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    ash can example sentences

    ash can

    1. He drops the Rolex in a trash can by his bed

    2. Johnson threw the manuscript in the trash can next to the door

    3. cranny of the house, and even peered into the trash cans

    4. Delis, bakeries and open trash cans competed for the attention of your nose

    5. and came into a large open room, totally crammed full of desks, filing cabinets and trash cans which were overflowing with the paperwork that seems to be endlessly generated by

    6. The boy lurched to a stop, hunkered over a trash can, and rummaged through it

    7. “That’s it! Last final!” Lisette let out a whoop and slammed her textbook into the nearest trash can

    8. Al carries the stack of sheets to the trash can and together we walk toward the training room

    9. After picking up a few bundles of cordwood, the ranger gave them a printout of warnings on climbing and loose rock, fire care, permissible swimming spots, use of the privies, animal-proofed trash cans, and behavior of rabid animals

    10. I eat dinner with Amar, George, Christina, and Peter in the cafeteria, between the beverage counter and a row of trash cans

    11. his head slightly, to see that homely bottle of vodka resting innocently on its side beside the trash can

    12. alleyway after him, edging their way around the trash cans

    13. Having sufficient cash can assist greatly in

    14. He tossed the soaked rag into the trash can and retrieved another to dab at his hands and trousers, then stepped up and nodded as a small man in a pale lightweight suit came to meet him

    15. Someone stepped in the doorway, dragging a plastic trash can full of beer bottles

    16. Used a trash can to beat the shit out of guy, too

    17. I had a fire in an old steel trash can, but even its flames seemed frozen

    18. A well-dressed man stepped out from between two trash cans

    19. Their son, young Bifford , scrambled like a rat into an alley and skittered behind the false safety of a trash can

    20. Satisfied, Zar threw him to the pavement and allowed him to crawl back to the shelter of his trash can

    21. The trash can in front of us was cold and empty, as if he'd taken the flames with him

    22. I threw Ares’s backpack in the trash can

    23. Ares’s backpack was slung over my shoulder, which was odd, because I was sure I had thrown it in the trash can in room 4001, but at the moment I had other problems to worry about

    24. “I stuffed it in a trash can when I stayed

    25. That was it! That was all I could take! While she was at the trash can, I ran out the garage door, climbed through the fence behind the house, and ran as fast as I could up the hill

    26. After that she made me braunschweiger sandwiches, which I threw away in the trash can at school, until Andy got one of my discarded sandwiches out of the trash after school, and gave it to his mom

    27. “AAAAAAA” (Crash) I ended up in a heap near the trash can

    28. After that, it would turn back into a trash can

    29. He reminded the children that they were running out of time, as this nice flying vessel would soon be nothing more than a trash can again

    30. Put the mp3 player in the trash can

    31. Metcalfe shook his head and smiled, “He is a bit of a kid with a lot of cash and that cash can save this firm from bankruptcy

    32. The trash can is behind you

    33. “I wasn’t aiming for the trash can," she said angrily

    34. They pulled a man out of the trash can and tied him to the cargo tie points on the walls

    35. Darius quickly subdued the pilot and stuffed him in the same trash can he had earlier used for Dubya, the backstabber

    36. “That may be the dog that’s been knocking over trash can for the past week

    37. “People think that Limpy is responsible for knocking over trash cans around town

    38. “That’s that dog that everyone said has been knocking over trash cans

    39. “I guess we know why our trash cans have never been tipped over

    40. The trash can had overflowed and spilled onto the floor

    41. Then I became violently ill and had to run to the nearest scorched trash can, and throw up

    42. the trash cans in the park, and sifted through every strand of

    43. Throwing the now useless weapon in a nearby trash can after wiping it clean with a handkerchief, Nancy then took out her wallet and extracted 5,000 American dollars from it, giving them to Jiro

    44. trash cans for the janitor

    45. Once he got back from his trip that trash can would be full of 14

    46. Wiggles sat on a trash can in the alley

    47. up from the trash can and ripped off his shirt

    48. Jamaal,Tony,Tyrone, and Wiggles sat on the trash cans

    49. Wiggles stood up from the trash can to address his

    50. the metal detector then into the empty trash can

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