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    Use "be at fault" in a sentence

    be at fault example sentences

    be at fault

    1. Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them accurately

    2. Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes men shall be at fault and not recognize them accurately

    3. The latter, who answered directly to Moscow and Stalin, was known to be a man without pity for those who he judged to be at fault or of being negligent about their duties towards the Communist Party

    4. As I stated in chapter eight, we often have to deal with karma that is not ours, so the individual may not even be at fault

    5. At first, the banks were held to be at fault, and a computer failure blamed

    6. clock towards a model of perfection so long as we care to adjust whatever we could note to be at fault

    7. Thus a mode of conceptions over perceptions could be used to indicate out our present timing that could be synchronized over the pulses of others by which we could regulate out our own personal clock towards a model of perfection so long as we care to adjust whatever we could note to be at fault

    8. may sound odd, but I have never considered the "Other man" to be at fault when it comes to infidelity

    9. The cosmos had to be at fault because Newton just can’t

    10. “That would not be possible, my programming cannot be at fault

    11. A NIC with a malfunctioning carrier sense mechanism could also be at fault

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