Use "atom" in a sentence
atom example sentences
1. My soul was read into this empty brain, there was never an atom in this body that didn't come from food this body ate here on the planet Kassidor
2. Any atom will also chemically combine with any hydrogen they encounter, forming methane, ammonia and water
3. I sat in silence, afraid to disturb a single atom of this still and heavy atmosphere
4. That crystal had to have some form of intelligence inside the atom for it to work
5. The heart of it was an atomic-scale snowflake with the central atom missing
6. There was one for each particle in each atom that he had entangled
7. The only ones who never made it here to heaven are those who froze their brain and put it in that gol darned atom slicer
8. energies within the atom are themselves intel igent to
9. holds this most minute solar system of the atom
10. “Whether the soul is transferred to silicon in an atom slicer or to the dark matter during normal death
11. State changes so rapid that an atom is far too big a structure to support the bandwidth if the wave must move across that atom at the speed of light
12. “Sir,” Darryl said, “We have data that indicates their instruments must lie inside the nucleus of a single atom
13. Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy
14. You might send one atom thru, but each one is a separate case and the probability of all atoms going thru at once is so small
15. atom and between the stars
16. with one action of an atom
17. The power the universe acting within us to see what happens to a single oxygen atom is you breathe it in
18. relevance and an atom could be in any
19. atom of meaning in it,’ but none of them attempted to explain the paper
20. electron from atom, to create aggressive ions
21. to within an atom, they could feel individual
22. At this critical moment a scanning beam recorded every atom of the crew members into a quantum computer (interchanged with the processing in over a trillion parallel dimensions)
23. The field increased in intensity until each and every atom had been forced out of its molecular structure
24. If the oxygen atom were not missing two elections in its outer shell, it would not be able to combine with two atoms of hydrogen, in which case the universe would not contain water, much to the detriment of humanity
25. atom of a bone upon the dish), they hadn't ate it all at last! Yet
26. _I_ don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it
27. The jury all wrote down on their slates, 'She doesn't believe there's an atom of meaning in it,' but none of them attempted to explain the paper
28. Frank looked down at the river, wishing with ever atom of his being that he knew the answer to that particular question
29. Resting on top of the window sash the moth studied the flame, every atom in its small body drawing it towards the light
30. Using every atom of mind control he could muster, Fin sent the command to his leg
31. ‘Is that missile an atom bomb?’
32. The alien insects must have transported the atom bomb without bothering to give it a second look, he thought
33. In their arrogance, the insects had disregarded the atom bomb as nothing worse than a wooden club
34. ‘Release the atom bomb at the point where our forcefield has penetrated the deepest, and set it to go off in five seconds
35. ‘Some degree of power was restored to the Hollywood when the atom bomb detonated
36. ‘Every single atom comprising the Cloud and its contents must be categorised and charted; even that of our bodies; even that of the dust
37. an atomic explosion when that same atom is split, god’s laws are
38. As with the splitting of the atom, so one
39. As well as it is atom and your health
40. 1957 they produced a cartoon, “Our Friend, The Atom , ” which depicted the positive
41. exact atom in a mass of a certain radio-active element that will fire off, and split next,
42. but not exactly when the atom will split
43. splitting of the identified atom, it will painlessly kill a cat in a sealed box
44. It works out that if the operator of the experiment strongly believed that the atom will
45. the atom will not split, or the cat will be alive when it is taken out of the box, then a
46. the atom is a particle called a neutron, that consists of three quarks
47. They are smaller than an atom and they pass through solar systems and us humans as I speak…
48. more than the word conveys? Every atom may be a universe, as
49. tiny atom of consciousness and in it the entire universe is con-
50. As such, the nucleus of the atom would measure no larger