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    battle of waterloo example sentences

    battle of waterloo

    1. Can you imagine having totally unregulated time travel, where for example time traveling tourists would show up on the sidelines at the battle of Waterloo to enjoy the spectacle?”

    2. When the great battle of Waterloo was raging, and the event of the day seemed to tremble in the balance, it is said that the Duke of Wellington kept calmly turning his eyes to the left, in the confident expectation that in a little time his Prussian allies would appear, and his victory would be sure

    3. Napoleon conquered and ruled much of Europe, establishing establishing an extensive European empire, until his final defeat at the battle of Waterloo in 1815

    4. His military victories included those against the French during the Peninsular War (1808-14) and in particular the defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo (1815)

    5. from the “Battle of Waterloo,” fought in 1815, which was

    6. But during the Battle of Waterloo the French formed up in their usual columns and ranks and marched towards the British

    7. Only the description of the Battle of Waterloo remained

    8. Like the great victory of the English over Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo

    9. But they do not write about what happened after the battle the battle of Waterloo

    10. England did not win the battle of Waterloo

    11. Where did these two World Wars come from? They came from past wars, from dead machine-inhuman ghouls which had been created in the battlefields and slaughter of the battle of Waterloo, they came from the undead who rose up to relive their pointless deaths a 100 years later in ww1, and then came back again to haunt and relive their horror of dying in ww2

    12. More horses' legs have been worn out, more coachmen's lives consumed, more hours of sound afternoon time vainly lavished than served to win us the battle of Waterloo, and pay for it into the bargain

    13. Are you not the soldier Fernand who deserted on the eve of the battle of Waterloo? Are you not the Lieutenant Fernand who served as guide and spy to the French army in Spain? Are you not the Captain Fernand who betrayed, sold, and murdered his benefactor, Ali? And have not all these Fernands, united, made Lieutenant-General, the Count of Morcerf, peer of France?"

    14. Shortly after the Battle of Waterloo, I began to see that a change was coming in among us

    15. Of course, we do not here pretend to furnish a history of the battle of Waterloo; one of the scenes of the foundation of the story which we are relating is connected with this battle, but this history is not our subject; this history, moreover, has been finished, and finished in a masterly manner, from one point of view by Napoleon, and from another point of view by a whole pleiad of historians

    16. In the battle of Waterloo there is something more than a cloud, there is something of the meteor

    17. The battle of Waterloo is an enigma

    18. Jomini divides the battle of Waterloo into four moments; Muffling cuts it up into three changes; Charras alone, though we hold another judgment than his on some points, seized with his haughty glance the characteristic outlines of that catastrophe of human genius in conflict with divine chance

    19. That which must be admired in the battle of Waterloo, is England; the English firmness, the English resolution, the English blood; the superb thing about England there, no offence to her, was herself

    20. " Below, the colonel had added: "At that same battle of Waterloo, a sergeant saved my life

    21. Because Fauna tutors her girls in social/sexual gamesmanship as a route to victory in matrimony, Steinbeck might also be alluding to a statement, allegedly by the Duke of Wellington, that “The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton

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