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    Use "become a member" in a sentence

    become a member example sentences

    become a member

    1. I started going there when I first moved to the area and would’ve become a member of the choir there had the whole Alastair thing not happened … my conscience just would not stomach me becoming a regular church member when I was indulging in breaking the seventh commandment

    2. When word of his quality reached the ears of the Emperor, he was summarily invited to become a member of his guard

    3. become a member of his family

    4. “He"s become a member of a religious sect, the Nazirites

    5. However if the club can survives all this scandal, I might just become a member

    6. She informed me that should I choose not to become a member of their family, I would not be able to go back to the home I was in

    7. 8 Why become a Member of The Church? To Accept Christ’s Salvation in becoming a Christian; to receive forgiveness of sins and the Gift of The Holy Spirit; to receive The Gift of Grace and The Gift of Eternal Life with God; and to live the Abundant Life in The Spirit of God

    8. to understand and become a member of

    9. We have studied your CV very comprehensively and are most impressed by the fact that you attained Senior Officer rank comparatively early, during your period of compulsory Military service, during the Apartheid years… as attested by the glowing Letter of Reference which specifically mentions your flair for organising and leadership, from the then Chief of the Army - I see that he wanted you to join the Permanent Force? - well, his loss is our gain!……we’re inviting you to become a member of the “Inner Circle Group”…

    10. You've just become a member of our family

    11. By mid-August, the ‘agent’ – having become a member of NAMA –

    12.  There has to be a reason for the visitor to become a member of your

    13. 83 Although I had (around age 15) consented to become a member of the protestant Christian church, it was

    14. of you believe that I should go now to London and try to become a Member?”

    15. home, Sebastian told me that he left for London to become a Member of Parliament, and while

    16. At that time, you will be able to become a member of that university, and will be able to communicate yourself with that great teacher who teaches you communication with Al’lah, fasting, zakat (almsgiving) and pilgrimage

    17. members of your party to become a member, and freshmen congressmen

    18. become a member of the club

    19. apply for a job you first have to become a member, which is

    20. Become a Member of the TeleTech Team

    21. Did you actually think you’d fall through and become a member of the Polar Bear Club?”

    22. was considered brilliant just to pretend one does understand and then become a member of the Brainy

    23. One had to be very special if he were not British to become a member

    24. I wish to apply to apply to become a member of your illustrious society but have some questions which I must ask before proceeding

    25. Although the Public Employee Retirement System is compulsory for all employees, there are still criteria that you have to meet to become a member

    26. Here are the criteria that you need to meet to become a member for most states' Public Employee Retirement Systems:

    27. ‘Have a wife? Have work and the necessity of work? Leave Pokrovskoe? Buy land? Become a member of a peasant community? Marry a peasant girl? How am I to set about it?’ he asked himself again, and could not find an answer

    28. "Have a wife? Have work and the necessity of work? Leave Pokrovskoe? Buy land? Become a member of a peasant community? Marry a peasant girl? How am I to set about it?" he asked himself again, and could not find an answer

    29. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds, may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty dollars, a life member; provided, that children and others who have not professed their faith may be constituted life members without the privilege of voting

    30. As the rule of our Association requires that ‘any one who desires to become a member of this Association must forsake idolatry and all bad habits, and prove himself to be a follower of Christ,’ so, when he is a member, he must do accordingly; and when he does that, his friends and relations will turn their backs on him, and will have nothing to do with him

    31. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds, may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty dollars, a life member; provided that children and others who have not professed their faith may by constituted life members without the privilege of voting

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