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    Use "be certain" in a sentence

    be certain example sentences

    be certain

    1. We cannot be certain of our fates and still carry on

    2. The other side of the river valley there is a dark wood … I think I see deer but the shadows are too deep for me to be certain

    3. Be certain that the person that is collaborating with

    4. Be certain that it will want to be repeated through the accomplishment of a

    5. done, be certain that it is stopped once it gets there

    6. It is an overreaction and he is telegraphing anxiety, thinking too quickly to be certain of his next step

    7. I cannot be certain but I feel that what you are telling me is not as important as what you are NOT telling me

    8. Allcock to be certain this was a common occurrence, and not some holiday fever gripping the city

    9. can’t be certain of his innocence

    10. He’d be certain to

    11. Eventually the fight would come to the heart of the city, and when it did, she wanted to be certain she was with the children

    12. It had been a pack of entities not long ago, but now it was just two, or was it one? He couldn't be certain

    13. Penelope found the song itself somewhat familiar, though she could not be certain of a name

    14. ” said Phil, “With what’s left it’s difficult to be certain but I’d say that this is designed to intercept data from the external sensors and then relay it to the processor system after processing it in some way

    15. The tax which each individual is bound to pay, ought to be certain and not arbitrary

    16. No man subject to such a tax, it is evident, can ever be certain, before he is assessed, of what he is to pay

    17. He cannot even be certain after he is assessed

    18. Carl didn’t need to know the skies were clear of clouds to be certain the lightning had been cast by female wielders

    19. Raven could not be certain she would not do the same to him

    20. He couldn't be certain

    21. Though one can’t be certain that wasn’t as much the work of the

    22. (Why do we do the things we do?) In other words, we may be certain that a crime has been committed but uncertain as to the hidden motives that explain why the crime was committed

    23. Then wrinkling his snout, he counted them once more, and just to be certain, yet again

    24. ‖ In what manner, for example, can we be certain of mutual love? Are demonstrable expressions of love sufficient proofs in themselves? Are outward appearances genuine or do such expressions proceed from affected emotions or selfish motive(s)? Does an act of love anticipate a reciprocity of tender feelings or is (that) love for an individual, apart from ―loving‖ that individual, expressed less for its own sake rather than the sake of the beloved? At what juncture does Reason, justified by Faith, provide us with some measure of certainty that we may rely upon without imposing limits or placing conditions on that love?

    25. Whatever was there, it was too far away for him to be certain what he was looking at, but never-the-less he stood transfixed, staring wide eyed at what appeared to him, to be a miniature moon

    26. The overriding issue isn‘t whether or not a student is proficient in ancient languages or higher mathematics, although the latter would be certainly commendable, but whether or not that student has at least mastered the basic requirements of reading, writing and calculating sums

    27. We cannot control his return nor can we be certain it will actually be at this very spot

    28. Be certain that you’re acknowledging and rewarding what you do want in a timely

    29. After several months of close observation, Edgar had enough information to be certain that, yes, he had another one on his hands

    30. He’d heard of her opinion of drug traffickers often enough to be certain of that

    31. It might have been the man who had held them prisoner in the kitchen, but it was hard to be certain

    32. I couldn’t be certain that no one here had

    33. No matter what happened to me the next day, I needed to be certain that the cops learned what I had found out

    34. We’d be searching for something we assume might exist but cannot be certain

    35. He would call to be certain that she was all right; then, regardless whether they had found the Caroline or not, he would return to Limon for them to leave aboard El Tiburón Limon

    36. He realized that they could not be certain that there would be a transport that afternoon, or that when it occurred, that Elizabeth would be the prisoner being transported

    37. He had not prepared a way to be certain it was Elizabeth being transported; he had not anticipated the need to call off the rescue attempt at the last minute; he had not even thought it would have to be called off, and now he wondered whether the Russians in the car had noticed the tracks of the wagons they had passed leading into the woods, and whether they would find that strange

    38. At least the name ‘von Brechtsler’ was not on the papers, which would be certain to engender questions

    39. This time you moved so fast and violently, how could she be certain, in the shock of her panic, that she would be somehow immune?

    40. to your wife’s advice and be certain to consider that her suggestions

    41. You can be certain that

    42. into being, she would never be certain, but she was determined, despite her

    43. That should’ve been the one at her brother’s house, but the static cut in too bad to be certain of anything she said

    44. will be certainly training

    45. Although nobody could be certain that Salisbury had actually hidden information detailing the murders and the club’s involvement, they couldn’t afford to take the chance

    46. He would be certain she had lost her mind – especially after what had happened during their drive to Queens

    47. and knew enough about the Lord to be certain that He would not accept human

    48. I kept an eye and ear on them for the rest of the day, but by evening I still could not be certain, although I was leaning toward the man from Cuauhnahuac, since I had never heard of a large completely blue parrot

    49. to be certain as to what to say in reply

    50. I was sure of that now, the only thing I could be certain of where the guy was concerned

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