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    bagnio example sentences


    1. handsome apartment, with a bed in it; but whether it was a bagnio or not,

    2. To tell the truth he was mean in fortunes and for the most part hankered about the coffeehouses and low taverns with crimps, ostlers, bookies, Paul's men, runners, flatcaps, waistcoateers, ladies of the bagnio and other rogues of the game or with a chanceable catchpole or a tipstaff often at nights till broad day of whom he picked up between his sackpossets much loose gossip

    3. However, this double error was pushed to such a height on both sides, that Emily, who saw nothing in him but a gentleman of distinction by those points of dress to which his disguise did not extend, warmed too by the wine he had plyed her with, and the caresses he had lavished upon her, suffered herself to be persuaded to go to a bagnio with him; and thus, losing sight of Mrs

    4. But, be that as it would, he led her to a coach, went into it with her, and brought her to a very handsome apartment, with a bed in it; but whether it was a bagnio or not, she could not tell, having spoken to nobody but himself

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    Synonyms for "bagnio"

    bagnio bathhouse bawdyhouse bordello brothel cathouse house of ill repute house of prostitution sporting house whorehouse

    "bagnio" definitions

    a building where prostitutes are available

    a building containing public baths