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    atlantic ocean example sentences

    atlantic ocean

    1. Lying between the Andes and Atlantic Ocean, this land of tropical rainforests, beaches, snow-covered mountains and Patagonia (big foot) contains unique wildlife

    2. the Milo made a turn to the southeast after clearing the Elizabeth Islands and headed out into the Atlantic Ocean

    3. Jones in the Atlantic Ocean and covering several hundred miles

    4. By this time, the South had well over five hundred ships in their arsenal, and they were stationed all around the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

    5. north latitude and 30° west longitude in the Atlantic Ocean

    6. headed into the South Atlantic Ocean

    7. At full speed Johan had nearly an hour spare from his position in the Atlantic ocean – though it meant travelling illegally fast

    8. His plan was to take the Shenandoah south, around Cape Horn and then sail up the Atlantic Ocean,

    9. September 16 and entered the South Atlantic Ocean after that

    10. A hundred and fifty-eight kilometres above the Earth’s surface an invisible craft had its sensors fixed on a point in the mid Atlantic Ocean

    11. Somewhere, in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, an unidentified craft descended towards the seabed

    12. ‘I'm guessing it's somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean but you don't want me to know in case the real Gerrid sought its destruction,’ he surmised

    13. Brazil has a very large oil field in the ocean and has just announced the discovery of another large oil field in the Atlantic Ocean

    14. “Have you all gone insane?! I can barely move a bucket full of water let alone the Atlantic ocean!” Ash rolled his eyes, ignoring her statement

    15. This is as far as I can go in this direction; a short distance beyond the city lies the Atlantic Ocean and then of course, America, a country well known for welcoming those anxious to make a fresh start

    16. Iceland was an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, the name they use for the Eastern Sea, which had been settled by Norsemen many centuries ago

    17. Thomas is contiguous to the Atlantic Ocean to the north, while its beaches to the south breathe the air of the Caribbean Sea

    18. Brazil has a very large oil field in the ocean and has just announced the discovery of another large oil field in the Atlantic ocean

    19. Atlantic Ocean the currents of warm water rising and flowing

    20. Ships traveling from the Atlantic Ocean to the Twin Ports can navigate the 2340 miles in one week or less

    21. 1918 Coast Guard cutters participated in convoy patrols, search and rescue (SAR), and anti-submarine warfare in the Atlantic Ocean for the duration of World War I

    22. I soon saw the water of the Atlantic Ocean

    23. It was an enormous projection of land and mountains that carved its way westward into the Atlantic Ocean

    24. From the last vantage point they could see the large white waves crashing on to the Blasket Islands, the most westerly point of Ireland and nothing but the great Atlantic Ocean beyond

    25. Breakfast was served somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

    26. and stood on a stretch of wet sand by the Atlantic ocean

    27. where it joined the Atlantic Ocean

    28. out there, floating on that piece of wood on the Atlantic Ocean

    29. “That was way too easy,” Wendy said once they were airborne over the Atlantic Ocean

    30. 15 Located between Myrtle Beach and Charleston, SC, Pawleys Island has the Atlantic Ocean on the east and on the west a salt marsh that has an almost limitless supply of flounder, oysters, and crabs

    31. That the water over the Atlantic Ocean was warm and when it hit the coast it was going to be destructive

    32. an area that is now the Atlantic ocean

    33. After locking the container, the man lifted the heavy canister, carried it 50 feet to the starboard railing and tossed it thirty feet below into the dark, endless waters of the Atlantic Ocean

    34. vast horizon of the Atlantic Ocean as Alex finished a glass of tomato

    35. fifty feet out, the Atlantic Ocean pounded away

    36. Mind you, had New York, the Jerusalem of our dreams, been on offer, we would have parted the Atlantic Ocean with our supplications and walked across!’

    37. while out on the Atlantic Ocean, the sun was shining with very little cloud, and only a few

    38. In 2009, the group of foreign-born Abisali—one from Iran, three from Pakistan, and two from Iraq--—traveled on a freighter across the Atlantic Ocean to Mexico, where, with fake passports and identification cards, they posed as Mexicans

    39. Such religious intolerance and bigotry would even cross the Atlantic Ocean and end up in North America, resulting among other things into the infamous Salem witch trials

    40. It lit up with a picture of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and the coast of Africa

    41. I started speaking, “Over the next four weeks, seven hurricanes will form in the Atlantic Ocean

    42. years ago by volcanic activity in the Atlantic Ocean

    43. As far as the eye can see, 140 giant wind turbines face west to pick up the wind from the Atlantic Ocean and turn it into electricity

    44. He watched them with a smile as wide as a canyon somewhere across the Atlantic Ocean, he tried to remain focused and waited for them to stop bouncing

    45. over the Atlantic Ocean!”

    46. The Queen Angelfish is found on the coral reefs of the Western Atlantic Ocean

    47. On the east it is connected with the Atlantic Ocean and

    48. At the same moment the large stern fishing trawler TRITON arrived at its destination of latitude N 480 55’ 21’’ and longitude W 70 1’ 53’’ in the Atlantic Ocean off the western European coast

    49. That puts it out in the Atlantic Ocean south of England and west of the European coast

    50. Shamir said, President Malium plans to detonate a nuclear bomb under the Atlantic Ocean

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