I was just telling you about Kulai, but the home we live in is what I always wanted but didn't dare aspire to, even as an Angel
value in encouraging the young men to aspire to the leadership of the church
"Humans, unlike the animals in nature, have the ability to aspire to whatever level they wish
really care about and are passionate about? What do they aspire to be?
What do your customers aspire to do and have? How would they use
It does not aspire to anything that is higher than (itself) because nothing higher exists
An animal can never hope to aspire to Wisdom because such efforts imply a certain insight into the underpinnings of conscious designs, not merely their outward expressions but all that lies hidden and beyond
The honor he was blessed with was indeed so great he could have never thought it possible, much less aspire to be given it
It is a character trait all Thais aspire to but few attain
"[141] In view of this, we can aspire to be mindful moment by moment about the actions of our body, speech, and mind – because it is in the present where karma is continually ripening, and where future karmic results are being sown
Then people will try to aspire to these values inspite of the fact that it may not come from within
there are no more rabies…” Isn’t that precisely what we all aspire to… a free and peaceful world without antagonism? Perhaps I share, after all, a bit of your “utopian spirit”, tempered by reality, for I do not exist to seek opposition, but dream of being able to live in peace and tranquillity
managers should aspire to
Pike stated that after World War III is ended, those who will aspire to undisputed world-domination will provoke the
Although a source of frustration for many, there is much humans aspire to know that must remain concealed until the proper time
So many aspire to leadership but are not willing to take the responsibility that comes with it
With that great honor I already sit about as high as any player can aspire to, and a worthy prize it is, so for now I am the unofficial champion of The Game of Status
If they aspire towards thinking of themselves as a ‘caring’
What about your property rights? If you aspire to millionaire status, this means that you are attempting to accumulate property and expect to retain it
But if you have ever wanted to be rich or if you aspire to great wealth one day, then please listen closely to the message in this chapter
Every good quality that we can aspire to can be found in him
wannabees to pretend they can dress in the manner they aspire to
Maybe in the psychology of the emigrant it was better to grasp what they had, than to aspire to something they could probably never achieve
People I respect, and aspire to accomplish a fraction of what they have…
You may not aspire to live his life, but you can resolve to live your lives even as, and by the same means that, he lived his
humble circumstances and may aspire to have a better home, nicely furnished; a
You look up to the money people and aspire to be like them
Aspire to be so thin you look
the highest achievement they could realistically aspire to was to be a
aspire to go to university
though most software hacks aspire to the same spirit of eleg-
����������� Tears came to Nancy�s eyes as the king took out of a small box a medal with a deep red ribbon, pinning it on her hospital gown and kissing her on both cheeks under the wild applauses of everybody in the ward: only the best and bravest of all could aspire to the Victoria Cross, the highest award for courage in the British Empire
will aspire to a higher level of existence than that of stray cats and
could aspire to proceed forward,
The most prestigious literary part I could aspire to was
needs, and if a need falls into deficit, then we instinctively aspire to that
is important here is the composition of things to which people aspire to
aspire to the decency of modern sanitation, whilst the elitist minority
Certainly, to learn everything is impossible, but you should aspire to it
To learn everything is impossible, but you should aspire to it
And much more information for those, who follow the spiritual path and who aspire to be Human!
Do not aspire to be more than that, for in being a servant of God you have achieved the highest thing
should we aspire to live a life of a hundred years?
By performing actions alone one should aspire to live here for a
• One should aspire to live a hundred years performing actions
whom he has apprehended, what greater joy can he aspire to have by
which is an obligation, is fitting and auspicious when it is practised by persons with intent minds who aspire to no reward
It was an endearing feature for such a delicate elfin figure that Emily drank tequila like a champion, but tonight she had driven them there and Byron had made the uninformed decision to aspire to her quantity crown
What will you, we, I do with love? How will love feel? Will we still desire it? Will love be a core organizing principle for creating social well-being? What love will we conceive; what love will we will; what will be the affects and effects of our x-loving towards y- goal? To what extent will we value love? Is it the pinnacle of human experience and social interaction? Is it the ideal we aspire towards in all aspects of existence? Or is it an attribute of a certain style of living; is it sexual companionship; is it humane rearing of the nation’s children – is it only personal; is it a mere accessory to a life that requires much more than love and where love, itself, in other than certain designated areas, is inappropriate and undesired?
