this Angelic Ava who was her best friend

    45. As well as communications, they had an optical scope that could render a pretty good image of the area

    46. as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is

    47. model prayer as well as that they should always pray

    48. They don't give a dime if I know perfect English and Italian, as well as very good German and Spanish

    49. With their cuteness, tricks, tears, mischief, as well as with their endless demands, they manage to keep their parents always busy -especially their mother

    50. Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

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    Synonyms for "as well as"

    along with including together with