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    balance sheet example sentences

    balance sheet

    1. Nevertheless, for those who could follow it, he had to go thru it, show the quantum balance sheets, the entanglement teleportation pathways and all the details his work was based on

    2. II - to give an opinion about the balance sheets and reports

    3. handle on its cash, profit and loss, and balance sheet, and can accurately

    4. The people there welcomed him and his balance sheet

    5. He had become adept at scanning a balance sheet and immediately flagging any incorrect or weak entries,” Babcock remembers

    6. Stepping up to the plate as ‘banker up,’ he conceded that the bank officer knew salient facts about him from his first loan, but to spare the gentleman the gesture of opening his own client file folder, Park laid an updated balance sheet that could be quickly and easily scanned on the adjacent coffee table

    7. Whether it was a dollar-a-holler radio station in a broadcast group, the huge P&G Corporation, a small college or a major university, Park examined and evaluated its operating statement and balance sheet with equal intensity and thoroughness

    8. Perhaps Roy’s instincts were more reliable when it came to acquisitions and balance sheets

    9. Philip’s mind was somewhere else, far away from the income statements, balance sheets, and piles of other financial reports stacked up on his desk

    10. Henry opened a folder with a neatly typed balance sheet on top

    11. De Jong glanced at his partner, “Some guy called Von Steiner is very prominent in all these companies so he is either the man in charge or he is just a name on the balance sheet for tax purposes

    12. Maybe because I was a CPA for many years or for many years I was playing with balance sheets and income statements, I noticed there was a certain correlation between numbers

    13. I didn’t think much about that in my early business career as I was tabulating balance sheet totals or profit-and-loss totals

    14. balance sheet and sales account is accounted in profit and loss

    15. 'Balance Sheet Item' , 'Profit and Loss Account Item'

    16. They may also want to see balance sheets, profits and loss statements, accounts receivable, debt schedules and projections for the next 12 months

    17. excessive debt on its balance sheet

    18. on the price of the stock, but does not reduce the fundamentals on the balance sheet

    19. balance sheet will show that current sales have not produced adequate accounts receivable

    20. complexity of the modern balance sheet warrants an array of footnotes to accompany it

    21. “fine print”, but as an effort to educate the investor, and fully disclose the complications in the balance sheet

    22. On a corporate level, a balance sheet must “balance” which allows the investor to

    23. structure, we are aware of the literal, concrete aspect of balance sheet items, and then we

    24. Balance sheets need to “balance”, and we use that

    25. combination of balance sheets reduced the potential for share issues as well as increasing

    26. asset turnover and end of year balance sheet cash

    27. Chavigny had once seen a balance sheet lying on the Master‘s desk

    28. For most people, what they do with their income state ment and balance sheet is this:

    29. forma year end Balance Sheet and Income Statement compared to

    30. The third major responsibility was to manage changes to the Area Balance Sheet as

    31. Exchange on the Balance Sheet

    32. on the profit and loss or balance sheet pertaining thereto was ascribed an alpha

    33. on the net asset values on that Balance Sheet, raised serious questions about the

    34. business which boasted a very clean balance sheet

    35. Statement items and Balance Sheet items

    36. Things that had once impressed me, the huge sums of money appearing on balance sheets, the

    37. Estimated Annual Balance Sheet

    38. The estimated annual balance sheet is as illustrated in Table 2

    39. The balance sheet indicates estimated figures for the years 2004 and 2005 to allow for the calculation of the estimated investment payback period

    40. Finally, preparation of a financial plan and a schedule including a balance sheet and a projection of cash flow over the project life cycle have been estimated and assessed

    41. Love rides on the blessing moving by the Angels in the spirit, but the Dragon share values lies in psychological balance sheets

    42. She studied again the confidential balance sheets

    43. "I'd love to know how you got hold of those confidential balance sheets," Kate grinned

    44. Balance Sheet Accounts are used to track the changes in value of things you

    45. Thus, while the balance sheet accounts simply track the value of

    46. The first balance sheet account we will examine is Assets, which, as you remember

    47. The second balance sheet account is Liabilities, which as you recall, refers to what

    48. This net income is then added to the balance sheet as retained

    49. Adjusting entries: Accounting entries posted on the balance sheet date to

    50. The profit and loss statement and the balance sheet are the two major

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