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    Use "babyish" in a sentence

    babyish example sentences


    1. “Welcome,” Morta said in a babyish voice

    2. There was one in Jena while we were there who fell desperately in love with a little girl of eighteen, when he was about your age, and he adored her utterly because she was so divinely silly, ignorant, soft and babyish

    3. “Okay,” held Nadine in a very babyish manner and went to Grandma Lucy to listen to what she would be whispering

    4. He was but eleven months and nine days old and, though still a tiny toddler, was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words

    5. From this, Charles and frequently offered to relieve her of this ordeal, but Pitty always set her babyish mouth Melanie could only infer that she took a profound pleasure in this occasional excitement, the only excitement in her sheltered life

    6. It was kind of babyish, kind of b

    7. "Why," said Stubb, eyeing the velvet vest and the watch and seals, "you may as well begin by telling him that he looks a sort of babyish to me, though I don't pretend to be a judge

    8. And yet this intonation and manner of speaking impressed Alyosha as almost incredibly incongruous with the childishly simple and happy expression of her face, the soft, babyish joy in her eyes

    9. It is that meek, silvery gold color that usually has neither kink nor curl, but in her case it curled riotously, broke out at the nape of her neck in absurd babyish ringlets and at her temples

    10. But there was that about the still babyish lines of her mouth which showed me that she longed to be away by herself and have a good cry

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    Synonyms for "babyish"

    babyish childish immature puerile weak

    "babyish" definitions

    characteristic of a baby