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    Use "barricaded" in a sentence

    barricaded example sentences


    1. where rooms once barricaded

    2. The children barricaded themselves in their bedroom, but their parents made no attempts to break in

    3. The children barricaded themselves in their bedroom, but their

    4. The residents have barricaded the roads

    5. All the shutters were boarded off, all the doors barricaded shut

    6. Thirty Dark Lords barricaded Hell’s Gate by the time the Giants came thundering at them

    7. My chest tore in two and I bridged a feeling that until now had been barricaded by as many shields as I could muster

    8. They haven’t met any actual resistance but they’ve had to cut through four heavily barricaded doors

    9. It commanded the succeeding rows of trenches on the hillside and the strongly fortified and barricaded outskirts of the city, that rose like a wall along the next crest

    10. I remember a wonderful punch-up at a sleazy hotel in Pretoria West where we’d had a running battle with locals who had barricaded themselves inside the building and refused to submit to arrest to the local station policemen despite being asked to do so

    11. The barricaded ones wanted to see the sergeant, which was not a strange request as most civilians respected the sergeant much more than any commissioned officer

    12. After a short while about seventy percent of the barricaded ones surrendered and were charged with drunkenness and disorderly behaviour

    13. We rode along the outer edge of the city, where the streets were barricaded like Paris in Commune, the walls loop-holed, trenches cut across the highways, and so formidable a line of defence formed that an assault on the city would have proved costly

    14. Jinotega’s marketplace had converted to a military motor pool for communist armor, Soviet teachers taught Russian and distorted versions of history in the schools, and everywhere people scurried from door to barricaded door, avoiding patrols of soldiers

    15. He had been found barricaded in his residence and, when they approached, attempted escape on horseback but, as the valley he fled into was surrounded by jungle with the highway its only outlet, it was poorly contrived

    16. It had been fully barricaded and the drawbridge removed

    17. van as they neared a barricaded junction, his focus trained on the

    18. I turned on him so fiercely; I nearly knocked the lamp post that barricaded the pavement where I stood, breathing out in relief that I hadn’t

    19. When Lisa made it safely out of the RV to the barricaded

    20. There was no way to convince Severa when she barricaded behind her philosophical and moral sermons; but out of respect I inhibited my protest loudly against her predicament, on the inside, yes, I complained and complained so vehemently: "so you, Severa, think, I have a dark side, ah?" Nice to think of the shortcomings of others, ah? Is it nice? You surrounded by the darkness of your clothes, your hair, the shadows that dwell in the shade of your eyes, whose blackness you wear with the ghostly air of a widow, you, you come to lecture me?”

    21. Elegant and lean in a well-tailored suit; face as barricaded against the world as I felt mine must be, I couldn’t take my eyes off him and made certain I sat beside him at the table

    22. Joel barricaded the door as best he could, and more than once, he had to hold it shut with

    23. Thomas de Torkvemada10 was sitting on the bed, barricaded in his chambers

    24. The War Room was a large chamber deep in the center of the palace, well protected by heavy walls and barricaded fortress gates spelled with strong rune stones to ward off both battering rams and destruct spells

    25. They never left their barricaded castle except to steal forth into the Halls of Silence that lay between the opposing fortresses, to slay and be slain

    26. I had barricaded the door with the table and chair and since I hadn’t paid for food, no one tried to wake me for meals

    27. �As I say, we've got the place staked out and he's barricaded the door, anyway he ain't going anywhere; sure you don't want any more coffee?� asks Steve with a confident smile

    28. Police in Oakland, California spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman, who had barricaded himself inside his home

    29. Obviously, Terence knew the game was nearly over and had barricaded himself in the suite in hopes of either negotiating a deal or ultimately winning the standoff that would surely ensue

    30. Shaking his head discouragingly, Feltus opened the door now barricaded by two different locks with a shiny brass key specially fit for each and stepped aside cautiously as the door quietly swung open to reveal the dark foyer beyond which a shaded lamp could be seen casting an eerie glow in the far corner of the parlour

    31. Unfortunately, however, the police had barricaded everything within a ten-block radius

    32. Most of the other citizens of Toulouse that had not fled barricaded themselves in their houses once night fell

    33. When they arrived in the small coastal town of Arima one hour later, it was to find that the small local garrison had already been massacred, with only a small group of women armed with naginatas still barricaded in the local rice granary

    34. The first problem came when Sister Jeanne Mance refused to evacuate her hospital, insisting on staying barricaded inside it

    35. “No! There were guards running around, and they had the gate barricaded

    36. When everyone had left the building, Jack barricaded all the doors so on the ground level so that they could not get in

    37. The Soldiers barricaded the front door and had been guarding it

    38. The entrance was barred as Soldiers had barricaded it

    39. When the gypsies came to town, the peasants barricaded themselves in their farmhouses and cottages

    40. “I’m barricaded in my bedroom

    41. We here at Channel Three News have barricaded ourselves into this studio, and I suggest anyone watching this do the same

    42. Residents of the reservation had barricaded I-15

    43. The crowds were probably no bigger than usual but because of all the barricaded area there was a crush

    44. "You need to get this door barricaded and get the archers and casters up top fast

    45. They’d barricaded it with a thick wooden beam that sat on metal brackets, as well as a shelf full of chain and leather armor pieces, two wooden chairs, and a bench

    46. It had no doors and could not be barricaded against the lions

    47. The villagers had all retired and barricaded

    48. road is barricaded at the western entrance

    49. path that had always been absolutely barricaded to

    50. Roger had barricaded himself in his bedroom

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    Synonyms for "barricaded"

    barred barricaded blockaded

    "barricaded" definitions

    preventing entry or exit or a course of action