Use "balancing" in a sentence
balancing example sentences
1. Except, of course, for the unbending equation, for the balancing highs and
2. balancing factor in the equation was Smith
3. "Balancing the reactor input with the capacitor seepage
4. Except, of course, for the unbending equation, for the balancing highs and lows in the song of Smith’s stars
5. There had to be the absolute cold that allowed Smith to feel the warmth, and the inevitable balancing factor in the equation was Smith
6. also great for balancing one’s health given the kind of eating Most runs have their watering stations at every 5-km mark
7. This balancing would bring
8. is not always a bad thing, as it allows for the same balancing out that takes place in their
9. ‘No, I know that, you idiot!’ he said dropping a kiss on my head as he makes his way over to the table balancing the very hot toast between his fingers
10. ‘Should be …’ he commented, clearly balancing the phone under his chin so he can write this down
11. Johnson and Roman both held out their arms, balancing with baby steps,
12. Roman stopped in his tracks, balancing the two cartons of milk on the edge of his
13. the solution on the other side of the equal sign? Was he simply balancing the
14. Not at the end of the mat where he was a split second before when I loosed the arrow, but in the middle of the mat balancing the arrow idly in his outstretched finger, with a ribbon dangling from either end of it, and the ladies' hair was at that moment just falling to their shoulders as I watched
15. From there she branched in to the areas she knew the most about, Sales, bookkeeping, employee record keeping, tax records, and balancing the two sides with the middle
16. ” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously
17. misfortune is then capable of balancing the hope of good luck, appears still more evidently in
18. Then they helped the lady to her home with Nimblefax balancing the chair on his horns and his back
19. “No, what I asked was how come you are here at this precise minute chasing my Harvest Festival poster around my window with a big hammer in your hand balancing on the top of an unstable ladder brandishing a political banner in the other hand, throwing tacks about
20. By balancing with them, which involved overcoming terror, we were made to feel so incredibly balanced
21. It is believed, correctly so or not, that the body's weight is evenly distributed around this point and that it is a kind of balancing fulcrum
22. She trotted over to the Professor and the three of them stared at it with the same sort of disbelief and wonder that would be engendered by the sight of the Pope juggling live piranhas whilst balancing on a flaming tightrope
23. You have had a taste of balancing the forces within a planet so that it might heal itself in time; very useful, that
24. balancing the people's welfare with that of her personal obligations and responsibilities is a juggling act she can't always essay with grace!” Tei was beaming
25. Monty had spent his whole career balancing up his brilliant insight with contrived dumbness
26. Most souls who have had very little experience in balancing the polarities of the Earth, often succumb to the lower frequencies of energy i
27. When the population began to explode hundreds of years ago, Cupid recognized he would need help carrying out his task of balancing mortal emotion
28. The twelve ton vehicle lurched along, balancing on two wheels, the driver frantically trying to stay in control, when the front tyre that was still in contact with the road exploded, flipping the whole limousine onto its roof
29. Next I stepped onto the large cast iron scales to be weighed which the nurse did by adding iron weights a few lbs and ounces at a time until the balancing arm reached the required place and then she read off my weight she wrote this down in my notes as well
30. If they continue doing the superb jobs they"ve been doing these past two years in the areas of lowering taxes, balancing budgets, controlling regulations, and creating jobs, Obama may just have a tough time of it getting re-elected in 2012
31. Keeping its rear end on the top rail, Chuckles slid its front paws down the side slats of the cot, balancing precariously until its front paws were on the mattress and it could drop down without frightening the occupant
32. Balancing herself on one arm, she used her other to gently probe at the foal’s leg
33. Putting a paddle down into the sand to brace himself, balancing carefully with his beer, with the doobie clenched between his lips; he eased up and out of the craft
34. Balancing my can on the arm of the chair, I rose to the bait, falling into the trap of arguing with him
35. It had been a precarious balancing act but one he couldn’t back away from
36. Thorne lounged in a high-backed armchair with one ankle hooked over his knee, balancing a thin laptop on his leg
37. Though many tourists present tried to cross the river, Bobby Lincoln of our group was the only one who succeeded, adroitly balancing his body, during the hour that we spent there
38. I had graduated to the use of a cane (plus the leg braces) instead of the walker, but it was very precarious balancing on the stool before I had to jump up on the table
39. I explained about shot-peening all the surfaces of the rods, the balancing of the crankshaft, roller tappets, bigger inlet and exhaust valves
40. Just about then, Dawley came out of the fuselage, and stood there, balancing with a hand on the back of each of our seats
41. Personal cleansing can also be used as part of a holistic complementary therapy approach in harmony with such techniques as crystal healing, meditation and chakra balancing
42. shortening the hours of such labour and balancing the
43. I stare down at it for a second and then lift it, balancing it legs-up on my good shoulder
44. McKenzie returned with the drinks a few minutes later, balancing them somewhat precariously on a tray
45. He taught them composition, which I think mainly consisted of balancing an area of red on one side of the painting with a spot of red on the other side, and S curves
46. We also would agree that there are some subjects that we wish would have been more emphasized in school, such as making change, balancing a checkbook, making
47. load balancing will not occur over the 172
48. In the next part of this IGRP load-balancing tutorial, we'll take a look at how to configure unequal-cost load balancing
49. The mid-morning spring sunlight feels good—a gentle breeze balancing its warmth
50. balancing the hormones needed for conceiving, the unconscious mind is active in all these things