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    Use "assistance" in a sentence

    assistance example sentences


    1. Do not remove foreign objects from the ear without a doctor’s assistance

    2. Do not try and remove a foreign object from the nasal passage without a doctor’s assistance

    3. They are able to attend to school requirements with each other’s help and assistance from elders, as the parents would be usually busy

    4. Despite this, he’s been helping me by going through my lines with me when he calls round – it would have been a lot harder without his assistance and encouragement – he says it’s helping him keep track of what the play is about

    5. He knew he couldn't do it alone but he would like to be of any assistance he could to Jarome

    6. When brethren study the contents of this book, they should find assistance in helping a congregation function

    7. It would be pleasant having company and yes, practical assistance might be useful

    8. Once the meal has reached the stage where we no longer need assistance from the staff, Wiesse turns the conversation to the coming journey

    9. By the time he and Orens have settled Sefir and Adamant in stalls, I am feeling a less shaky and able to cross the stable yard without assistance

    10. A scruffy teenage boy appears almost immediately, offering assistance, his eyes brightening up when he sees the stallion Berndt is riding

    11. They may also refer applicants to local or nearby technical assistance workshops or to organizations that are under contract with the Federal government to provide this kind of assistance

    12. Assistance may also be available from one of the nearly two dozen organizations funded by the Department of Health and Human Services' Compassion Capital Fund

    13. ” With a wave of his hand the little man requested assistance from his aide to lean forward

    14. staff on alert that we may need medical assistance

    15. learn and does not require the assistance of anyone

    16. The girl’s a trained hairdresser and her mum has a job for her if she can only find accommodation in the village – and you know just how difficult that is! There wouldn’t be a problem with the rent as she would be eligible for assistance if her wages are too low

    17. I thank you Alpha for your generosity and assistance in this matter

    18. ‘With assistance – one of my neighbours appeared and offered to carry it

    19. Bunty Danvers was a remarkable woman of great generosity, as you will no doubt have realised, she cared greatly about people and took immense pains to do whatever she could to help those who, as she saw it, needed assistance, but only ever from an altruistic motive

    20. The announcement from George at the Council meeting, after his presumptuous offer of assistance as 'adviser' for dubious civil improvements, and that he would then 'push forward' to become a hotelier, as a model for the rest of them, was the last straw

    21. During the spring and into the summer, George, with Harry's assistance, built a new boat

    22. This she both encouraged and enhanced, so that while each must rely on the other in an activity they could not perform individually, neither required the constant assistance of the other to accomplish those tasks which were just within the capability of one

    23. No doubt hundreds of times before he’d left his post when the comatose patient hadn’t asked for assistance

    24. with some assistance from the regular British authorities, but there

    25. ” He began to sit down, then seeing a tear in his mother's eye, stood again and finished with, “If you didn't know already, it was my Mother and Father's wish that my sisters and myself have the finest education possible, and it has been through their constant and careful efforts over the years, with the assistance and guidance of my Great-uncle, which has made this all possible

    26. and accommodation, as well as assistance with customs and practice

    27. He recognized a fellow passenger from their own train, here and there busily seeking assistance with transport from the station, or being greeted by friends and relatives

    28. medical assistance to ensure that he kept a level head? It

    29. Her son has recently married and has left her without assistance managing the staff and daily requirements of the business

    30. are not providing every assistance they can

    31. but merely to lend assistance

    32. convey the impression that he'd be of no assistance in a

    33. “Do you see this house? It was ravaged by the rising river and the people who live here have need of assistance to get their lives back to what they once called normal

    34. “Yes, we can offer our assistance, and we shall see if it is accepted or not

    35. Harry explained that he and his companion were associated with a new chapter of the Sisters of Mercy, and could they be allowed to offer assistance to herself and family in their current distress?

    36. assistance, but as things stand he’s rather preoccupied with

    37. And for Titania's part, her assistance to White Feathers opened her eyes to the far reaching impact of a village's livery stable

    38. Those who had always made efforts to raise their scions properly, enjoyed the addition of formal assistance made through the school's Mistress and her lieutenants

    39. Harry arrived on that weekend to offer what assistance he could to Chloe's efforts in consolation for their friend

    40. He arrived at Clive House and assisted where he could, yet this event was already under the capable administration of Olivia Allcock, and his assistance was moot

    41. They set a schedule of bi-weekly rehearsals, to be increased as need be; the sets' construction was entrusted to Miss Bunker and her determinations of assistance were also set on a 'as needed' basis

    42. They discussed their mutual fondness for the work itself and of Harold's being able to call upon Lawrence for any assistance he might be able to advance on his friend's behalf

    43. what he could offer this family by way of assistance, and

    44. “We perform in a school house; might we set up a scholarship or something for our sons and daughters who wish to pursue their education, but who might not otherwise be able to without assistance?”

    45. resources of the Bailli or count on the assistance of

    46. None of them had ever dared ask for clarification or assistance, presuming that such admissions would reveal a lack of competence and a summary sacking

    47. “George, Lawrence, White Feathers and I could likely pull it off with assistance from some of Sarah's former students

    48. " Even Kit was willing to make beds then; although, she knew Jim needed his assistance more

    49. Police are asking the public for assistance in locating this man

    50. The masters, upon these occasions, are just as clamorous upon the other side, and never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combination of servants, labourers, and journeymen

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    Synonyms for "assistance"

    aid assist assistance help economic aid economic assistance financial aid financial assistance benefit furtherance avail relief service succour

    "assistance" definitions

    the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose

    a person or thing that is a resource that helps make something easier or possible to do

    gift of money or other material help to support a person or cause