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    Use "asparagus" in a sentence

    asparagus example sentences


    1. Perhaps in an effort to add some sophistication, we had some steamed asparagus

    2. We ordered thick steaks, big baked potatoes and fresh cut asparagus along with endless pots of coffee

    3. “We’ll celebrate with some fresh cut asparagus and savory potatoes

    4. He ate the parsley-sprinkled fingerling potatoes, and he'd swallowed a couple of tips of the asparagus spears, but only toyed with the crab legs, barely nibbling at a tiny forkful of meat

    5. Denis brought out a wooden cutting board with two lobster tails, two filet mignons, eight large green asparagus, two types of salt, two red wine glasses and a bottle of the finest Federation red wine

    6. Give the asparagus a quick wash

    7. Snap off tough ends of asparagus

    8. The garden was doing quite well and Ed harvested some lettuce and asparagus for supper that evening

    9. The roots give you asparagus the very next year, whereas it will take about three years to get asparagus from seeds

    10. As the asparagus shoots out of the ground in the spring, all you have to do is cut it, cook it and enjoy

    11. Even liver, asparagus and sour

    12. Lay in the asparagus and make sure that they

    13. Slanted poles with sharpened tops, known as "Rommel's asparagus" were placed in possible glider and paratroop landing spots

    14. I was still steaming the asparagus when Theano came in and set the mail down on the kitchen table

    15. Place the asparagus in the skillet

    16. On the private jet, I finished a dinner of salmon, asparagus, and small potatoes

    17. • Have some duck breast, finish this completely, and then have steamed asparagus, cauliflower, and string beans with lots of raw butter

    18. Combine the arugula, asparagus, and olives in a bowl

    19. Toss asparagus with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt

    20. Line an oven safe dish with parchment paper and spread the asparagus out in a single layer

    21. The only vegetables that should be juiced are your prime protein type vegetables, which are celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans, and cauliflower (including the base)

    22. Asparagus Adscendeus (Shveta Mushali): Asparagus adscendeus, known as Shveta Musali in Sanskrit, is one such aphrodisiac herb, which is widely recommended in Ayurvedic texts for improving sexual behavior and boosting fertility

    23. The phytochemicals present in the tuberous roots of Asparagus adscendeus help to heal underlying conditions that inhibit secretion of sex hormones that suppress the normal functions of the reproductive system

    24. The aphrodisiac property of Asparagus adscendeus is primarily attributed to the steroidal glycosides present in the root

    25. asparagus they’d eaten and I was

    26. Place salmon and asparagus on plate

    27. And I, when I hear you are coming, shall be in a flutter, and will get out my best dress, and will fuss over things like asparagus and a salad, and tell the heated and awe-stricken maid that His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at the Best place to be an Ambassador in the World is coming to supper; and we shall feel how sweet it is to be old dear friends

    28. ' I left it to him to decide what food, and he brought me fried eels and asparagus first, sausages with cranberries second, and coffee with gooseberry jam last

    29. Sprinkle the other pinch of salt on the green beans Grilled Chicken Asparagus Rolls

    30. Snap off tough ends of asparagus and remove scales with vegetable peeler

    31. Avoid planting onions nears asparagus, beans and peas

    32. * Two cups of frozen asparagus -- thawed out

    33. asparagus plant with a motto in Castilian that says, Rastrea mi suerte

    34. She boiled the asparagus for an hour and was grieved to find the heads cooked off and the stalks harder than ever

    35. The potatoes had to be hurried, not to keep the asparagus waiting, and were not done at the last

    36. The large room was emptying; the stove-pipe, in the shape of a palm-tree, spread its gilt leaves over the white ceiling, and near them, outside the window, in the bright sunshine, a little fountain gurgled in a white basin, where; in the midst of watercress and asparagus, three torpid lobsters stretched across to some quails that lay heaped up in a pile on their sides

    37. Nope, nope, that’s a callback to the asparagus

    38. From the theater Stepan Arkadyevitch drove to Ohotny Row, selected himself the fish and asparagus for dinner, and by twelve o’clock was at Dussot’s, where he had to see three people, luckily all staying at the same hotel: Levin, who had recently come back from abroad and was staying there; the new head of his department, who had just been promoted to that position, and had come on a tour of revision to

    39. ‘And I’m oppressed and humiliated that they won’t engage me at the Foundling,’ the old prince said again, to the huge delight of Turovtsin, who in his mirth dropped his asparagus with the thick end in the sauce

    40. You see, Rodya, to my thinking, the great thing for getting on in the world is always to keep to the seasons; if you don't insist on having asparagus in January, you keep your money in your purse; and it's the same with this purchase

    41. It depends on the thickness of the asparagus

    42. There should be a little chewing resistance in the asparagus, and the oven should never exceed 212°F (100°C)

    43. Large asparagus can take four hours or more

    44. “The asparagus is placed upright in a tin, and white wine is poured on top

    45. When the asparagus is left standing, the heat comes from underneath and moves through the thick bottom first and later upwards through the herb bouquet, so that the asparagus is evenly cooked

    46. The worst thing you can do with asparagus is to boil it on the stove

    47. All you need to do is taste the water after boiling, which becomes a rich asparagus bouillon while the asparagus itself has lost much of its flavor

    48. "Villain! Yes, I know that you call us that, you rich gentlemen! Stop! it's true that I became bankrupt, that I am in hiding, that I have no bread, that I have not a single sou, that I am a villain! It's three days since I have had anything to eat, so I'm a villain! Ah! you folks warm your feet, you have Sakoski boots, you have wadded great-coats, like archbishops, you lodge on the first floor in houses that have porters, you eat truffles, you eat asparagus at forty francs the bunch in the month of January, and green peas, you gorge yourselves, and when you want to know whether it is cold, you look in the papers to see what the engineer Chevalier's thermometer says about it

    49. Even when it was not the season for asparagus, it had to be found regardless of cost, so that he could take pleasure in the vapors of his own fragrant urine

    50. The majority sank quickly, but some which, whilst green, floated for a very short time, when dried floated much longer; for instance, ripe hazel-nuts sank immediately, but when dried they floated for ninety days, and afterwards when planted germinated; an asparagus plant with ripe berries floated for twenty-three days, when dried it floated for eighty-five days, and the seeds afterwards germinated: the ripe seeds of Helosciadium sank in two days, when dried they floated for above ninety days, and afterwards germinated

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    Synonyms for "asparagus"

    asparagus asparagus officinales edible asparagus

    "asparagus" definitions

    plant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable

    edible young shoots of the asparagus plant