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    Use "bearing in mind" in a sentence

    bearing in mind example sentences

    bearing in mind

    1. Both should be done correctly and according to the book bearing in mind the difference between intelligence gathering and evidence

    2. If we could keep doing that sort of thing we would be all right, bearing in mind that the rail net didn’t always cooperate

    3. Bearing in mind that the SE-5a’s we were flying, and the Nieuport, each had different types of mount

    4. “Once the boys figured out it could be done, and got some practice in night-flying and navigation, and bearing in mind it’s only twenty or thirty miles each way,” I ventured

    5. Going through the ‘Archie’ belt was as safe as anyone could make it; bearing in mind the random nature of shooting up at night, at something you couldn’t see

    6. “Bearing in mind that he still has to be cleared for the next race by the doctors; and head injuries are always frightening

    7. Since he lived from 1874 until 1932, the notions of electric light and heavier-than-air-flight, or even space-flight were not too far out of the range of human imagination, bearing in mind the fair probability that he could have read the Jules Verne novel, ‘From the Earth to the Moon,’ which was published in 1865, or ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,’ by the same author

    8. The Reverend Doctor was reputed to be a very eloquent speaker; and, bearing in mind the old dictum that a minister should take his best clothes to the city and his best sermons to the country, he delivered a very scholarly and impressive discourse

    9. It is a daring request, bearing in mind the battle was between their two countries and Lammas has been the loser, but the fact everything has changed has given Ralph the kind of boldness he has not had for many days

    10. Unless she’d come to try to persuade Frankel to join her, a mission which had proved unsuccessful, bearing in mind she’d left alone

    11. Simon knew, from the openness of her mind, that Annyeke did not believe there would be time to journey to the village, bearing in mind the frailty of both young and old

    12. Bearing in mind his injuries, he is surprised he can stand and indeed he has to blink several times before he can focus on the earth and trees around him

    13. This is not surprising, bearing in mind the kind of courage Simon, whom he knows is a coward, has shown today

    14. ‘Oh him,’ smiled Barrad, ‘He is one mean-faced son of a bitch – he could be a general, but bearing in mind the other two jokers it was highly unlikely

    15. The man was just too weak and inexperienced for the burden of command, bearing in mind that these were not forced levies; all were professional soldiers, paid to fight and possibly die for their country

    16. The following morning I quizzed the men and, bearing in mind my imperfect French, I think I learned that Allah understood they were far from their wives and had need of regular sexual release

    17. advert, it is certainly worth bearing in mind that the URL that you are displaying

    18. Bearing in mind copyright restrictions, you should be careful about the audio

    19. 3 Understanding all of this and knowing that the Master refused to work in defiance of his established laws of nature in so far as his personal conduct was concerned, you know of a certainty that he never walked on the water nor did anything else which was an outrage to his material order of administering the world; always, of course, bearing in mind that there had, as yet, been found no way whereby he could be wholly delivered from the lack of control over the element of time in connection with those matters put under the jurisdiction of the Personalized Adjuster

    20. Bearing in mind that they were dependent upon Musab’s friendship for protection, Siri frowned a look of caution, and then questioned Musab again

    21. He always added that we should do so bearing in mind

    22. Bearing in mind production only started six months ago, we will have made 3 billion dollars in one and a half years, from two and a quarter square kilometers of seabed

    23. bearing in mind that it is going to be a real short trade

    24. Did the Americans actually know of the forthcoming attack on Pearl Harbour? Bearing in mind that Washington had managed to “break” the Japanese diplomatic codes

    25. Bearing in mind the many problems currently involved in electronic commerce, such as security and payment, it is not altogether surprising that the majority of firms are not engaged in on-line transactions at present

    26. Bearing in mind the antiquity of the original

    27. Bearing in mind she was built like an Amazon slop-house, it was not a pretty sight at all

    28. I thought that was a bit harsh, bearing in mind she was bending me over a coffee table at the time, and spanking me with her copy of “Fifteen Shades of Grey,” or whatever it’s called

    29. intimate with him, which was slightly irritating bearing in mind that most of

    30. Not that having any of that permanently in my head was really a problem, bearing in mind how cute the little deviant was

    31. and come after the two of them to finish the job? Bearing in mind that Young

    32. and bearing in mind she still had the dagger in her belt he decided that it

    33. They agreed between them that Jim would need to take great care about how he worked on behalf of the team, since he was not simply in an ideal position from their point of view, but also in a very vulnerable position at the same time, bearing in mind where he worked

    34. “From what you have said, and bearing in mind on whose behalf you will be acting, I am prepared to recommend that to my Board,” replied Monsieur Gilbert

    35. Wherever the deposit had come from, it had been paid in pounds sterling, so that should indicate a UK bank, probably one of the larger ones bearing in mind the sum involved

    36. “Bearing in mind the circumstances

    37. Not that it was hot or anything, although it should have been, bearing in mind it was the end of August

    38. Secondly, I am also arranging for some medical expertise to monitor the professor’s behaviour, bearing in mind the considerable stress he’s working under at the moment

    39. He locked the case again, and only for a moment wondered if he should take it with him, bearing in mind its contents, before he retraced his steps

    40. “Bearing in mind what they’re about to do, you may want to reconsider that course of action,” Skagant said, walking over to his side

    41. They performed as well as they could, bearing in mind they weren’t actually playing and were standing on the edge of a 5-a-side field where it was so cold that the snot in their noses froze

    42. Danny started to remonstrate with the audience – that one really wasn’t fair bearing in mind Graham couldn’t duck – but then realised they simply couldn’t hear him

    43. Graham asked if that wasn’t taken for granted bearing in mind everything that had happened but Danny said the band’s constitution stated they couldn’t split unless the band voted for it

    44. Bearing in mind that many users are inexperienced, it may be

    45. She wouldn't, she announced, come down a stair further till my uncle was in full possession of all the facts, while at the same time carefully bearing in mind the Table of Affinity

    46. Could she do it, bearing in mind that she would have to

    47. Indra realized that he would need them bearing in mind the small handful of Devatas in attendance

    48. Bearing in mind what we have just said, I challenge you to spend ten

    49. Now bearing in mind that within this section on Article Marketing we are just

    50. Bearing in mind these considerations, let us endeavor to present some of the best uses to which a millionaire can devote the surplus of which he should regard himself as only the trustee

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