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    Use "be haunted" in a sentence

    be haunted example sentences

    be haunted

    1. 'Why did she have to be haunted by that Yingolian ghost?' he thought, and then had the epiphany

    2. It was a prospecting expedition that had failed to find exploitable resources, a biological expedition that had been duped by their only seedchild, in a ship that might still be haunted by more than Angels

    3. In a century it would be haunted by deviants, a century later, scrounges

    4. And while this current struggle would surely be recorded and remembered for all of its sacrifice and merits, he felt like it was almost too soon for Ralof to be haunted thus

    5. “Mom? Do you think this house could be haunted?” It was her turn to look a little annoyed

    6. The bird be haunted, mon!”

    7. These dreams of late be haunted by a fallen angel

    8. It was not a place the Khmer Rouge patrols would trespass as the Angkor grounds and temples were considered taboo, because Khmers held a great fear of ghosts and thought the temple at Ta Prohm to be haunted

    9. He knew that I would suffer all my waking hours, and all my snatches of sleep be haunted by terrible dreams o' been trapping in that fish's belly once more, though this time for eternity

    10. She had experienced such gateways before this, always in places purported to be haunted by ghosts searching for peace in this world rather than the next, but had never felt this intense pressure in those other locations

    11. ven’t found a way to not be haunted by the dead!” He picked up

    12. And Dolly; how can I leave Dolly? I shall be haunted in London by visions of these two up here, the wind raging round the house, the snow piled up to the bedroom windows, sometimes cut off for a whole week from the village, because only in a pause in the blizzard can the little black figures that are peasants come sprawling over the snow with their shovels to dig one out

    13. The wife came to me (the gracious lady was absent), and on her knees implored me to give her a suit for him--she had only been able to afford the _Sterbehemd_, and was frantic at the thought of what the neighbours would say if he had nothing on but that, and said she would be haunted by shame and remorse all the rest of her life

    14. It is said to be haunted by werewolves, sorcerers,

    15. All those years ago, and in that time do you think I haven’t learned how not to be bitter? How not to be afraid? How not to try and understand the world around me? After all these years, and believe it or not, I still haven’t found a way to not be haunted by the dead!” He picked up his double shot of Crown Royal and drank it down, gently tapping it back down onto the bar

    16. Because if we do not, we will be haunted by a sense of failure, by a

    17. Every step you take in the mountains could be haunted by the fear of being discovered by a monster that may not even exist, while on the other hand you walk across a market yard of one of the seven kingdoms in blind trust that you are safe when really you are in the midst of a den of vipers more harmful than any monster

    18. If that staid old house near the Green at Richmond should ever come to be haunted when I am dead, it will be haunted, surely, by my ghost

    19. Is it true what they say? Did you find out anything? I mean, it’s all darn foolishness, isn’t it? There’s no such thing as ghosts, is there? That place can’t be haunted

    20. I watched him swing lightly toward his trailer and I knew I would be haunted by one question

    21. But he began to be haunted by another idea—an idea which he had at first regarded as impossible and unthinkable, though at last it got such a hold on his heart that he could not shake it off

    22. He did, in fact, for a time almost forget Smerdyakov's existence, and yet, a fortnight after his first visit to him, he began to be haunted by the same strange thoughts as before

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