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    Use "be a sign of" in a sentence

    be a sign of example sentences

    be a sign of

    1. Hopefully they won’t bore you with too many jokes but keep in mind that if they do it could be a sign of their nervousness

    2. normally be a sign of great honour to Judas, but was now turned to the sign of great

    3. The seal-mark will be a sign of some authority if they turn out to be soldiers

    4. Chronic pain can be a sign of inflammation

    5. hours without ‘a birth’ may be a sign of trouble

    6. • "And he (Jesus, PBUH), shall be a Sign of the

    7. set my rainbow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of a

    8. If you have pus or pain during urination you should tell your doctor as this may be a sign of infection

    9. She is worried it might be a sign of something worse, something self-destructive

    10. All advertising is based on the principle, “If you buy this item it will make you happy, and it will be a sign of your success

    11. She no longer cared to put on a pink tulle bow in the afternoons, which may or may not be a sign of grace

    12. and may be a sign of respect to those who mapped the

    13. Would it be a sign of the

    14. To plant and not eat the fruit was a misfortune and might be a sign of God's displeasure

    15. Not to plant vines might be a sign of deliberate avoidance of permanent habitation

    16. Fearing that “the plague might be a sign of divine

    17. He told Noah that the rainbow would be a sign of this

    18. False Christs and prophets will not be a sign of His second coming

    19. False Christs and prophets will not be a sign of His second coming at the end of the world

    20. The New York Times reported as early as 1980 that his “penchant for contradictory statements, forgetting names and general absent-mindedness” were considered by some to be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease

    21. Any one else would have hastened to receive him; but Villefort was a man of ability, and he knew this would be a sign of weakness

    22. Circumcision is said to be a Sign of the Covenant, is it not?”

    23. And yet, as they know nothing of our Bible, it cannot be said to be a Sign of the Covenant

    24. It could be a sign of mental deterioration or an unrelated medical condition we haven’t identified yet

    25. These candles are commonly thought to be a sign of a reversal but they truly indicate indecision

    26. It could be a sign of potential turnaround of the business

    27. One implication of the above analysis is that the YC’s ability to foresee negative near-term excess returns in 1980–1981 may not be a sign of the YC being a good proxy for ex ante BRP

    28. So in hybrids themselves, there are some which never have produced, and probably never would produce, even with the pollen of the pure parents, a single fertile seed: but in some of these cases a first trace of fertility may be detected, by the pollen of one of the pure parent-species causing the flower of the hybrid to wither earlier than it otherwise would have done; and the early withering of the flower is well known to be a sign of incipient fertilisation

    29. For though I fully agree that the prisoner, on entering the court where his fate will be decided, would not naturally look straight before him in that fixed way, and that that may really be a sign of his abnormal mental condition, at the same time I maintain that he would naturally not look to the left at the ladies, but, on the contrary, to the right to find his legal adviser, on whose help all his hopes rest and on whose defense all his future depends

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