Use "attribution" in a sentence
attribution example sentences
1. Article 27th - Attribution of the teams that form the
2. Attribution theory tries to explain how people formed the cause of the result of the activity, event or judgment
3. causes of behavior, overestimate orientation, this model is called the fundamental attribution
4. Please don’t quote me for attribution because my wife and young son require my humble paycheck
5. In this way, physical attributes are tied to gender not by a natural attribution of
6. Furthermore, 1 want to suggest that the same sense of entitlement is at work in both the accusation and the attribution of this former university president
7. Section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising
8. terms of the CC license "Attribution – NonCommercial – NonDerivative
9. Attribution: You reference explicitly David Webb as the original source of The
10. "Attribution" means acknowledging all the parties who have contributed to and have rights in the Work or Collective Work under this Licence
11. attribution in any Work and Collective Work that You
12. What are you occupying, liberation or entitlements for having played the game by the rules of money – the Market of Freedoms™ game that kills billions? If you are against greed, then are you for a maximum income law? If not, then what, if any, is the threshold of corporate, personal or any collective's greed? If so, then how do you calculate the minimum wage? For this is the question, then, what is too little? Greed is a human attribution
13. "Enjoy what you learn here up on the mountain, kindly giving attribution;
14. New research has shown that a part of the brain is dedicated to the attribution of both feminine and masculine traits and characteristics that contribute to their ‘balance’ in each individual
15. Many of the other biases are wrapped into one powerful package here—overconfidence, attribution, hindsight, confirmation—and these all reinforce the illusion that traders are really better than they are, and suppress the role that randomness plays in the bottom line
16. the mesolimbic dopamine projection, which instead is involved in the attribution of
17. Some performance attribution gymnastics are needed to understand why
18. The words selected as seditious were as follow: "The misunderstanding between the two governments has become extremely alarming: confidence is completely destroyed; mistrust, jealousy, and a wrong attribution of motives, are so apparent as to require the utmost caution in every word and action that are to come from your Executive; I mean if your object is to avoid hostilities
19. The attribution of the temple to Hera rests on the dubious ground of a single votive inscription to Hera found within the cella; op
20. There are separate chapters on: (1) the name and number of hells; (2) the eight large hot hells; (3) the attribution of the hells to distinct crimes; (4) the small hells