{why do not you aspire to revere Al'lah * although he has created you in gradual stages * See you not how Al’lah has created the seven heavens one above another
Do not hesitate to aspire to the highest possible attainments in anything you may undertake, for the mind forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will in the effort to crystallize its highest aspirations into acts, accomplishments, and events
To do the things I still aspire to do –
You aspire to financial ruin
When we stably aspire toward the realization of a certain Goal, we choose rotation Cycles that lead us to the Formo-systems of Worlds where this Goal is accomplished to one extent or another
His mother told him that he should instead aspire to
direction of the habits you aspire to gain
every emotional prompting you may experience in the direction of the habits you aspire to gain
Cultural equality born of the idea of spiritual equality, made people aspire to the highest religious and secular equality there was
The need to adhere to a particular faith and belief is also predicated on human beings’ innate ‘spiritual’ desire and quest to aspire to and achieve that which is true and right driven by the Self’s need for potential immortality
� So long as I continued to aspire to something slightly beyond my limits of belief, I continued on my journey
God’s teachings, examples, and life on earth through Jesus are something good for us to copy, follow, achieve and aspire to
Where Self can aspire to the goals that are personally constructive including intra-personal and interpersonal reconciliation, patience and tolerance
Kingdoms of our God–Populations that aspire to and live by truth and justice and the Seven Spirits
We can aspire to climb the ‘rocky’ mountains and overcome these obstacles and move towards the goodness of love and forgiveness for Self and others as being the spiritual and psychological implements to use to achieve our goals
misuse of the symbol for truth, which is what one should aspire to, as symbolized by the stars, far
But when a man's pulse is healthy and temperate, and when before going to sleep he has awakened his rational powers, and fed them on noble thoughts and enquiries, collecting himself in meditation; after having first indulged his appetites neither too much nor too little, but just enough to lay them to sleep, and prevent them and their enjoyments and pains from interfering with the higher principle--which he leaves in the solitude of pure abstraction, free to contemplate and aspire to the knowledge of the unknown, whether in past, present, or future: when again he has allayed the passionate element, if he has a quarrel against any one--I say, when, after pacifying the two irrational principles, he rouses up the third, which is reason, before he takes his rest, then, as you know, he attains truth most nearly, and is least likely to be the sport of fantastic and lawless visions
'And what have you done to aspire to this wear; and I set fire to the villa San-Felice to procure a wedding-dress for my betrothed
"I would gladly believe her such," returned Duncan, hastily; "I could wish her to be even more; but with you, Alice, I have the permission of your father to aspire to a still nearer and dearer tie
"I think I may aspire to that honor," said Danglars with a smile, which reminded Monte
The entire array, moreover, clad in burnished steel, and with plumage nodding over their bright morions, had a brilliancy of effect which no modern display can aspire to equal
We do not aspire to your intellectual
But to what end? Was he looking for promotion? The archbishop was ill – he had been carried into the church – but surely Philemon could not aspire to that post? It was something of a miracle that the son of Joby from Wigleigh should have risen to be prior of Kingsbridge
For me, the athletes of Special Olympics have been great teachers of how to face such moments—great role models of self-acceptance who I can aspire to emulate
Once he was gone, was I going to keep aspiring to be my father? Or should I actually aspire to be a version of my Aunt Eunice on the issues of brain disease that mattered to me the most?
A portent to aspire to, but one’s own hands—not the hands of Pat in close-up doing Vanna’s thing
It was bitter for Mrs Muspratt; she was not an ambitious woman; something very much less grand than Brideshead would have contented her heartily, but she did aspire to find some shelter for her children over Christmas
If your first instinct was to think that Nigerian scammers are stupid, perhaps you have been convinced, as Cormac Herley was, that this is exactly the kind of stupid we should all aspire to be
But unlike wily Pamela Andrews, I was an Honest Whore and no Hypocrite! I sold my Body freely, but not my Mind! Whereas the Wives of Great Men, or those who aspire to be the Wives of Great Men, sell e’en their Minds and account themselves blest into the Bargain!
Big houses, fast cars, private jets, fine wines, expensive watches, and more are worshiped as signs of success among traders, and are offered up as the ideal of what successful traders should aspire to
"I have paid this rent for the last two hours, and I aspire to get rid of it; but there is a sort of history attached to it, and I don't know where to go
They desired nothing and were at peace; they did not aspire to knowledge of life as we aspire to understand it, because their lives were full
And, in fact, we ought unwearyingly to repeat to ourselves that at such and such a time and in such and such circumstances nature does not ask our leave; that we have got to take her as she is and not fashion her to suit our fancy, and if we really aspire to formulas and tables of rules, and well, even
"Listen to me, Porphyrius Petrovitch! To use your own statement, you have against me nothing but psychological sentiments, and yet you aspire to mathematical evidence
But though, formed as we are, we cannot attain perfection, we ought, in imitation of a divine example, to aspire to it, and endeavor to preserve in purity the great Magna Charta of our country
The spirit of commercial monopoly she has so pertinaciously manifested, proves that her ambition craves more than her means can aspire to